Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 978: Made by Titans

Chapter 978 [Titan Made]

Hello? Lin You? What's the matter?

Well, it's like this... Lin You organized his words and said, I have received an overseas order for mechs, and the customer is a bit special.

Overseas order? He Peng was also a little surprised, Which country?

America War Department, they seem to be trying to buy one from me and pretend they built it themselves.


Hello? Are you okay? Lin You asked with concern.'s okay, I'm just... a little surprised. Obviously, He Peng was quite surprised.

I'm also very surprised, but I'm not sure whether this is deliberately acting stupid to show me. In fact, various departments have discussed it. The purpose is to disassemble a mecha and understand our design ideas ... Lin You explained to He Peng the reason for his hesitation.

He subconsciously felt that the other party would not do such a stupid thing.

After all, there are too many people who need to handle this kind of big guy from production to assembly, and it is not something that is convenient to hide and transport. It may not be realistic to want to keep it secret.

The Ministry of War should not be so outrageous, and it is more likely to have other purposes.

The enemy is expected to be lenient, Lin You has always been more cautious in this regard.

But He Peng has a different opinion: Maybe, they have two purposes? There must be a purpose to dismantle the mechs and counterfeit technology, but they say they made it by themselves and cheat a few funds. No matter. Anyway, as long as you swindle the funds first, even if you are discovered later, there will still be reasons to argue.

In this regard, Lin You has only one thought:


Can you still do this?

Won't it be investigated? Is no one responsible?

Of course there will be accountability in name, but it will be a long-term project counting years. When the results come out, the money will have been spent long ago, and the scapegoats will find their own scapegoats. He Peng popularized Lin You a little bit. Dirty knowledge.

As for this statement, Lin You had a strange feeling of déjà vu, as if he had seen it somewhere before...

He shook his head, too lazy to think about these things, and asked directly: Then can this order be accepted?

He didn't want to waste his brain cells on this, he just wanted an answer of yes or no.

But He Peng didn't answer this question directly, but said: Let's meet later and talk about it. It's not convenient to talk on the phone. I just have something to ask you. When do you think you're free?

Lin You didn't quite understand.

If you can sell it, you sell it, if you can’t sell it, you don’t sell it. Why is it inconvenient to say it on the phone?

As for looking for me...

What's the matter? Can't you say it on the phone?

Yes, this is even more impossible! He Peng's tone was firm.

That's it, there is a meeting in the morning to arrange new projects, at noon?

He Peng really wanted to complain, Isn't it too frequent for you Yunmeng to develop new projects?

But he restrained the desire to complain, and instead said, Are you going to take a lunch break at noon? Or in the afternoon.

Lin You blinked subconsciously, Okay, then in the afternoon.

That's it, you go ahead. He Peng hung up the phone.

After Lin You put down the phone, instead of looking for Zhong Chang who walked away, he turned his head to look at Xiao Meng who was circling around him.

Xiaomeng, help me find out, has anything happened to me in the past few days?

When has He Peng been so careful?

Even rather than waiting two hours longer, let him take a nap, and only come to talk to him when he is in a better mood, so it can be seen that what we want to talk about is not a trivial matter.

Lin You felt that it was necessary to get some information first.

Xiao Meng stopped her steps obediently, held Lin You's hand to stand still, and the data flow in her eyes was surging rapidly.

Taking Lin You as the center, Yun Meng, Zhu Cixia, Xiao Meng and other people or things related to Lin You as the secondary focus, she recalled a lot of previously skipped information, examined them one by one, looking for clues one by one.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Chang subconsciously stopped.

——Now in Yunmeng headquarters, the two-in-one headbands of [Mirage] and [Bafang] have been popularized, but they are still internal equipment and cannot be taken away from the company.

Because Lin You wears a headband every day, wherever he goes, under his influence, many people also wear it all the time in the company.

It is also because of this that many talents are able to see Xiaomeng in reality.

The same is true for Zhong Chang at this moment.

And Xiaomeng found it very quickly—it wasn't direct information, but a reasonable guess she made based on a little bit of unusual detail.

Master, Sisi's parents were not at home and did not activate the headband yesterday afternoon. They may have been discovered.

Oh, this one.

Lin You was neither happy nor nervous, but just had a sense of relief that you finally found out.

The basic technology of the graphene chip has not been delivered, and he is also a little anxious.

He is still waiting for He Peng and the others to pull out a large team to completely perfect and optimize the graphene chip.

In this way, the mainframe can be easily upgraded on a large scale, and the consciousness chip can be better protected.

It's just a bit strange to send technology for no reason, and it has been delayed until now.

A few days ago, Lin You was still thinking that if he couldn't do it, he would find a chance to meet the little princess' parents, and then he would send it out with the excuse that the troublesome father-in-law is in a good mood after getting rid of it.

But now it seems that there is a better chance.

He rubbed Xiaomeng's pink head, praised Xiaomeng a bit, and then dragged her to Zhong Chang.

It shouldn't be a big problem, but don't worry, I'll discuss the details with professionals in the afternoon, and I'll talk about it then.

Okay. Zhong Chang nodded, There is another thing.

Anything else?

Yes, boss, didn't you say that you want to set up a company to be responsible for mech-related matters, and then build another company to be in charge of robot fighting competitions? It's easy to say anything else, you can afford the name of the company, boss, right?

Come up with a name... Lin You had a headache, It's better to build a family, so I just thought of a name.

One family is fine, what's the name? Zhong Chang was a little curious.

Titan Special Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., referred to as [Titan Manufacturing].

Made by Titan. Zhong Chang subconsciously repeated.

When he heard the name at first, he felt a bit secondary.

But considering that this company was founded by Lin Youzheng, its main business is really to manufacture drivable mechs with a height of more than 20 meters. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mechanical titan.

So I feel just right, very domineering!

Okay! I'm going to run the process now. I won't participate in the early meeting?

Lin You thought about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with Zhong Chang in the morning meeting, so he nodded and let him go.

This morning meeting is mainly to talk about new projects in the future, and the game development team and operation department will be present.

Other departments can come and listen if they are willing to join in the fun, and they can come or not if they don’t have time.

As for the content of the new project, there are three:

New missions after Gravity, Chapter 3 of Chang'an, and the Pacific Rim team.

Lin You also thought of a subtitle for the third chapter of Chang'an, and called it——

[Dark Soul]!

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