In the eyes of thousands of expectations, the hour hand finally came to 8 o'clock.

A faint whistle spread throughout Chang'an, and a daytime meteor appeared!

Not one, but one after another falling down!

"1, 2, 3, 4..." Ayi and some fans huddled on the top of the watchtower near the middle of Suzaku Street, looking at the shooting stars in the sky, trying to count how many there were.

After counting wrong three times, I finally counted: "28! These are... 28 swords? Yunmeng is so generous?"

"Don't worry about it, go chase it!" The fan with red silk tied on his arm was a little anxious.

A Yi looked at the long white smoke trail in the sky and the unhurried falling meteor. After estimating the trajectory, he finally pointed out: "Go! The nearest Anrenfang! Go, go!"

Not just Ayi, everyone took action.

Overlooking the entire Chang'an City, the flow of people quickly formed a long queue, rushing towards the falling points of the "shooting stars".

And those players who were lucky enough to be directly below the meteor stood there safely, waiting for the meteor to fall, while watching the surrounding competitors vigilantly.

It wasn't until the meteor was very close to the surface that everyone finally saw what it was——

It was a boxy sword case!

And amidst the violent friction, these sword boxes seemed to have reached their limit, emitting a dark red light.

Ah Yi and the team members used lightness skills and approached quickly. When they saw the sword box clearly, the sword box was not only glowing, but even sparks began to splash!

"?!" A Yi looked at the sword box that was getting brighter and brighter, and the sparks were getting more and more intense, and suddenly had a bad feeling...

Just as this premonition came out, the [Wan Sheng Pei] that had been wearing on her body suddenly vibrated violently!

A Yi, who had just come out of "Battlefield", subconsciously jumped forward and was about to fall down, and at the same time shouted at the others:

"Lie down!!"

While he was shouting, the sword box in the air finally reached its limit and burst open!


Red-hot metal fragments fell from the sky and shot in all directions, creating a rain of death within a radius of 100 meters!

"Fuck!" Ah Yi watched the terrifying cover-type fragmentation attack sweeping the entire team, the red-hot iron fragments pierced through a player, and the whole person was ill.

——A broken sword box, how could there be so many fragments? ?

It's definitely Lin Youjia's private goods again!

People are in heaven and don't forget to make troubles!

Fortunately, the damage caused by this round of attack was not so exaggerated—only eight unlucky people in Ah Yi's centurion were shot through their heads and hearts, and died suddenly on the spot. It will be back to normal in ten seconds.

But harm is harm, this is too wicked!

Especially the players directly below the sword box, all their energy was on guard against other players, how could they have thought that the sword box would explode suddenly?

They are the worst - after the sword box exploded, the closer to the center area, the denser the metal fragments.

The few houses near the landing point were almost sieved by this wave of fragments, and through the densely packed holes, one could even see the situation inside the house.

A Yi looked at the fallen players in front of the central area, and suddenly turned his anger into joy——

The direct competitors were reduced by more than half in an instant, and the ones who survived were also a little confused. They didn't pay attention to the sword in the sword box, which caused the sword to fall in a private house, and was not snatched away by the player immediately.

"Lin You, you did a good job!"

A Yi laughed and knocked open the door, and rushed into the room.

Then there was a sharp sword light head-on!


A Yi failed to keep all his last words, so he was slashed from the center of his eyebrows to his stomach by a "shua" sword, and the light had already begun to melt when he landed.

"...Fat!" Ah Yi found himself floating up.

Before flying away and resurrecting, he stared closely at the person who ambushed him, wanting to write down his ID and wait for revenge.

But what made him even more confused was: there was no ID at all!

——The one who ambushed him was not a player, but an NPC!

Even the clothes he wears are the most common and most inconspicuous civilian clothes on the street!

The revived A Yi stood at the gate of Fangshi, with his mouth open, speechless for a long while.

"This event... NPCs can also participate???"

"Can you still play like this?"

"Ayi! Come and see! The NPC is crazy!" Fans excitedly sent a private message to Ayi.

"Ah?" A Yi was even more surprised, ignoring the barrage of "hahaha" in the live broadcast room, and rushed to the scene again.

