Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 180: Frightened by his own horror

Mr. Blade said: "Next, there will be a potential property test. This test is to test what your potential properties are, such as water energy properties, fire energy properties, wind energy properties, soil energy properties, etc.! Now, please Enter room 5 separately! In room 5 there are metal plates of various attributes. When you are close, which metal plate feels hot, indicating which type of attribute you are... of course, some Some geniuses, he may have two potential attributes, but such dual-attribute geniuses are very rare!"

"Proud wolf, you come first!"

"Yes, Mr. Blade!" Ouyang Ruoming walked into Room 5 and, similarly, outside the aspect, there was a display.

After a while, the wolf came out of room five, and the outside display showed the potential attribute: the tree of life.

In this test, there is no difference between strength and weakness. Among them, the potential attribute of Flying Man is also wood, the potential attribute of Black Bear is the earth, and the potential attribute of Tianya is wind.

Finally, it was Ximenyu's turn! The potential attribute of Ximenyu is lightning.

However, when Ximenyu entered the small room, he felt that not only the metal plate representing thunder and lightning was heating, but actually there were two other metal plates heating. This shows that Ximenyu has three potential properties, Ximenyu Startled, just kidding, Mr. Blade just said that people with dual attributes are very rare, not to mention three attributes.

Ximenyu took a look, his potential attributes are wind energy attribute, lightning energy attribute, and spiritual energy attribute.

Ximenyu secretly surprises that he actually has three energy attributes, but he has not found two other energy attributes all along! .

The so-called spiritual energy attribute, guessed and guessed, is definitely very powerful! .

However, Xi Menyu didn't say anything, otherwise, the people outside would definitely be scared to death, and the three energy attributes are definitely rare.

Ximenyu just clicked on the metal plate of the wind energy attribute! , The outside screen immediately shows: the potential attribute, the eternal wind.

Ximenyu hides two other more powerful energy attributes! , Especially spiritual energy attributes.

Ximen Yu walked out of the room casually! Ximenyu knew that if he didn’t hide, then Mr. Blade would definitely be valued now. Mr. Ke Jian is nothing but an assessment of the person responsible for leading the way. Ouyang Ruoming’s small talent makes him excited. He has never seen any big world. Ximenyu does not need to give up some of his secrets. He knew that it would be better to go back and tell Master! .

Mr. Blade saw that all of them had been tested and said, "Okay, below, there is one last test. You have all tested your potential attributes just now. Now, you enter the small room 3 one by one to test your energy attributes. The higher the affinity, the closer you are to the energy and the stronger the strength you can exert! The affinity coefficient is one to one hundred! As long as the affinity coefficient exceeds five, it will pass! More than twenty, it will be superior . Proud wolf, or you are the first to enter!"

"Yes, Mr. Blade!"

Ouyang Ruoming walked into the small room No. 3 and held down a piece of wood with a metal attribute! , A piece of data is displayed on the metal plate, the data is beating on the left and right, and finally stopped, the data is fixed at 17! .

For the accuracy of the data, it can only be displayed on the metal plate, and in order not to be affected by the energy attributes of others, only one person can enter the room, which is why it is necessary to enter the small room one by one.

When Ouyang Ruoming came out, Mr. Blade asked: "What is your affinity coefficient?"

Ouyang Ruoming replied: "Eighteen!" He said one more point in order to save face, but only seventeen! .

Mr. Blade nodded: "It's good, it's very close to excellence!"

The second Flying Man entered, and after coming out, Mr. Blade asked: "What is your affinity coefficient?"


Mr. Blade nodded and said nothing.

The black bears and the horizon that went in next are four and five, respectively! .

If you compare them with Ouyang Ruoming, Ouyang Ruoming is indeed powerful.

Ximenyu was the last to enter the third room.

Ximenyu was the first to test the affinity of the wind energy attribute, and saw the data displayed on the metal plate: 99.

Seeing the number of ninety-nine, Ximenyu took a breath, and before they looked at them so low, thinking that he was not strong enough, but he did not expect that his affinity for the style of selling cakes was nearly one point, and he reached one. Hundred! , One hundred is the highest data! , Ximenyu's surprise is not low! .

Ximenyu continued to test his second energy attribute affinity, the lightning attribute, and pressed his hand on the metal plate of the lightning attribute.

Lightning properties display on the metal plate: 98.

Ximenyu couldn't be surprised. You should know that as long as the affinity coefficient reaches five, even if you pass it, it will be excellent if it reaches 20, and it will be rare if it exceeds 50. More than eighty, it is estimated to be terrible, more than ninety, it is simply the embodiment of energy! , Ximenyu not only exceeded ninety, but also approached one hundred! .

Xi Menyu tested his third energy attribute, spiritual energy, with excitement.

I pressed my hand on the mental property metal plate. In the blink of an eye, the metal plate showed a green data, 100.

Ximenyu was frightened directly. God, the affinity of his spiritual energy is too strong! , Is completely the embodiment of spiritual energy! .

"Hey, blowing snow, what have you been doing for so long inside?" Mr. Blade outside couldn't help but cry! .

Ximen Yu reacted quickly and walked out of the third room.

Mr. Blade asked: "Have you tested it? What is the affinity coefficient?"

Ximen Yudao: "Four!"

Mr. Blade nodded and said: "Okay, your situation, I have probably already understood. Among you, the strength of the proud wolf is undoubtedly the most powerful. The strength of Blowing Snow is relatively poor and needs to be strengthened! Below, What I want to say is, about the format of this gold medal test, this time, a new assessment method may be adopted! Everyone will go back to rest tonight, please come here on time at 9 am tomorrow, and I will take you to Middle East, Base 2 of the All-Asian Killer Alliance!"

Everyone took the elevator and went up to the 18th floor, then left.

Zhou Xiaohan saw that Ximenyu had walked out of the 18th floor gate and chased up. Ouyang Ruoming saw that Shimei was going to chase Ximenyu, and she was busy holding her, "Sister, what do you want to do? Why are you chasing him?"

"Master, you let me go, I just want to ask if he is that Ximenyu, or is it related to Ximenyu!"

Ouyang Ruoming said sourly: "Sister, I didn't like him before because he was an ordinary person. Would you like to regret it now?"

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