Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 769 Follow me home! !

In fact, there is indeed a host who has grown legs and is strolling on Xiajing's road.

But not one mainframe, but a total of eight large mainframes—or small servers, which were pulled by vans from outside Xiajing Fifth Ring Road to the city center.

Within a range of 150 meters on the left and right sides of the road, all players wearing [Bafang] headbands and following the beasts have their computing power greatly enhanced, and the beasts immediately have real shapes, temperature and feel , the degree of authenticity went up several steps in an instant.

It's just that this "real" maintenance time is inversely proportional to the traffic situation——

The better the traffic conditions, the faster the van pulling the server leaves, and the faster the beast will lose its "reality".

Conversely, the worse the traffic, the more serious the traffic jam, and the longer the van stays, the longer the mythical beast can remain "real".

——In fact, the behavior of using a car to pull the server does not quite conform to Lin You's aesthetics.

The moment he had this idea, the first idea that came to his mind was:

[My super giant airship is finally useful again! ! ! 】

Speaking of the airship, he originally thought about pulling the airship out and flying it during the New Year's Eve event.

But then I got busy and forgot about it.

This time it can be regarded as being used for business again!

But after he studied it excitedly, he found that the idea only looked beautiful, but in fact it was completely unreliable.

The most critical problem is - the airship is flying too high.

The van pulls the server, and it can only serve 150 meters on both sides of the road—in fact, it is a circle with a radius of 150 meters.

But the low-altitude flight of the airship also has 300 meters, which is meaningless at all.

It worked last time because it didn't involve any sensory data at all, and didn't share the pressure of the portable neural modem. It just simply transmitted the visual signal of the "Battlefield" promotional film, which seemed naturally and extremely simple.

But now it is necessary to transmit sensory signals and share the pressure on the equipment.

In the end, Lin You had no choice but to let the [Dream in the Cloud] continue to eat ashes with great regret, and replaced it with 16 vans to implement this plan—each van loaded with servers was followed by a vehicle-mounted mobile base station.

However, there are also advantages to using a cart to pull it.

After the van finally entered the third ring road, Yunmeng's official live broadcast room lit up without warning.

——On the third day after the information on "Pokemon" was released, Yunmeng officials finally took action.

Players rushed to tell each other and rushed into the live broadcast room, looking forward to the official release of new information.

But immediately they were disappointed to find that there was no host in the live broadcast room, only vans driving on the road.


"Cross stage?"

"What's going on? Where's the host? Come out!"


The audience asked questions.

However, some sharp-eyed spectators noticed that among the passers-by, occasionally one or two people were accompanied by some familiar magical creatures.

Only then did they become convinced: there was nothing wrong with the live broadcast, it was indeed a live broadcast about "Pokemon".

When the camera had to stop in place due to the traffic jam, more and more players approached the van at the prompt of their pets.

——Wherever the server passes by, the spirit beast will not only have a shape, but will also actively look in the direction of the van.

If the location is not dangerous, it will also move towards the location of the van.

Lin You deliberately kept the car away from the main road, and tried to choose a road that could drive slowly.

Under such circumstances, many players noticed the van pulling the server. Those who were not in a hurry and were full of curiosity followed suit, wanting to see where the van was going.

So under Yunmeng's lens, more and more magical creatures appeared in the lens.

A little white tiger, a white deer with four horns, a singing snake with wings, a golden toad with a copper coin in its mouth, Bi Fang with blue feathers and a white beak, and a luxuriant guard...

Most people have seen the portraits of these spirit beasts before, but they were static two-dimensional pictures.

Now, these little guys in the camera are vivid and three-dimensional, and they will also interact with their owners. The visual impact is completely different!

The scene became a meeting of magical creatures, and it was very lively.

Not only the audience was extremely excited, but also the players gathered here: they had never seen so many magical creatures at once!

But they also have the same doubt: where is this car going?

After the car entered the second ring road, their doubts were finally answered——

In the direction of Beihai Park, a huge stream of water suddenly rose through the air, reaching a height of 100 meters, and it lasted for a full eight or nine seconds before losing its thrust and falling from the air.

