Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 177: Codename blowing snow,

"The day after tomorrow, we will take part in the gold medal killer assessment! Before tomorrow evening, we must go to Nanlin City, Denglin City! Then I will leave tonight!" Ximenyu had to leave for the day.

After explaining with his family, Qin Bing and Xian'er, Ximenyu got on a plane to Denglin City! .

In the evening of the next day, Ximen Yu came to the contact point designated by the King Killer Organization: 18th Floor, Jing'an Building.

After reaching the eighteenth floor, there was a code door at the gate.

"Please enter your password?", a command voice said.

"Password?" Ximenyu didn't know what password, but Ximenyu immediately thought, maybe, his killer code is the password.

Ximenyu tried to lose, "Blowing Snow 5138!"

"The password is correct! Welcome!"

Subsequently, the iron gate separated from the two sides and opened.

When Ximenyu walked in, the first thing he saw was a place similar to the reception hall. At the moment, there were more than ten people sitting in the reception hall! Among them, Ximenyu also saw two acquaintances, that is, the girl who was looking for her beautiful girl that day, what was Zhou Xiaohan's girl! , There is another brother Zhou Xiaohan, the man who drove that day! .

The man in the reception hall saw a masked man, and he couldn't help turning his eyes to Ximenyu.

A middle-aged man in his forties walked over to Ximenyu and asked, "Hello, I am the receptionist here, please tell me your codename?"

Ximenyu looked at the receptionist. The strength is the potential to lock the seventeenth order. Ximenyu said: "Code blowing snow, 5138! Come and report!"

The receptionist nodded and respectfully said, "Mr. Blowing Snow, please take a seat at the reception hall!"

Simon Xi asked: "Is so many people here taking part in the killer assessment?"

The receptionist shook his head and said: "No, only the gold medal killer will hold the Asian Centralized Assessment. Under the silver medal killer, the assessment system is very simple. This time the Asian Gold Medal Killer assessment comes from more than 30 killer organizations under the Skynet Alliance. It includes more than a dozen countries in Asia! Among them, there are five from China and you are one of them. More than a dozen people here are relatives and friends of the other four appraisers. So, the code-name blowing snow, what about your relatives and friends? ?Why are you alone?"

Ximen Yu glanced at more than a dozen people in the reception hall, old and young, strong and weak! There are a few of them, even the powerful Ximenyu can't feel it, it is estimated that the potential lock is more than three orders! .

"I came alone, there are no relatives or friends!" said Ximenyu.

The receptionist nodded and said, "Mr. Blizzard, everyone here is not wearing a mask. Don't you want to take off the mask?"

Ximen Yu was stunned. If he took off the mask, wouldn't his real identity be known by Zhou Xiaohan and her brother? .

More than a dozen people in the reception hall all looked at Ximenyu. Maybe they wanted to see what kind of person he is under Ximenyu's mask! .

"Why, Mr. Bukiyuki, it is inconvenient to take off the mask. Everyone here is not wearing a mask. Anyway, everyone is a killer organized by the King, and they are all considered to be their own people. It does not matter whether they will reveal their identity! Let me introduce you first. Let’s join the other four people who participated in the gold killer assessment with you this time!"

"Good!" Ximen Yu nodded.

The receptionist pointed to a man in his thirties who was sitting in the leftmost chair: "He is code-named "Flying Man" and comes from the Zhuge family of China. He is one of the gold medal killer appraisers! The three sitting next to him People, his family of friends!"

The code-name Flying Man stood up and nodded to Ximenyu.

Ximenyu also responded and gave Flying Man a polite smile.

The receptionist pointed to another person and introduced: "He is code-named "Tianya" and he is from the Eastern Family. He is one of the gold medal killer appraisers. The person sitting next to him is his family and friends!"

"Hello, blowing snow!", codename Tianya reached out to Ximenyu, and Ximenyu shook hands with him! .

The receptionist pointed to the third person again and said, "He is code-named "Black Bear" and comes from the Mo family! The people sitting next to him are his family and friends!"

"Oh, hello!" Black Bear smiled at Ximen Yu.

The receptionist pointed to the fourth person.

This fourth person, Xi Menyu, has seen it before, no need to introduce it. He is Zhou Xiaohan's brother, the man who drove that day, and he is a very arrogant person! .

The receptionist said: "He is code-named'Ao Lang', from the Ouyang family, and this is the youngest one among the gold medal killer appraisers, the Huaxia group, and also the strongest one, most promising to pass the assessment One, he is only 24 years old this year! The future has great potential!"

Ouyang Ruoming glanced at Ximenyu, he was very proud, maybe he felt that he was so young that he stepped into the field of potential, and he was very proud! . The other three people all smiled, nodded, or shook hands with Ximenyu when they introduced, but this Ouyang Ruoming only looked at Ximenyu proudly. According to the receptionist, he is the strongest and the youngest of the five people who participated in the assessment this time. No wonder he is proud of what he can't do! .

Of course, Ximenyu did not take off his mask, nor was he known the approximate strength. Whether Ximenyu's strength is lower than Ouyang Ruoming, no one knows this! .

When the sister Zhou Xiaohan around Ouyang Ruoming heard the receptionist introduced his brother, he praised him as the youngest one, with great potential and the strongest strength, more powerful than those in his thirties. I am very proud of Shige! No wonder she admires her brother so much! .

Ouyang Ruoming arrogantly didn't say hello to Ximenyu, so Zhou Xiaohan smiled at Ximenyu, and said hello to Ximenyu instead of Shige! .

The other three Tianya who participated in the assessment, Flying Man and Black Bear, saw Ouyang Ruoming's arrogant color, and couldn't help but sigh in the bottom of his heart. Black Bear looked at Ouyang Ruoming and secretly said: "The codename proud wolf is also too proud, how to say Blowing Snow is also the person who participated in the assessment together this time, and Yu Qingli should say hello to Blowing Snow, so that Blowing Snow can't get off the stage! Alas, who called him young and strongest!"

The receptionist smiled, and was somewhat helpless to Ouyang Ruoming's arrogance, so he had to introduce: "Sitting beside him is his sister and his master!"

Ximen Yu politely nodded to Zhou Xiaohan! , Did not look at the proud wolf! .

Black Bear stood up and said, "Brother Xue, everyone knows now. No one is wearing a mask. It's not too interesting for you to wear a mask alone!"

(There are two chapters, which will be issued later in the afternoon, about five or six o'clock in the evening. Please come and have dinner after dinner! These chapters are a bit hard to write!)

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