Call of the Legion

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: Kill those farmers!

Thor is also brave and has limits. Although O'Neal's trapping ability is very strong, his physical exhaustion speed is very fast. After the outbreak, a period of weakness is ushered in. In just three minutes, his physical strength has fallen, and Fang Huan hurriedly stopped and asked him to return. Then Elmin withdrew Gravity and also began to retreat. Behind them, there were already enemies who bypassed Gravity and killed Elmin.

Gravity is an extremely special skill that cannot be dispelled, nor can ordinary disarming skills take effect, so if you want to disable gravity, you can only force Elmin to interrupt the cast!

When Elmin withdrew, the surviving enemies in the neutral area immediately chased him up, but just before, a sword light fell, and each sword was like a point, and the points were connected together to form a weird magic circle. Envelop everyone in the middle.


Everyone who has just been tortured by gravity instinctively feels that this thing is not a good thing. Sure enough, the sword light that fell on the ground suddenly burst into flames.

"Light splitting trap!"

Li Xianjun waved the sword in his hand, the huge thunder came again, and the array was red again. At the same time, a flame and thunder appeared in the hands of Li Xianjun, and his brain was thrown into the sword array.

"Ray Fu Canglei!"

"Fire Rune · Sky Heart Flame!"

Fortunately, the undead heroes in the battlefield were finally unable to support and began to fall under such an intensive offensive, not to mention the units of the army, the heavy armor units fell into pieces, and only some of the medium armor units barely survived.


At this time, Ermin was also ready for a sandstorm in the rear. The storm surged, the dust storm invaded, and the Doron Army was hit again. But one of them also hit Elmin with an arrow, interrupting El. Min cast.

Ermin was injured, but was not heavy. After finding that he was stared at by the opponent, he decisively used the earth's shelter to drill into the ground and enter a stealth state.

Li Xianjun and O'Neal dropped Elmin and turned and ran. They were all very clear. What Elmin meant when he went underground ...

Doron has been hit hard one after another, and they are all of a wide range of magic skills. Fools also know that the Legion units are scattered. "Scatter! All are scattered!"


As soon as Doron had finished speaking, she felt a change of motion at her feet. Soon, the entire ground suddenly burst out with countless spikes. Doron took the brunt of it, and one leg was hit directly.


[You have become disabled and you have lost the ability to move your left leg. 】


"Oh! Shit!" Doron yelled. The disability would not only limit his movements, but also the annoying blood condition that annoyed him. "Bai sacrifices! Quickly disperse me ... uh ..."

As soon as Doron opened his mouth, he saw that his teammates and legions were also torn by the earth. The cones of the earth were crippled to varying degrees. Although the damage suffered by everyone was not high, the crippled state made Doron's heart fall to the bottom .

At this moment, the ground was shaking again, and Doron instinctively wanted to jump away, but it was too late!


Duolun's left arm was abolished directly. In the next second, Duolun decisively opened his life-saving skills and escaped this dead zone!

The rest of the players reacted similarly to him. After knowing that this was a continuous magic, they fled for the first time, but the units of the arms were not spared, but they were annihilated on countless huge cones ...

"Quick treatment! Quickly add blood!" Doron looked at his blood stripe in panic. The blood stripe was rapidly entering the red blood with an avalanche posture, and black blood was about to see. A life-saving milk finally fell, but it was just hanging. Living half-life is useless without solving the disabling effect.

Duolun now has four layers of disability, and the amount of blood lost per second is close to a thousand. Before long, he will bleed and die!

Fortunately, the high priest of Bah is still alive. He is also one of the few sacrifices in the team that can treat the disability.

[Your disability has been cleared ...]

The high priest of Bah rushed over and frowned, "My skill cooling time is three minutes, and it is a single body. So many people, I can't save it ..."

Those who survived the horrible tear were either players or deputy heroes with special life-saving abilities. There were more than ten units left. Bayi really wanted to save them one by one, unless the opposite side no longer attacked. It's only possible to let your side trim!

But will the other party give themselves a chance?

Obviously not!

As soon as Bayi's voice fell, he felt a cold on his neck, a series of more than 800 injuries popped up on his body, and his blood volume bottomed out instantly. Fortunately, he responded very quickly and set himself a shield of light. A thief appeared suddenly, but he had just fallen and the enemy's attack came again.

"Can't avoid it!" Bayi's heart was cold, the lightsaber pierced under the ribs, and the last trace of blood evaporated, turning into a corpse.

Doron didn't respond until Bayi was killed. He was one of the soldiers who remained invisible until the royal side, but some of them also kept their true vision open, and they were even touched by the unknown.

"Talent-level stealth! God-level arms!" Doron's eyes were red ~ ~ How many good things are there in Yufang's hands! Talented stealth arms are not street goods, nor have they appeared in the Super Club!

"Kill them!"

It's a pity that his words didn't end, and the thieves disappeared!

Dolan clenched the wide sword in his hand, "Spread it for me, rush up and unplug all buildings, kill all farmers! All units!"

Successive losses finally made Doron lose patience, but they were greeted by a team of farmers ...

"Hahaha, there are only farmers left in the other party! Even the soldiers can't get out! Go and kill them!"

Although the attributes of these farmers are a bit problematic, in their intelligence, the units dressed by these weird mages are the peasants of Yufang ...

Legion fight farmers? Even if your army is almost abolished, you can destroy them!

Excited Doron, even forgot to let a detection skill pass ...


Although Kate took the lead in the attack, he was severely suppressed by Yan Sheng's range. His original idea was to let the vampire stealthily assassinate Yan Sheng on the observation platform. However, no matter how the vampire disguised and wound his ass, he couldn't escape Yan Sheng's lock. The guy is like opening the automatic lock, but also opened the perspective!

"Dorren doesn't seem to be going well either ..."

Doron ’s talk about Kate can also be seen, but for the convenience of command, the three battlefields have each established chat groups, which are considered sub-channels of Union Frequency, so as not to be disturbed by news from other channels.

As the chief commander, Kate has the right to look at their information. Doron stared at the battle, knowing that Doron was in a bad situation, but he didn't expect that when he went to see it again, Doron came over. The news of the mission!

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