Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 913 Translation What is a professional translation? (two in one)

I can also be said to be an educator.

Lin You and the little princess were sitting on the small sofa, and Xiao Meng was squeezed between them. The three of them watched the news program in front of them together.

This is an online program produced by Xiajing Dazhong Science and Technology News. The main planner is Lin You's hard fan, a blind reporter who regained his light because of [Bafang Head Ring]: Yang Qingfeng.

But Lin You didn't watch this show to listen to Rainbow Fart, but because the show was really well done.

Yang Qingfeng sorted out a series of events after the release of the Pacific Rim promotional film, and summarized the upsurge of Chinese in Daxia and overseas countries.

Of course, in China, it is mainly literacy and remedial lessons.

Overseas, it is the real upsurge of Chinese.

As if overnight, almost all influential game anchors and game video uploaders suddenly became lovers of Chinese and began to study Chinese and Chinese characters hard.

And in order to catch up with the release of Pacific Rim, it was a waste of sleep and food to learn, even during the live broadcast.

——Although Yunmeng did not disclose the exact release time of Pacific Rim and the game warehouse, according to Yunmeng's practice, since the promotional video has been released, it is likely to be finished soon!

Time is tight and we have to work hard.

Although many anchors think that this kind of forced learning is really outrageous, even in the live broadcast, there is no lack of expressing their hearts and expressing their dissatisfaction fiercely.

Especially when learning difficult points, when he was tortured by polyphonic characters and homophones to the point of collapse, he even yelled at Yun Meng and Lin You.

But scolding is scolding, and after scolding, you still have to pick up the materials and continue learning.

Turner's fans watched him quickly haggard in just a week, with dark circles appearing under his eyes.

This is still someone else living in Xiajing, which naturally has an excellent language environment, and the progress has been very fast.

It is conceivable how hard those overseas anchors have worked.

Because of this, the traffic in Chinatowns, which were already very lively, has become even more exaggerated, and it has become a 24-hour business. No matter what time of day you go, there will be a lot of people.

And no matter what skin color people are inside, they all speak Chinese.

Even if the pronunciation is very twisted, and I stumble, I insist on not speaking my mother tongue, and I will die with Chinese.

Basically all Chinatowns have become natural Chinese corners.

Overseas Daxia students, immigrants, and Chinese-Americans also found that they had suddenly become the most popular characters in the school. They were chatted with all the time, and even passed on to them in class. note.

The Chinese characters written on it are crooked!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the craze has swept across most of the earth.

Yang Qingfeng obviously put a lot of effort into this program. The amount of content and the newness of the summary are astonishing, covering more than 20 countries, and the organization is clear, showing the strength of a senior reporter.

Of course, he did not ignore those opposing voices.

Just after Lin You said I am also an educator, the content of the following program turned to those opposing voices——

The fierce quarrels and discussions on the Internet in Europe and the United States still show no sign of stopping, but this has not affected the spread of this wave of Chinese language online and offline at the same time.

Some people even sprayed Yunmeng and Lin You with ulterior motives while studying hard in private.

Even the conscientious media people who worked hard to compile the Yunmeng conspiracy theory had to learn Chinese—they hoped to enter Pacific Rim to experience it and find evidence to prove their point of view.

This upsurge has even affected the wave of protests in the UK that have lasted for several months and have intensified.

Of course, this may be a coincidence, or a step at the right time.

Because of the wave of protests and strikes in the UK, staged victories have been achieved - if the forced resignation of the Prime Minister is considered a victory.

Next, it depends on whether the new female prime minister can meet their demands of increasing salary, improving the working environment and cancelling the postponement of retirement.

The demand for allowing Yunmeng to set up a server center in the UK, which first ignited the fire of protest, has now retreated to a rather secondary position.

Lin You was not surprised by this.

After all, in the face of material treatment and living environment, entertainment can only and should take a backseat.

In short, the wave of protests and strikes eased a bit. Players went to learn Chinese, migrant workers looked back at their work, and the media also stopped reporting strike news and instead laughed at the president of America. The female prime minister also had to clean up the mess. time window.

