Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 430: Countdown to life duel

Ximenyu said to Song Zihao: "Go away, if you dare to say a word to Qin Qing again, I will kill you"

Song Zihao shivered, got up hurriedly and walked away, went to sit elsewhere.

Since the conflict between Ximenyu and Zhang Yunjing last year, Zhang Yunjing didn't even come to the final exam and naturally didn't come to class. And Ximenyu did not come, so Song Zihao's status as the class hegemony was restored, and the school began to arrogant again in the past few days.

Ximenyu sat down in the seat next to Qin Qing, and a faint fragrance came from Qin Qing.

Ximen Yu greeted: "Xiao Qing, you come to class here!"

"Hmm!" Qin Qing yelled, and was kind to Ximenyu. If it was Song Zihao, he wouldn't take a look.

Ximenyu asked again: "How do you feel here?"

"Good!" Qin Qing responded calmly.

Ximen Yu pointed at Qin Qing’s Hungarian, and was reaching the edge of the table, probably because it was too big and strong/stiff, a bit heavy. It was habitually placed on the table every time I read a book, reducing a bit of gravity, and even less hard. .

Ximenyu swallowed freely, Qin Qing seemed to feel something, looked at Ximenyu, and stood upright, blushing, and then moved the stool outside, a little further away from Ximenyu.

"Hehe!" Ximenyu really wanted to hold Qin Qing in his arms, and he made a fierce intimacy. I don't know what it would be like to hold Qin Qing and kiss her with me. Unfortunately, this is unrealistic.

Ximen Yudao: "Xiao Qing, speak more"

"Okay, I'm not going to chat, let's read!" Qin Qing apparently didn't want to talk to Ximen Yudong about something useless nonsense.

"Okay!" Ximen Yuben also wanted to ask her what her boyfriend looked like.

Xi Menyu sat with Qin Qing for a whole morning without a few words. Qin Qing would not chat with you in a grandiose way. When she was with her, she would definitely want someone who was as calm as water and quiet and distant, otherwise she would be bored.

Ximenyu received a call from Ai Weiwei. Ivy Wei said that the TV drama "I Keep an Empty City" based on the novel they invested in was officially launched today. The heroine was obtained from the China Film Academy. A school flower in the college, I heard that it is very beautiful, but Ximen Yu has never seen it. The actor is a popular star, the length is very similar to that described in Ximen Yushu.

Ximenyu asked Ai Weiwei: "That, Weiwei, that heroine, shouldn't be elected by unspoken rules!"

Ai Weiwei said: "No, the heroine is the director's granddaughter, who dares to rule her!"

"Oh, that's good, you know, I hate this kind of behavior most!"

"Go, I don't think you've been caught by yourself. I feel uncomfortable. If the person who dives her is you, I don't think you hate this kind of behavior!" Ai Weiwei said Ximenyu's heart. If the person who unspokenly rules her is Ximenyu, then Ximenyu certainly agrees.

Xi Menyu didn't talk too much with Ai Weiwei. Ai Weiwei is now overseeing the filming of the TV series while going to school. Ai Weiwei is the producer of the TV series.

With the excellent and outstanding plot of Ximenyu's novel, it must be popular all over the country.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed.

Tomorrow is the day when Ximenyu and Nishino Okawa agreed to a duel between life and death.

Ximenyu went to Kyoto to discuss the duel of life and death.

The location of the duel of life and death was chosen on a small island in the East China Sea.

Although the duel will only take place tomorrow, today, hundreds of boats have been parked around the island, and the cameras, etc. have already been prepared, and tens of thousands of reporters are ready.

This life-and-death duel will inevitably attract the attention of China and Japan, and the entire live broadcast is affirmed.

The fifth set of the central government has now switched the screen to the place of the duel. Moreover, the five sets of the central government have been temporarily named the'Fighting Channel'. Since the last few days, the content played every day is not sports, but reports on the potential world, so It has been reported for a few days that the entire China is no stranger to the potential field.

Not only that, but in these few days, the China country is preparing to establish a state-owned ‘Energy Academy’, which is also anchored under the Jingmen. When the time comes, students will be recruited from all over the country to start training from a young age, which will help find hidden geniuses.

Institutions like this have already existed in the United States for a long time. The United States has a state-owned'skills academy' of this type. Moreover, there are many strong people in this kind of ability academy in the United States, such as Professor X , Wolverine, Storm Girl and the like.

Huaxia also began to be in line with international standards, and no longer kept these secrets from the public.

Without further ado, Ximen Yu went to the capital and discussed with the leaders of several countries about the duel tomorrow.

Of course, in this duel with the Japanese, no matter who died or lived in the last Ximenyu and Nishino Okawa, from then on, the relationship between China and Japan has been reduced to freezing point. There may be a modern war in the future, and Japan is a vassal of the United States. The United States will definitely help Japan. At that time, there might be a war with the United States. The potential of the United States is also very powerful.

"Ximenyu, everything needs to be careful!" Premier Hua Xiaguo patted Ximenyu on the shoulder. Perhaps, the last time he met with Ximenyu, if Ximenyu died tomorrow.

"Oh, rest assured." Ximenyu is full of confidence in himself. Then, tens of thousands of injustices came out, and under the eighth order, they were killed in seconds, unless there was any adventure in Nishino Okawa, which had very powerful things.

"Audience friends, the picture you are seeing now is Jiaolong Island in the East China Sea. You can see the countdown from the bottom of the screen. It is 16 hours and 17 minutes from the duel between Mr. Ximen Yu and Japan’s Nishino Okawa. I believe sitting The audience friends in front of the TV are like me, full of anticipation and tension. This life and death duel is not only related to the life and death of the two people, but also to the feelings of the people of the two countries..."

In the Zhuge family, Zhuge Xiangyun is watching the TV blankly, and these are just being broadcast on the TV.

Zhuge Xiangyun's heart is very complicated. She should have wanted Ximen Yu to die, which is considered revenge, but deep inside, there was a voice saying that Ximen Yu would not die.

"God bless, let Nishino Okawa kill Ximen Yu!" Zhuge, who was doing the next, cursed.

At this moment, there are many audiences waiting in front of the TV, waiting for the countdown, almost every household, watching the countdown continue to shorten.

Ximenyu is playing with his wife at the Ai family in Kyoto.

"Ah!" In a certain room, Ai Weiwei's anxious/promotional voice came, a more splendid duel than a life and death duel, which was taking place in Ai Weiwei's room.

People all over the country are worried about the life and death of Ximenyu tomorrow, but Ximenyu is still thinking about playing with his wife.

(Thanks for Xiaoduan’s one-time five monthly pass, which is so powerful, and thank you for the reward of 3g red medicine for hundreds of dollars in these days)

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