Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 496: Kill Drusa

"Bah, Ximenyu, Ximenyu, you are still not a human being. You actually have such an idea. You can't improve your strength. You still want to find a need. You should almost be killed by Drusa."

I don’t know why, Ximenyu suddenly woke up again, Ximenyu scolded himself fiercely, his strength was more important than any other kind of needs, he just had that kind of thought, and Ximenyu thought for himself The hot idea is ashamed. If Zongxiang and Tokugawa Chiyuki, or Mr. Athena knows, what other face looks up to be a man, it must be influenced by the brunette and the white girl.

Ximenyu pressed down on the dirty thought.

In other words, Athena and Zong Xiang went to the college to have a meeting early in the morning. Of course, the class teacher of the experimental class also went to the meeting.

At the moment in the experimental class, Kantansky said to Drusa: "Drusa, a good opportunity!"

"What a good opportunity?" Drusa didn't respond for a moment.

"Kill Ximenyu, this morning, the head teacher of every temporary class has gone to a meeting. If you go to the temporary third class now, hum, what would you say would be the result? Athena was not there, nor was the Zongxiang cheap woman. , Hahaha, who else can stop you from killing Ximenyu?"

"Huh" Drusa was surprised, and immediately excited: "Haha, Kontansky, or you thoughtful, why did I not think of it, well, then I will kill him now" Drusa immediately Stood up.

Kantansky said: "I will go with you."

"it is good"

Drusa and Kantansky immediately left the experimental class.

At this time in the experimental class, there are a total of 16 people, each of whom is working hard to realize the potential information, or thinking about the application of skills.

Sima Sheng has been paying attention to Drusa, and just after Drusa and Kantansky's dialogue, Sima Sheng heard it.

Sima Sheng immediately sent a text message to Ximen Yu.

"Be careful, Drusa has come to kill you, and there is a company named Kantansky to accompany him."

Ximen Yu was startled and secretly said: "Okay, come on well, do you?"

Sima Sheng was also afraid that the treasure of Ximenyu could not cope with Drusa, so he left the experimental class and went to the temporary third class.

Ximenyu did not want to fight in the class, so he left the class and went to the exit of the temporary third class area.

When Ximenyu walked to the exit, he saw the distance, and Drusa walked with another black genius.

"Humph" Ximen Yu grunted, hiding on one side, and released Xiaoliu at the same time.

Ximenyu commanded: "Xiaoliu, just wait for the killing ring"

"Good!" Liu Yan nodded excitedly.

Ximenyu stood on top of the gate at the exit.

While walking, Drusa and Kantansky looked up at Ximenyu and stopped.

Drusha shouted: "Ximenyu, very good, you came out, the provincial Laozi took a few more steps."

Ximenyu also laughed: "Hahaha, Drusa, don't talk nonsense. I want to take advantage of the meeting between Teacher Athena and my sister. Come and kill me. Huh, there is no way. You think Laozi kills so well. Really? The previous two times were really dangerous. Unfortunately, Lao Tzu will naturally come up with a way to deal with it. Today, when you come to the door, don’t blame me for being cruel, kill!"

"Kill" Drusa to kill Ximenyu, as fast as lightning.

Kantanski retreated to the side calmly, and not far away, Sima Sheng also hid aside, watching the situation on the spot.

Just when Drusa was about to kill Ximenyu, a white shadow was suddenly blocked in front of Ximenyu, and Baiyingren's palms went up against Drusa.

"Boom" Drusa flew backwards.

Liu Yanran immediately sent a message to Ximen Yu: "Senior Master, this person is much weaker than the person you asked him to test my strength yesterday."

"Uh" Ximenyu was surprised when he heard Liu Yanran's message. Drusa's strength was much weaker than Sima Sheng?

Yesterday, Sima Sheng was almost as powerful as Liu Yanran.

"Okay, desperate to kill this man, and then, devour his soul and merge with you"

"Okay" Liu Yanran was even more excited, and immediately shot at Drusa.

"Ah, something." Drusa was shocked. The palms just shook him away.

"Dead" Bai Yingren smoked all over his body and instantly turned into black, black to the limit, the underworld can no longer be black, can't see anything.

"Woo wailing" The sound of ghosts crying and howling in the air.

As if the spring breeze had blown through, the next moment, Drusa's body was already bloody.

"Withdraw" Drusa jumped forward, like a toad, jumping a hundred meters high.

Baiyingren chased away with a cry.

But, unexpectedly, when Bai Yingren chased into the air, he suddenly became weak and returned to Ximenyu.

Ximenyu asked quickly: "What's going on? Why didn't he catch up and kill him?"

Liu Yanran said: "No, Master, I don't know why. After I left you a certain distance, my whole body energy disappeared."

"Ah, there is such a thing" Ximen Yu said helplessly.

Kantansky was dumbfounded when he saw that Drusa had run away. He was standing at the moment, squinting at the white shadow man of Ximenyu, as if to see through Ximenyu's beautiful white smoke and human form. What a treasure.

Xi Menyu suddenly looked at Kantansky and hummed: "Since Drusa escaped, hum, then you can pay for his life."

White smoke turned into streamer and shot at Kantansky.

"Hum, Simon, you're bold, you dare to kill me" Kantansky leaped away, using his magical power, a mirror appeared in his hand, and the light of the mirror reflected, and white smoke made a whimper and retreated Came back.

"What?" Ximen Yu was startled.

Kantansky said angrily: "Ximenyu, you have the heart to kill me, then I can't keep you."

Xi Menyu regretted that he knew that Bai Yan could not kill him, so don't offend a strong man.

At this moment, Sima Shengxi shot out from a distance: "Hahaha, Kontansky, you deserve it, you have the heart to kill Ximenyu, why does Ximenyu not kill you?"

Kantansky said: "Sima Sheng, what do you want to do?"

Sima Sheng hummed: "What do you want to do, what do I want to do?"

Kantansky swung his sleeves and hummed away.

After Kantansky left, Sima Shengdao said: "Ximenyu, how did you just not control the White Shadow Man to kill Drusa."

Xi Menyu couldn't tell.

Sima Sheng hurriedly said: "Fortunately, you did not kill Drusa, otherwise things will be even worse."

"Why? That Drusa wanted to kill me, shouldn't I kill him?"

Sima Shengdao: "Of course he should be damn, but there must be some strong men in Drusa's family. For example, if I die, the strong men in my family will not be good at rest. It is the same if you kill Drusa, It will only cause you a lot of trouble."

"I'm never afraid of trouble. I'm going to an experiment class in person now and kill the runaway Drusa!"

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