Everyone has something to do, and the fierce social conflicts are temporarily eased.

——This is by no means an exaggeration of Yunmeng's influence. Now in the UK, the number of users of Yunmeng has approached tens of millions, which is more than one-seventh of the total number of British citizens.

For every seven people, there is one user of Yunmeng.

Even if not all of them are gamers, the potential influence of Yunmeng must not be ignored.

It is precisely this astonishing influence that makes the government reluctant to give Yunmeng the green light and continue to amplify Yunmeng's influence.


The exact opposite is the case in the UK.

With the support of the [Freedom of Life and Democratic Rights Foundation], America, which has always maintained high-intensity protests, not only did not ease due to the appearance of Pacific Rim, but broke out into a bigger storm.

Mr. President made a fool of himself and was chased and ridiculed by the media all over the world. How can he just swallow this bad breath?

It is far from enough to vent his anger just by calling the fire and kicking the intelligence chief out.

A storm of ban quickly swept across the country!

——Of course it’s not banning Mirage, that thing has already been blocked, although the effect is not satisfactory, but the same ban cannot be issued repeatedly, isn’t that publicly saying that the previous ban failed and slapped officials at all levels in the face?

Therefore, this ban is aimed at web proxies.

American users log in to the virtual world, so far they need to use the proxy port to jump, even if there is a supercomputer donated by Lin You to the embassy in Mexico, except for those states on the border, the rest is still too far away .

The distributed computing power after the number of users soars cannot fundamentally change this situation.

So proxies are still necessary.

Now the president's knife is slashing at the Internet agency company.

At first, users of America's Mirage didn't realize what was happening, but they suddenly found themselves unable to log in to the virtual world.

After some inspection, I found that all the lines and ports of the proxy used are all red [connection failed].

Then it's just waiting and trying.

But no matter how I try, it is [Connection Failed].

In desperation, they went to social networks or game forums to ask for advice, and immediately found out: they are not alone, countless people have encountered the same problem as themselves!

How many are there?

no one knows.

But this must be a large-scale blow, because many players found that all their friends in the game circle were recruited without exception.

Netizens even made a list and found that many familiar network agents died suddenly on the same day.

If it was just one or two, it might be an accident, but such a large-scale sudden death, it can never be an accident.

The government must have done it!

Having found the culprit, the rest is clear.


Give me a break! When will the world be able to solve problems by talking?

Take to the streets!



If not, march to arms!

Fuck it!

When users in all states across the country took to the streets, the federal government realized the serious problems caused by the ban——

Because of the customs ban, all the mirages that entered America were smuggled in, which led to the official lack of any relevant data.

How many Mirages are there in China?

How many Yunmeng users are there?

How many citizens will be affected by the promulgation of relevant bans?

More precisely, how many voters will be affected?

Will this affect your approval rating?


All these questions, all of which they know nothing about.

And Yunmeng will not disclose these data.

Yunmeng obviously has no plans to go public, and naturally there is no need to disclose financial reports, and they have banned Yunmeng from entering the mainland, and there is no reason to ask Yunmeng to provide relevant data.

If he just asked Yunmeng Xukong across the Pacific Ocean, Lin You might say there is no one.

The final result is that now the president realizes that he has greatly underestimated the speed of the spread of mirage smuggling in the country after seeing the wars everywhere in the states throughout the territory.

——They never imagined that the number of mirages in America has approached 30 million!

It looks like it will reach one-tenth of the number of citizens of America!

Considering that a Mirage can log in more than one Mirage user, there will only be more users who have actually experienced virtual world games!

Even Lin You was shocked by the wealth of American citizens.

You know, the smuggled equipment is much higher than the official price!

Of course, what shocked him even more was: Your smuggling industry is too fucking developed!

In such a short time, 30 million units!

It's not just concentrated in the coastal and border states, even in the inland states, there are also a lot of mirages of smuggling in the past, and the smuggling channels are ridiculously smooth.

At the beginning, Lin You could still see America moving from the coast to the inland in the virtual world. The equipment was continuously activated, and the light spots were lit up along the roads and rivers one by one, converging into lines of light.

