Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 844 If you have something to say, don't play music...


The circle of people around the entrance of the cave was the first to be unlucky, screaming and falling into the rushing water with their foothold, being engulfed by the torrent, rushing to the ground!

It disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The ground is still sinking, and the players who didn't fall in the first wave retreated one after another, away from the bigger and bigger hole.

But while retreating, a few people suddenly stopped, thought for a while, suddenly tightened the gourd on their bodies, and jumped down!

After a while, the collapsed hole was submerged by the spreading lake water, and only a torrenting vortex could be seen, continuously pouring the lake water into the underground city.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also taken aback by the sudden attack——

Xia Yi, Shui Hua, and Lin Shun were all buried in the collapsed hole immediately, and the live broadcast camera was instantly filled with mud and water, and the sky was spinning, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.

Even the screams of ah ah quickly turned into Goog, gurg, gurg—

The only thing everyone can be sure of is that the anchor is going through a thrilling fall that could kill him at any moment!

But to everyone's surprise, one of the two shaking shots stabilized quickly——

Lin Shun actually regained his balance in the chaotic turbulence and muddy water!

Not only did he regain his balance, he even adjusted his body's strength along the water flow, grabbing the splash!

Shuihua was circling in the water in a panic, when she suddenly felt her ankle being grabbed, then her belt, and finally her arm. She struggled in a panic while opening her eyes.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Shun's face close at hand.

In the torrent, Lin Shun's face was also deformed by the water, which made Shui Hua feel strange for a moment.

It is precisely because of this moment of strangeness that Shuihua has a wonderful feeling.

For the first time, she realized: This little friend who grew up together seems to be pretty good-looking?

Splash blinked in the water and stopped struggling.

But before she could continue to look at it, the situation changed again—they rushed out of the cave!

There is a huge organ city under your feet!

The lake water gushing out of the cave flew straight down, hitting the bronze buildings and the ground of the organ city heavily, forming a spectacular waterfall.

And they are now head-down, falling straight down from this waterfall!

In Splash's senses, it was as if a whole bronze city had fallen from the sky, smashing towards them with destructive force!

She shrank her neck subconsciously and entered the stage of waiting for death.

But Lin Shun vividly demonstrated the indomitable spirit of a professional player who would never give up until the last second—he grabbed Shuihua’s arm, stepped on the water surface hard to find balance, and tried to use lightness skills [One Reed Crossing the River·Advanced] to fight for a chance of survival .

But this is just a futile effort - there is no point of leverage in the water, and he is still holding a person and refuses to let go, not to mention advanced light work, even the master level may not be able to do it.

Lin Shun didn't give up struggling until the ground was close at hand, but he still pulled the splash into his arms and turned around so that his back was facing down, ready to face the impact.

The streets of Bronze City extend in all directions, and the influx of water quickly rushes in all directions. Even in the courtyard surrounded by walls, the accumulated water is only more than three meters deep, which is not enough to buffer.

The only good news is that the water flow and earth and rocks broke the surface tension of the water, so that they would not suffer a full injury.

The next moment, Lin Shun smashed into the water, causing a violent splash, and then landed on his back, and instantly spit out a mouthful of blood, almost dying on the spot.

But in the end it was not.

There are obviously various buildings protruding from the water in the Trick City, and there are all kinds of metal debris and damaged bronze traps around them... No matter which one they encounter, at least Lin Shun will definitely die.

But by chance, they fell into the small courtyard with the deepest water in this area, avoided all obstacles, and fell on a clean and flat bottom without any protrusions, just like that——


However, Lin Shun was still seriously injured and paralyzed, with severe back pain, lying powerlessly on the bottom of the water, and could only rely on the splash to pull him out of the water.

But the splash didn't move.

The thrill of the fall had her heart pounding, her cheeks burning, and for some reason she didn't want to look up.

She was still a little strange - why didn't Lin Shun let go of her?