When he jumped onto the roof and approached from a high place, what he saw was a group of people densely surrounded outside the house. Everyone left the crowd in an orderly manner and rushed towards the room.

But all players who rush in will be hacked to death by the NPC holding a sword.

The moves of the NPC don't seem to be subtle, they use swords as knives—although these weapons can indeed be recast into other types of weapons that you are used to through the exclusive blacksmith of the event, but before recasting, there is no doubt that you can use swords as knives It is not very convenient.

The NPC doing this can only show that this NPC is really ordinary and doesn't know much about martial arts.

But with the sword in hand, the NPC's slashing speed is terrifyingly fast, and the strength is also amazing. Ordinary players can't block a few blows at all.

A Yi even saw that the weapons in the hands of a few unlucky guys were too low-grade, and they were hacked by the NPC with a sword!

The durability instantly returns to zero, completely irreparable.

"No explosives?" A Yi hated iron for being weak, "Blow up this house and let's go together!"

He has already seen that the reason for not being able to grab the sword is simply because the NPC is guarding the door, and the players cannot take advantage of the numbers.

Wouldn't it be enough to blow up the house?

Although this is the home of the NPC, I can only say sorry now!

Who told you to steal our things?

There are rare treasures from heaven, and only those who are virtuous live there.

Who is a virtuous person?

Of course he is the one with the highest force value and the fiercest firepower!

As the leader of the Hundreds, Ah Yi did his part.

"It's fried!"

The good brothers immediately took out the explosives from the armament box - the martial arts cheats are easy to use, but the love for explosives is already a kind of inertia. If you don’t prepare some, you always feel uncomfortable.


In the roar of the explosive barrels, the poor Mr. NPC completely lost his house, and the players rushed forward, rushing into the smoke and dust to snatch the magic weapon.


The smoke and dust from the collapsed houses finally dissipated, and a large number of players huddled together in a large group among the ruins of the houses, trying their best to get into the middle.

A Yi looked at the crowd and asked loudly, "Where's the sword?!"

"Where's the sword?!"

he had to ask.

Because he could only see a large group of players squeezed into the crowd, but in the center of the crowd, those players seemed to be puzzled, fighting against the crowd to avoid being squeezed out, while looking around to find sword.

"Has anyone seen the sword?"

"Didn't see it!"

"I didn't see it, who took it?"

"Look hard, the announcement says that you won't be able to put it into the armor box within 20 minutes, and you won't be able to run away!"

"Is it bad or not? A real man has to be tough and fight straight up! What kind of skill is hiding?"


Everyone chattered and talked endlessly.

But the scene was noisy for a long time, but it was of no use, so everyone started to clean up the ruins again, and cleaned up the wreckage of the house. They almost dug three feet into the ground, but they still couldn't find the sword.

Asked no one said no.

The atmosphere at the scene became delicate...

It is impossible for the sword to disappear out of thin air, so it must have been secretly hidden by someone. The problem is——

Who is it?

Where are you hiding?

A Yi was also secretly anxious, seeing that the sky was about to darken, and it might be even more difficult to find the tricks when it was dark.

It’s hard to say where to hide it, if it’s hidden on the body, when it arrives in 20 minutes, put it in the armament box, where will they find it?

"With such a long sword, where can you hide it?"

"How did Yunmeng design the event? It's so imprecise!"

The time flow of "Chang'an" is much faster than in reality. The 24-hour process of sun rise and moon set can be completed within 3 hours. In reality, one day in Chang'an city can be spent in 8 days, so it was still sunny when the event started. It was sunny, but it didn't take long for the sky to gradually darken.

Then an old man suddenly took out a wine gourd without warning, and took two sips of it.

This immediately attracted a lot of attention.

——No fights, no blood loss, why are you drinking?

"I'm sorry, I'm addicted to alcohol." The elder brother explained calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned green.

Then the nostrils, mouth, ear holes, seven orifices are all emitting green light!

In just three seconds, even his head began to emit green light. This light fluttered and condensed into a thin line of light that went straight into the night sky.

But the old man himself didn't seem to realize it, and he still stood there drinking as if nothing had happened.

Until the players around him poked him:

"Brother, you are green."

Thank you [Worriless Shadow Dance] for the 500 point reward.

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