"What? A fountain?"

"The water company's main pipe blew up?"

"Fire truck?"


Players have guessed.

But soon, they found that those passers-by who did not wear headbands were not affected at all, and they did what they should do, obviously not seeing the huge water column.

So everyone understood: this was created by Yunmeng again, and it is likely to be the final destination of these vans.

"It looks like Beihai Park, where is there anything?"

"Do you even need to think about it? Of course it's a magical creature!"

"Come on!"


With a clear destination, everyone decisively abandoned the slow van and went straight to Beihai Park.

Players who are close to each other no longer chase the van, but quickly gather towards Beihai Park.


Fishing is prohibited in Beihai Park.

But there are always people fishing in Beihai Park.

Today is no exception.

Even in Beihai Park in January, the cold wind blows and the water is frozen, but it still can't stop the fishermen trying to sneak in.

Because of the long wars in history, the Beihai Park here is completely incomparable with what Lin You has seen in his previous life.

Not only is the expansion of the Qing Dynasty missing, but the royal buildings of the previous dynasty were also severely damaged due to wars and lack of maintenance funds.

It was only in recent years that Daxia had more money, and Beihai Park started further development, and the situation improved year by year.

But it is not enough to say how strict the supervision is.

After all, Beihai covers an area of ​​nearly 400,000 square meters. If you want to find a place where there are not many people to play ice fishing, if you are determined and courageous, the difficulty is really not high.

Now is no exception, the two uncles guarding the ice hole were originally chatting while waiting for the fish.

Not only chatting about fishing and parents, but also chatting about the vans parked for a long time on the bank. I couldn’t figure out why they weren’t kicked out by the park—of course, the answer was to apply in advance and give enough money.

As time went by, the two gradually felt that something was wrong:

"Why are there so many people on the shore?"

"Yeah, there were not a few just now, why is there a large group now?"

And this group of people didn't go on the ice, they spread out on the shore, forming a long line of onlookers, pointing at them while chatting excitedly with the people around them.

"Are they... looking at us?" An old man said uncertainly.

"It seems to be, what's the matter?" Another old man replied.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm so terrified by them, I won't be fishing anymore."

"Oh, bad luck, let's go."

The two old men began to pack their fishing gear while talking.

What they didn't know was that in the sight of the players on the shore, under the ice they were standing on, a huge black shadow was swimming silently!

That black shadow is so huge that the players standing on the shore can't even estimate its size!

After a while, the two old men packed up their things and planned to leave the ice, but the shadow under the ice didn't seem to want to let them go——

The black shadow suddenly floated up, and a large ice surface with a width of 200 meters and a length of more than 300 meters shattered at the same time!

"Bang bang!" "Crack!" "Crack!!"

Like glass shattering, or thunder and lightning falling, the dense and violent ice cracking sound suddenly sounded.

The silver bottle broke and the water burst out! A huge amount of water broke through the ice and rushed up!

A moving mountain rises from the water, casting a huge shadow.


Louder and grander than a whale's neighing sound resounds through the heavens and the earth!

The excited crowd turned silent instantly, and the world seemed to stand still for a moment, only the roar of this huge creature echoed on the water.

The next moment, time turned again, and this gigantic behemoth smashed into the water, stirring up a huge water column and huge waves tens of meters high, like detonating a giant bomb underwater, and the loud noise shook people's hearts !

The splashing water droplets shot in all directions, and the onlookers felt that they were hit on the face by the cold water droplets.

So real, so shocking!

The two old men on the ice had long since disappeared.

But everyone was not worried, but one by one excitedly pointed at the ice and shouted:

"It's Kun!! Kunpeng!! Absolutely!"

But some players retorted: "Not necessarily? Isn't the kun thousands of miles long? Surely this is not enough?"

"Because it hasn't grown up yet! It's just a baby now! It's a cute Kunkun!!"

While shouting excitedly, many people couldn't help but took out the bell and shook it vigorously towards the water.

While shaking, he shouted: "Kun Kun, I love you! Come home with me!"

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