Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 833 Another possibility

Yue Pengju only asked through Jian Xingde, and saw Princess Zhu Cixia an hour later.

The princess seemed more anxious than him, and hurried into the laboratory.

Yue Pengju heaved a sigh of relief.

Half an hour later, the princess came out.

How is it? Have you persuaded me? Yue Pengju asked.

The princess nodded thoughtfully, and took Jian Xingde upstairs to Lin You's house. After a while, she and Jian Xingde walked into the laboratory again with a set of clean sheets, blankets and pillows in their arms.

Then Jian Xingde walked out of the laboratory with the changed bedding, threw it to the confused Yue Pengju, and drove away in a hurry.

Yue Pengju stood on the spot holding the sheet and pillow, looked at the direction Jian Xingde left, and then looked at the door of the laboratory, and couldn't help thinking about it——

Lonely men and widows share the same room, and specially changed the sheets and quilts...

This is... an accident is about to happen! !

He was inexplicably flustered, and even felt his forehead start to sweat.

But of course it was impossible for him to go in and cause sabotage—the man and woman were a natural match, and it was his turn to object as a bodyguard?

Not only did Yue Pengju not think about causing damage, but he stood at the only entrance and exit of the laboratory with his back straight, and he was more vigilant about the movement around him.

Although it is impossible to think about it, what if there are paparazzi?

Half an hour later, the paparazzi didn't show up, but Jian Xingde reappeared, holding an unopened set of women's clothing in his hand!

Yue Pengju was shocked!

This undoubtedly further affirmed his thoughts just now, and...

Is this even the clothes are torn? !

This... this... how decent is this!

Seeing Jian Xingde walking over with his clothes in his hands, Yue Pengju was very surprised: You...

What's the matter? Jian Xingde saw that Yue Pengju was still holding the changed sheets in his hands, and was a little puzzled: What are you trying to say? And why didn't you send the sheets to be washed? Why are you standing here stupidly? Do you need someone to teach you? Sigh, I know, it’s really a bit overkill for you to be a master to do these housekeeping tasks. I can understand if you have opinions in your heart, but look...

Stop, stop! Seeing that the princess was not around, Jian Xingde started to become snarky again, Yue Pengju quickly interrupted, Don't you think that the little cabbage that was raised so hard a pig with a high IQ? ?”

??? Jian Xingde didn't understand, What do you mean? My daughter is only 6 years old, is there something wrong with you?

No, no! Yue Pengju waved his hands again and again, and had to point to the laboratory vaguely with his fingers, I mean this...

??? Jian Xingde couldn't understand anymore, he pulled him away casually, opened the door and walked in, Crazy.

Wait! Yue Peng waved to stop him, but Jian Xingde didn't turn his head.

He had no choice but to follow quickly, for fear that Jian Xingde saw something he shouldn't see.

But after entering the laboratory, Yue Pengju was greatly disappointed by the scene he saw... he was relieved.

——Lin You did lie down and fell asleep, but Princess Zhu Cixia didn't lie down under the quilt as well, but sat on the edge of the sofa, holding Lin You's hand, a little lost in thought, not knowing what she was thinking.

Yue Pengju was a little confused, he carefully approached Jian Xingde's ear, and asked softly, Why are you going to buy clothes?

Jian Xingde also replied in a low voice: The princess said that she wanted to be Lin You's experimental assistant and help out with his hands. The clothes she was wearing were inconvenient, so she asked me to buy some neat ones.

After the little princess entered the temperature-controlled laboratory lounge, she took off her coat, revealing the long skirt inside.

Yue Pengju didn't know much about clothes, but he found them expensive and not like everyday clothes.

Were you participating in an event before the princess came?

Yeah. Jian Xingde nodded, A reception event for foreign affairs, I just finished planning to go home, when I heard the news, I ran here directly, and I didn't have time to change my clothes.

The princess noticed them and was a little shy, but she didn't let go of Lin You's hand, but put the index finger of the other hand in front of her mouth, and made a quiet gesture to them.

Jian Xingde nodded silently, put down the clothes in his hand, and left silently with Yue Pengju.

After the two left, the princess fell into a trance again.

But after a while, she suddenly felt someone poking her arm lightly, turned her head curiously, and found that it was Xiaomeng.

She asked with her eyes: 'What's wrong? '

Xiao Meng shook her head, said nothing, she lay on the back of the sofa with her chin on her arms, and stared at Lin You with Zhu Cixia in a daze.



Lin You slept all afternoon.

When he woke up, he saw Zhu Cixia and Xiaomeng in a daze as soon as he opened his eyes.

There is a warm and delicate touch from the palm of the hand. With a light grip, one can vaguely feel the palm lines of the palm, the fine hairs on the back of the hand, and the faint pulsation of the blood vessels under the smooth skin.

There was silence in the laboratory, and it was precisely because of this silence that he felt more clearly these details that would have been subconsciously ignored in the past.

