Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 499: New experience mode

Ximenyu used the thumb tomb to collect the soul of the brunette.

At the moment, Athena and Zong Xiang are coming out of the meeting hall. The question for this meeting is how to tap the potential of the geniuses in the temporary and experimental classes more effectively.

One teacher pointed out that it was because the students were too comfortable to exert their potential.

In order to stimulate one's potential, one must allow the student to endure humiliation, oppression, hunger, life and death, torture, and so on. This is why some people are subjected to extremes in life and death. When it hits, it will quickly break through the potential.

But how to achieve this condition?

The meeting discussed such issues.

In the end, a genius lewd teacher came up with an idea.

The genius lascivious teacher said: "We should put the temporary class and the experimental class into a certain area, and then establish a cruel cycle, for example, to establish a training mode similar to the kingdom, whoever is the strongest, who will be the king, form a The highly-ranked class, whose class is high, who can control other people to do anything!"

Everyone was talking.

In the end, the admissions assessment director decided to take the temporary class for this year's experiment.

"Speechless, it is too costly!"

"That is, no matter what you do, this is not clear. People with low class must sleep with other male students!"

Athena and Zong Xiang are very opposed, but unfortunately they are useless.

Athena returned to the class.

When Athena learned that Pamir was dead again.

Thunder was furious.

Ximen Yu aggrieved to tell the story, but did not get the understanding of Athena.

Athena didn't settle the account with Ximenyu for the time being, let Zong Xiang handle it by herself.

"Students, next, we are going to conduct a brutal three-month period of experience. Originally, the previous experience was to let everyone enter the beast park. However, this model of experience has many drawbacks. The mortality rate is large after all, and It consumes a lot of money. So, at this morning's meeting, we discussed another kind of training mode. This training mode can be said to be very cruel, alas!"

Everyone saw Athena sighed and wondered how cruel it was to make Teacher Athena so sighed.

"Teacher Athena, you mean, how cruel is it? Is the death rate even greater?" a student asked.

Athena said: "Perhaps, this is not only the cruelty of mortality, but also the spiritual cruelty of various humiliations and so on!"

"Teacher, you said so!"

Athena took a deep breath and said: "The college is ready to send you to the psychedelic forest, and then, with each experimental class as a unit, form a society!"

"Ah, what do you mean?"

"Yes, to form a society? I don't understand!"

Everyone is confused.

Athena continued: "It is a unit of more than two hundred people in a temporary class to form a highly dynasty society. Among them, the most powerful person is the emperor of this society. The emperor can control any other people, even, If you want a woman to sleep with, you can let her sleep with her. Therefore, every woman in the class may be caught by some boys in the psychedelic forest!"

"Ah!" Everyone was shocked, whoever came up with the idea of ​​Sao, it's too perverted.

"Teacher Athena, now we are in the temporary third class of this society, who is the emperor, the seat number one?" a student asked.

"This is not determined by the seat number, it is decided by everyone. After you arrive at the psychedelic forest, everyone will naturally come out, so please do it yourself!"

"Teacher, I still don't understand!" the South Korean Park Yuner asked nervously.

What Park Yuner wanted to say is that if that's the case, she can't be the emperor, wouldn't it be the one to be the other man? She is only 16 years old and she is still here.

"Ah!" Athena seemed to see Park Yuner's worry, and said to the class: "We have three temporary classes with 94 girls. Now I want to ask these girls a question. Among you, the virgin stands up. a bit!"

Successively, several girls stood up, and Park Yuner also stood up.

Athena counted, and was taken aback. The temporary three shifts of 94 girls were actually 38.

Athena couldn't help worrying. After three months from the psychedelic forest, she didn't know the thirty-eight places.

Athena said sadly: "You thirty-eight, if you don't want to lose the first time in the psychedelic forest unclearly, it is best to try to be the master!"

Park Yuner immediately said: "I will not!"

The boy with the seat number one in the class swallowed and secretly said: "Waiting into the psychedelic forest, I must try to suppress the group of heroes. When I am the emperor, when I arrive, those places will be treated as me. Concubine! No, I’m going to sleep over 98 women in the class, ha ha ha."

Xi Menyu felt speechless, which genius teacher came up with, what kind of pattern is this called, messy.

However, there is no pressure on Ximenyu. With the presence of the Baiying people, Ximenyu is unlikely to become a slave or the like, but Ximenyu is also unlikely to get any woman.

"Ah, well, now I don't understand how much you say, you will know when you enter the psychedelic forest!" Athena said.

"Teacher, what kind of place is Psychedelic Forest?"

Teacher Athena said: "It is a mysterious place. Specifically, it is a forest left over from the age of immortals!"

"Ah, the forest left from the time of the Immortal Cultivator? Isn't that all turned into fossils? Just like the ancient city of Beijing in China," Ximen Yudao said.

Athena nodded: "It is a relic similar to the ancient city of Jingjue, but it is more mysterious than the ancient city of Jingjue, because the psychedelic forest has not turned into a fossil. In short, I can't tell you how to come to the dragon vein."

"When did you enter the psychedelic forest?" a student asked.

"Tomorrow, and then, until the end of three months, will open again, let everyone leave, these three months, what happened to you in the psychedelic forest, we have no way of knowing, before entering the psychedelic forest, Everyone will sign a life and death agreement, of course, you can also choose to withdraw from this assessment."

Several virgin students wanted to quit on the spot.

Athena said: "Before everyone enters, I suggest you a few still girls to form an alliance that belongs to you. One person can't dominate inside. For example, Smith, now the first, you think he will become Are you the overlord? If two other people join forces, he will lose! Then I will say, since it is a small society, it is up to you how to develop."

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