But soon, these rays of light broke away from the restrictions of the main roads and rivers, and quickly spread across the cities, making it impossible to trace the path anymore.

He didn't want to say anything more, he just ordered the factory:

If anyone from America contacts to place an order, as long as the money is in place, we will arrange delivery as soon as possible!


A person who is accustomed to the convenience of the Internet and spends most of his leisure and entertainment time on the Internet, how would he feel if he was suddenly disconnected from the Internet?

This is the mood of all the people who have been disconnected from the virtual world at this moment.

It is true that not all network agents hang up. Even among the disconnected users, the main body is a pacifist. Most of them are cursing online, or looking for other network agents...

But even just 5 percent of the fractious take to the streets can have a staggering impact.

5% of 30 million is 1.5 million!

——The 1.5 million people are still distributed in all states and cities across the country.

How many people are needed to paralyze the main road of a city?

50000? Or 30,000?

The reality is: far less than this number! Two or three thousand people are enough.

If you count firearms—even if they are just hung on the chest and not loaded, the number will shrink again.

What's more difficult is that the composition of this parade is also very complicated.

People of different races, classes, and political opinions take to the streets at the same time for their right to go online, and it is very troublesome to deal with it. The police are all tied up in doing things.

Not to mention that there are many virtual world users in the police...

This wave of wild national parades directly paralyzed the transportation systems of many cities, and the major TV stations urgently dispatched helicopters to realize the live broadcast.

The breath of democracy is flying over the main roads of every big city.


After watching Yang Qingfeng's program, Xiaomeng immediately switched to the scene of America's demonstration.

This is the third day of mass protests.

The three of them make time every day to pay attention.

Even though she had seen this amazing scene many times, the little princess still felt lingering fear.

But what Lin You thought was: Elman did a good job!

Elman is the person in charge of the [Freedom of Life and Democratic Activities Foundation], a manager who only has money in his eyes, but as long as the money is sufficient, he will do things impeccably.

It is the talent that Lin You needs.

So Erman sent a virtual message, and after Lin You connected, he praised him without hesitation the first time he appeared: Awesome, are you planning to complete the whole year's tasks in one month? ?”

——This is a joke. Lin You never asked for KPIs for protests and demonstrations. He only asked for the voice of appeal to always exist.

No, boss, this is not an action we support! Elman quickly denied.

He could only see Lin You and the sofa, but he couldn't see Xiao Meng and Zhu Cixia next to Lin You, and he couldn't even see the environment of the bridge—Lin You would give him and his men a lot of money, but he couldn't. Giving him too much information is also a necessary caution.

Although it is impossible to have Xiaomeng's supervision, what if he is an undercover agent placed by the opposite intelligence agency, or when was he instigated?

So it's best not to take any chances.

Erman shook his head and denied it, but Lin You said without doubt: No, this is the result of your work! I said yes! Don't talk nonsense, all this month's double salary! There is also your personal reward of 500,000 US dollars, come on!

The money Lin You invested in the foundation was in the hundreds of millions, which is not even a drop in the bucket.

Anyway, this money is given by the users of America, so it can be regarded as taken from the people and used for the people.

Elman opened his mouth, but no words came out.

The boss's generosity is supposed to be a good thing, and he was very happy with the bonus that the boss gave out before.

But this time...he really didn't want to take it!

Looking at large-scale demonstrations across the country that are said to be protests but are actually more like riots, he is really flustered with the money!

But when it comes to resigning, he is really reluctant to give up a job with such a generous salary and such a generous boss.

He shook his head and stated his purpose of coming here: Boss, I think we can allocate a special fund to invest in software and hardware companies that help American users connect to the virtual world. Now there are a large number of network agents. , There is a huge gap in the market, which is a good time to invest.”

Hearing this, Lin You subconsciously widened his eyes.

It's not that this trick is so clever, but that the flames of protests and riots are spreading across America, causing unpredictable and huge losses to the country every day.

At such a critical juncture, as an elite of America, Elman's first thought was to seize the time and seize the blank market?

Is this the elite from Wall Street?

It's too...too professional!

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