Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 608: Always

Ten reasons are the reason.

"Ah!" Ximen Yu grew more and more angry and shouted.

Soon, Zong Xiang and Tokugawa Qianxue ran to Ximenyu's room.

"what's wrong?"

Ximen Yudao: "Why did I break my phone at home?"

Zong Xiang tried to make a phone call to Huaxia, frowning: "The college cut off all the lines to Huaxia. The son of the dean must have done it!"

Ximen Yuqi wanted to kill.

"Ximenyu, what's the matter with you? Did something happen at home?" Zong Xiang asked.

Ximen Yu said angrily: "I don't know. It just broke when I hit it. My girlfriend said, it seems that something big happened. It must be someone who doesn't have long eyes, thinking I died here, so I took my The family has operated!"

"Ximenyu, don't be impulsive first, in case this is not the case, it will be a holiday soon! You will know when you go back!"

"Sister Xiang, I can't wait, I'm going home now!"

Zong Xiangdao said: "There is no holiday yet, the college will not let anyone leave!"

"I flew out of the Super Academy!"

Zong Xiang prevented: "No, then you will die. The Academy's armed forces department is strong like a cloud. Even a sparrow can't fly out! It can't fly in too."

"Ah, do you want me to wait three days?"

Zong Xiang nodded and said: "Well, three days, three days off. I'll go and see, why cut off the communication to China!"

Zong Xiang flew to the college's information office.

The staff member said: "I'm sorry, the communication satellite to China has burnt out in space. If you want to make a call, I'm afraid I can only use the outside communication after leaving the Super Academy College!"

Zong Xiang can't say anything, this is a lie.

"Is the communication open?"

Zong Xiang shook his head.

Chika Tokugawa reassured: "Ximenyu, don't worry, no matter what happened, it must have happened. You are useless in anxiety, or wait three days with peace of mind."

Ximenyu nodded helplessly, with a urge to kill inwardly.

The fire really killed the dean's son.

Ximenyu didn't sleep all night, constantly thinking about Qin Bing's words.

"Wait, why did I talk to my parents for so long, and my parents didn't say a word? If someone really wanted to deal with me, they would definitely take my parents' surgery. If Yang Hongyan had an accident, my parents. Why didn't you say it?"

Xi Menyu suddenly thought of it, puzzled.

"Qin Qing is gone, I will never see her again!"

Xi Menyu kept thinking of Qin Bing's words in his mind.

Ximen Yu and others were anxious.

The next day, many people reported that they were unable to call Hua Xiaguo. The College Information Office posted an announcement saying it was broken. (Only the teacher can have a phone, and the students are completely closed and unable to contact the outside world)

Xi Menyu suddenly thought of Zong Xiang's apprentice. In addition to Chika Tokugawa, Zong Xiang also had a few male disciples. They were not in the Super Academy, but outside the Super Academy.

Ximenyu found Zongxiang and asked Zongxiang to call one of the apprentices. Then, let the apprentice call Huaxia according to the number, so that Ximenyu could talk to his family indirectly.

"Hey, wife!"

"Ximenyu, why did you suddenly hang that day? Scared me!"

"Xiao Bingbing, tell me, what the **** happened?"

Qin Bingdao: "Sorry, my reaction that day might make you too worried!"

"Where is Xiaoqing?"

"After she entered the college entrance examination, she was admitted to Kyoto University, but she hadn't had time to go to college, so... woo!"

"Just what you said!" Xi Menyu asked anxiously.

"Hoooo!" Qin Bing cried for a while before calming down. "Last summer, after the end of the high altitude, one night, Xiaoqing went out for a classmate's party. After that, she never came back! We called the police! By the way, the police said that the missing person was not only Xiaoqing, but also several others in Donghai City! At the police station, we met Yang Hongyan's parents and they also reported the incident. It turned out that Yang Hongyan and her cousin Zhen Xiaojie also disappeared when they went out to play! In addition to the three of them, a woman in Donghai City is also missing!"

Ximen Yu frowned, and four of them disappeared, three of whom knew each other, and the other didn't. It was obviously not for Ximen Yu.

Qin Bing continued: "The next day, the news hookup came out. It was in that interest that the entire country of Huaxia had lost more than sixty girls in total. These missing girls all have a characteristic. Beauty and virgin!"

Ximenyu busy said: "It's impossible, isn't Yang Hongyan a place?"

Qin Bingdao: "She is!"

Ximenyu was puzzled and said: "I remember her not! I really wanted to do it with her!"

"I don’t know what happened. Anyway, she should be. When you went to the United States last year, I met her at the airport. After that, we had a good relationship. I feel that she is still there. I’m a little confused. How do you let go? Passed her!"

Xi Menyu touched his head. There were too many broken women, and he couldn't remember it. He couldn't seem to remember. Whether he had broken Yang Hongyan, he should have. If he thought about it carefully, he couldn't be sure.

"Why are you missing?"

"I don't know, there are more than sixty people all over the country. If you have a computer, search for it, this news is all over the world!"

"Okay!" Ximen Yu immediately searched the Internet, and it was found. Moreover, there are more than sixty missing girls, all of which have photos on the Internet, and each one is awesome. Ximen Yu saw Qin Qing, Yang Hongyan, and Zhen Xiaojie in it. .

"Huh, isn't this my sister's college girlfriend?" Ximen Yu suddenly found out that another acquaintance, Ximen Yu's sister Ximen Yun, had a good sister at the university called Ou Yating. , Ximen Yu later treated her, no longer flat chest. This Ou Yating is the daughter of General Secretary Hua Xia, and even the daughter of General Secretary has been robbed. This must be a big news in China.

Ximen Yu continued to look down to see if there were any acquaintances among the more than 60 women.

"Ah!" Ximen Yu was shocked and saw an acquaintance again.

"Yun Xuan?"

Yun Xuan was the granddaughter of a strong man in China’s Jingmen. Her grandfather said that she had reached the age of looking for her boyfriend, so in the small town outside Beijing’s ancient city, many young geniuses gave her gifts, and Ximenyu gave them She has a special set of underwear.

She also disappeared. Her grandfather is a strong man in Jingmen.

Ximen Yu continued to look through to see if there would be any acquaintances.

After a few seconds, Ximenyu was completely dumbfounded.

Another acquaintance, this acquaintance is more familiar than Yun Xuan.

Seeing the photo, Ximenyu cried out in silence: "Wife!"

(Beg monthly ticket! Beg monthly ticket! Beg monthly ticket! Beg monthly ticket! Beg monthly ticket! Thank you!)

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