Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 938: Forgotten Graveyard

Chapter 938 [Forgotten Cemetery]

Giselle's business strategy is simple and clear——

There must be many people who are impatient to slowly improve their long stick fighting ability, so the cheats that can improve the proficiency of stick fighting in a short period of time will definitely be very popular!

Where there is demand, there is a market.

So - just buy it hard!

The only problem is the other competitors.

There are not only players who buy for their own needs, but also merchants who are also aware of the commercial value of these cheats and try to stock up.

——A Yi is the head anchor, and there are not a few players and businessmen inspired by him.

It's not just A Yi, the group of anchors who were the first to keep up with Yunmeng's pace now have an astonishing influence, especially when a new game is just released or a new event is launched, tens of millions of viewers will gather at them every now and then. Studio!

The influence of the head anchor is beyond doubt.

Super Tomato and Xia Yi, who are also the top anchors, are also showing their influence from different angles——

After Xia Yi completed the prologue task, she also successfully discovered a brand new plot line.

Unlike A Yi who took the initiative to defect, and also different from Super Tomato's rejection on the spot, Xia Yi's approach was: she agreed, but she didn't fully agree.

——She agreed to return to the hunter plan, but not as a [Mecha Pilot], but as a [Logistics] personnel.

When Super Tomato got into the monster's corpse and sawed the bones, Xia Yi joined the military's maintenance team, got into the [Horizon Warriors], checked the status of the mecha, and finally confirmed that the mecha was no longer worth repairing, Valuable components were recovered on the spot.

Also dismantling the big thing, Xia Yi's body feeling is much more comfortable than that of Super Tomato.

After finishing this job, her next step is not to go to Hong Kong, but to transport the broken [Horizon Warrior] to the [Forgotten Cemetery] with the maintenance department.

All decommissioned mechas, or severely damaged or even destroyed mechas in battle, will be sent here.

Looking over from the air, Xia Yi saw that one after another was scrapped, and the dismantled mechs with incomplete skeletons stood like huge tombstones on this huge, polluted, garbage-like cemetery. .

But this is not a real garbage dump, all the things that look like garbage are the remains of mechs.

Almost 99% of the ingredients are metals of various materials, and there are even a large number of high-quality alloys, various damaged engines, torque batches, transmissions, sensors... and so on.

After all, creations like mechs are industrial crystallizations jointly created by governments from all over the world, and each one is of infinite value.

It's just that the hunter mechas have been iterating rapidly, and the officials are willing to invest. In addition, the production capacity has exploded during wartime, and the remanufacturing has not been as fast as the direct production. These mechas have not been completely dismantled and reused.

A thick cloud hangs over the cemetery.

Looking at the many mecha wreckage, it is easy to think of negative words such as death, end, doomsday, etc., which makes people subconsciously not want to get close.

But as the helicopter lowered its height, Xia Yi was shocked to see that there were actually residents in this steel cemetery!

That's definitely not official!

——This land has been polluted by the flesh and blood of monsters, and it is no longer suitable for human habitation. Even after 12 years, there is still an unpleasant smell in the air.

But these people below, they just covered their faces with a layer of scarves, walking through this cemetery!

Not far away, you can also see a large area of ​​shacks built by them using the garbage of the cemetery.

These houses can only simply shelter from the wind and rain, but the clothes hanging on the ropes at the door and the water tanks, bicycles, plastic basins and other living utensils piled up prove that they really live here, and they live here for a long time!

Looking at their clothes and the tools on their hands and backs, Xia Yi quickly understood why they gathered here on their own initiative——

They are the scavengers of this cemetery, earning their living by picking up rubbish from this steel cemetery.

The newly damaged [Horizon Warrior], even if a large number of usable parts have been recovered by the maintenance team, is still an important asset for them.

As the wreckage of the mecha fell to the ground, the transport plane let go of the cables, and the scavengers couldn't wait to rush up, climbing up the corpse of the mecha like a colony of ants, looking for all valuable things from it, dismantling, transporting, selling, and then exchanging Food, drinking water and living supplies.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yi and the audience realized that this is indeed a world on the verge of doomsday.

The purpose of the monster invasion is not simply to destroy the city, nor is it to be beaten by players.

They have indeed wreaked havoc, with countless refugees displaced and struggling to survive.

Pacific Rim, it turns out that it's not just about fighting monsters... Xia Yi looked at the scavengers, some of them even fought over some garbage. Go down and get to know them.

She had an intuition that Yunmeng must have hidden a lot of things here.

These people are as small as ants from the sky, only by approaching them and joining them can we truly understand them.

However, unlike Xia Yi's emotion, the reaction of many water friends is:

What a strong sense of sight! Was it the same when we dismantled Lin You's mecha in the Metropolis drag racing competition? Is this mocking us?!

Just mocking you! Don't take me with you.

Don't mess with the rhythm, it's just a coincidence, it feels like it's to enrich the game world view.

Don't talk about it, it doesn't matter at all, someone is riding a unicycle below!! A unicycle! A motorcycle! It actually stopped standing still!!

I seem to see someone whose left arm is a mechanical arm, and his handle has been converted into a knife!?

Is there someone who used these rubbish to spell out an exoskeleton? Is that an exoskeleton?!


The water friends are not in the game world, they only know about it through the live broadcast, so naturally they don't have Xia Yi's feelings.

They are just curious about all kinds of novelty.

Especially those outrageous modifications, in terms of style, they are modifications made by collecting materials from the garbage dump in the cemetery.

This made them very curious about the ecology of this [Forgotten Cemetery], so——

Ayi, go down and have a look!

Anchor! Become the king of garbage!

Water friends are very enthusiastic.

Xia Yi then asked the NPC beside her: Can you land near here, let me go down and have a look?

No. The pilot shook his head immediately, It's dangerous down here, we can't just land casually.

After speaking, the driver began to turn, and was about to leave.

Xia Yi looked at the height - she would definitely die if she jumped down; she also looked at the helmet on the pilot's head - she probably wouldn't be knocked unconscious; then she looked at the waists of the people around - there were no weapons.

Oh. She sighed helplessly, Look who can come and explore, I can't go down anyway.

While speaking, the helicopter had already adjusted its direction, and the whole formation flew away from this [Forgotten Graveyard] together, taking Xia Yi to the [Broken Dome] in Hong Kong.

There she will officially start her career as a logistics mechanic.

This is the most standard movies for casual gamers route.

If you choose this route, players can stand in the [VIP Viewing Area] and watch the entire Pacific Rim movie immersively.

Lin You’s evaluation of this route is:

What 4D movies, 5D movies, compared with us, are all rubbish.

Fan Rui's evaluation was simpler, with only one word: [36D movie]!

After Fan Rui blurted out these words, Wu Yu slapped him hard on the shoulder immediately, and he gasped in pain.

Xia Yi went to watch it, no, it was to experience the movie, and [Forgotten Cemetery] also disappeared from the live camera.

——In the design of the development team, these scenes other than the main quest will be opened to the players after the main quest is over, allowing interested players to explore slowly.

To some extent, Pacific Rim is a [linear process] first, and then [open world] game.

The development team put a lot of game content and gameplay after clearing the main mission.

But the design is like this, it doesn't mean that players will really play like this.

After Xia Yi left, countless players and a large number of mobilization anchors have taken action, trying to be the first to enter this scene and dig out special content.

At the same time, the number of people in Super Tomato's live broadcast room has also begun to climb steadily.

Because of the monster smuggling mission line he chose, he also came to a critical point——

He was preached by a gang of violent men with guns.

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