But Splash immediately reacted: I am in the water, how hot is it? !

She rubbed her cheeks to regain her courage, and looked up at Lin Shun, intending to threaten him to let go of her with her eyes.

But when I looked up, I realized that Lin Shun was almost gone...

She hastily broke away from Lin Shun's arms, dragged him to the surface of the water, and as soon as they surfaced, they were immediately pushed away by the rushing water and rushed to the distance.

Shui Hua decisively took out the porcelain bottle, and stuffed a pill into Lin Shun's mouth.

After only 5 seconds, the pill pulled Lin Shun back from the dying line.

And Lin Shun's first sentence was: What medicine? The effect is so strong?

?? Shui Hua froze for a moment, Is this the time to care about this?!

She looked up at the more and more spectacular waterfall, and the rushing water was rolling down, washing away the bronze city that had not seen the sun for an unknown amount of time.

At the front of the water flow, dense mechanisms were accidentally triggered, and various clockwork creatures were rushed away by the water flow like garbage.

——Her plan has successfully achieved the desired effect, and the threat of the organ city has been greatly reduced.

The most important thing now is to follow the current, while observing whether there are any [relics] being swept away by the current, while looking for the possible [entrance and exit].

But it's really hard!

After the water flowed into the organ city, it quickly rushed in all directions along the buildings and streets, and Kenben couldn't tell where it was downstream.

Moreover, the small mechanism puppets were indeed washed away by the torrent, but many large puppets climbed to the roof with amazing agility, ran and jumped on the buildings, trying to escape the pursuit of the water.

The two of them will soon be brought forward by the current, it is hard to say whether these mechanism puppets will attack them.

Lin Shun quickly scanned the surroundings, and at a certain moment, he suddenly got underwater, grabbed a piece of the back shell of the wooden mechanism beast, and surfaced again.

Then he stepped on this curved back shell as a surfboard, picked up the water splash and started surfing in the city!

Handsome is really handsome.

But it was of no help to the increasing threat of organ beasts ahead.

Splash took out a flintlock gun from the armament box just in case—although she also knew that this thing had little effect on the huge mechanism beasts ahead.

What's even more exaggerated is: a huge mechanism beast like a toad opened its mouth wide in front of it, as if waiting for them to put it into its mouth.

Shuihua frowned, and immediately raised his flintlock and started aiming, intending to show it some color.

She struggled to keep her balance on the surfboard, holding her flintlock in one arm, trying to fit Toad's wooden eyes into the scope.

It wasn't easy, Shuihua concentrated his mind, and it took a lot of effort to finally seize the opportunity and pull the trigger hard!

But at the moment when the trigger was pulled and the recoil was about to appear, the world in the scope suddenly had an unexpected and huge change——

A bloody mouth suddenly rushed out from the water, and swallowed the big toad in one gulp!


The sound of gunpowder explosion sounded, and the bullet of the flintlock hit the shell of the machine beast, leaving a negligible depression and then shattered into iron filings.

Shui Hua and Lin Shun stared dumbfounded at what appeared in front of them——

This is a gigantic monster that suddenly rushed out of the water, a gigantic mechanical snake thicker and longer than a clockwork train!

Every part of his body is as big as a whole house!

And how many knots does its body have?

No one knows! There are dozens of knots just emerging from the water! Underwater is even more unpredictable!

The organ toad that could only fill the entire street before was crushed in one bite!

After the mechanism giant snake bit the toad, it rushed up to the sky without stopping, almost taller than the tallest bronze tower in the mechanism city!

But its head was lowered, and it roared horribly at Lin Shun and Shui Hua:


A huge roar echoed endlessly throughout the entire bronze city.

What's even more frightening is that the magnificent and magnificent sound of music suddenly resounded through the organ city!

Shuihua was so startled that he lost his words, and his mouth was so wide that he could stuff an apple into it.

It took her a while to find her voice, and asked with difficulty:

This many meanings?

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