For a moment, he was even a little surprised.

Then I was moved by the amazing level of information enrichment in the real world.

Clasping hands in the virtual world, of course you can feel the temperature of each other's palms, but it is so delicate and subtle that even in the continuous dynamic changes, it can finely present the different tactile differences brought about by the changes in fingerprints and pores...

This is something that the virtual world cannot do.

Even if it is forced to simulate, it cannot cover everything.

And isn't this the reason why he has always been suspicious of the consciousness chip?

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a little hesitation: making Si Si a digital life, has it really saved her life?

Is becoming an electronic ghost really the only option?

Ever since I met Sisi in the hospital and learned that she was terminally ill, this was the first time that this thought came up.

At that time, he had been busy with the research and development of the consciousness chip, and when he learned that Sisi was terminally ill, his first thought was the consciousness chip.

Later, because the development of the chip was not going well, I kept staying up all night, doing high-intensity training, and my spirit was tense, so I had no time for others.

Until the sudden arrival of the princess broke his somewhat obsessed state, he had another good sleep, and finally woke up leisurely in this comfortable and peaceful environment, his tense nerves were finally relaxed, refreshed and clear-headed.

Then, IQ finally retakes the high ground.

On the one hand, he thought that while giving up reality, he also needed to give up several other things.

Not only the richer and more solid details of the material world, but also more importantly—the unknown and the possibility.

After transforming into a digital life, everything that can be obtained is the [known] provided by others, and there is no longer [unknown], and thousands of possibilities about the future will be collapsed into just a few.

This intangible price is actually heavier than the specific perception.

On the other hand, and more importantly: Are there other options?

When Lin You tried to put aside the [Consciousness Chip], which was right in front of him, with an amazing sense of existence, almost shouting choose me, choose me option, to think about other possibilities, there was indeed something, slowly Floating to the surface little by little from the deep lake of memory.

It is a technology that was successfully decrypted earlier than consciousness chips, secondary artificial intelligence, and anti-attack technologies.

The original name of that technology was not called bioelectric muscle stimulation technology, let alone a game cabin.

Its original name was——

【Hibernation warehouse】!

Lin You began to quickly search for memories.

Why did you castrate this technology into a game warehouse in the first place?

Many key drugs are not available in this world, and some organic substances cannot be synthesized by current technology. There is also a very important symbiotic bacteria, which does not seem to be available in this world. Without these, safe dormancy and awakening cannot be achieved.

The technical problems that Xiaomeng explained to him at the beginning quickly reappeared in his brain.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized:

The missing organic matter seems to be organic protein. With the help of the artificial protein editing technology in the consciousness chip technical data, this part of the missing can just be filled.

Since the problem of sleeping and waking up is so troublesome, then don't sleep at all!

It is completely unimaginable to keep the consciousness awake to a certain extent when the body is put into a low-temperature dormancy state, in the era when the virtual world has not yet been born.

Not to mention the difficulty, just the consciousness being imprisoned in the prison of the body can drive people crazy.

But now, as long as the consciousness is introduced into the virtual world, this worry can be easily solved, and the consciousness can always be kept at a low level of activity.

You don't even need a consciousness chip, just a few modifications to the mirage can do it.

Of course, if the consciousness chip can be used to build a more stable physical connection, the effect will be better and it will be more secure.

In this way, it seems that the problem has come back again - still have to study the consciousness chip, and Sisi still has to live like a digital life, but there is an essential difference:

She wasn't really transformed, and her physical body didn't die.

She was just frozen at this age, like a flower bud that was refrigerated with its soil, and under careful care, was sent to an era when medical conditions were enough to cure her.

At that time, she can still grow up slowly and bloom.

Even that day may not be far away—

Leukemia is not the same as ALS. This is not a rare disease. On the contrary, it is actually very common.

Being common means that it is profitable to develop new drugs and new treatment options, so it is not uncommon for medical institutions in the world to specialize in related research.

Even with Qin Songyun, Xiao Chun, and Lin You's strong sponsorship for the research and development of new drugs for ALS, it's hard to say which one will be the first to develop specific drugs or leukemia.

Thinking of this, Lin You suddenly realized: You can invest some more money to study the medicines needed for the hibernation warehouse.

If the hibernation warehouse is created, the value will not be as simple as the game warehouse!

Thinking of this, Lin You suddenly felt that he could see the sun through the clouds, and the haze in his heart for the past few days disappeared in one fell swoop!


Lin You—

Zhu Cixia noticed that Lin You was waking up, but he seemed to be lost in thought just after waking up, and the little princess didn't bother him.

But after thinking about it, Lin You suddenly started to touch her hand!

It's not the kind of gentle hand-holding, but like a string, pinching and playing, sometimes I don't know what I think, and I squeeze a little hard.

This little girl is so shy!

She finally couldn't help interrupting Lin You:

Lin You~ you're awake.

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