Campus Master

Chapter 156

From his eyes closed to the bullet attack, it took less than a minute for Wei Ran not to know what happened. The sniper gun bullet had come near, and Xiao Yifeng's left hand quickly stretched out, just caught the bullet, but his eyes flashed an attraction. The target of the sniper gun bullet was not himself, but Wei Ran walking in front of him.

Sniper bullets are hot and hot. It can be seen how much friction and how fast the bullets are when they leave the chamber. But now the bullets seem to have taken root. A bullet is so sandwiched between Xiao Yifeng's fingers that no one can see that it is a bullet that has just come out of the chamber. They all think that he prepared it in advance.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng also saw the reaction of the shooter with his divine sense. He had seen what had happened with the sight of the sniper gun: just when he thought he was going to succeed, he suddenly saw his hand in front of him. A very ordinary hand caught his bullet with two fingers and held it steadily.

The shooter's eyes almost protruded out of his orbit, and he kept swallowing saliva. A pair of very stable hands were shaking slightly. Xiao Yifeng could see all his movements. At this time, the shooter actually talked to himself, and his voice was full of disbelief: "impossible, impossible, how can someone catch the bullet of the sniper gun? I must have not had a good rest, I can't get out Now I'm hallucinating. I should have a good rest. "

It seems that the sniper, even if he is ready to do something unexpected, still doesn't know how to escape from the scene.

Thinking about whether the sniper's target is himself or Wei Ran, Xiao Yifeng is not soft handed. Under the flick of Xiao Yifeng's fingers, the bullet in his hand is faster than the coming force. He flies back according to the long distance. He is a practitioner and can't be measured by ordinary people.

Xiao Yifeng injects spiritual power into the bullet. This sniper gun bullet has become a magic weapon in an instant. Let alone that the other party is just an ordinary person, even a practitioner will be injured if he is hit by this bullet. Of course, Xiao Yifeng doesn't want to kill the sniper directly. He also wants to know who he wants to kill.

Knowing that he had failed, the sniper quickly disassembled his sniper gun and was ready to pack up his things and run away. At this time, with years of assassination, he developed an instinctive vigilance and a sense of crisis. Without waiting for his mental reaction, his body had already taken action.

Xiao Yifeng's target is not the key of the sniper. Although his evasive action is not big, it also has some effects. The bullet released by Xiao Yifeng is hard nailed to the sniper's right shoulder. It's just a bullet, and the sniper flies out, smashes on the wall, and even paralyzes.

The sniper's whole body is numb and he can't even use his strength to stand up. He is so scared in his heart that he can't imagine how Xiao Yifeng can appear in the world. He can't be described by people at all. He is hopeless. He estimates that he can't escape today. In the dark of his eyes, he bites his teeth without hesitation. Then he tilts his head and spits out a black mouthful Blood, he died.

Xiao Yifeng is also surprised. The killer is really cruel. He is not only merciless in killing people, but also very cruel to himself. He committed suicide without hesitation when the task failed. He is afraid of being forced to confess. Xiao Yifeng is also inexperienced. He does not know that the murderer's suicide in those movies is true, otherwise Xiao Yifeng will make the killer faint directly.

"Why don't you go? What are you doing standing there? If you don't hurry, the police will come." Wei Ran didn't know what happened, and he didn't know that he had been around the gate of hell, and he was still urging Xiao Yifeng to leave. The three scoundrels were still screaming on the ground.

Xiao Yifeng smiles. He doesn't want Wei Ran to know what just happened. Since the killer has committed suicide, Xiao Yifeng can't know who is behind the scenes from the killer. If he wants to know who the killer is targeting, he can only guess for himself. In fact, he vaguely feels that the killer is not targeting himself.

Wei Ran was speechless to Xiao Yifeng. He was obviously a violent when he was fighting, but now he is so slow. I really don't know what his character is. He can only say helplessly: "I say young master, let's go quickly. You don't see that they are still screaming. I don't want people to see me."

"OK, let's go. It's not far away, but I'm a little curious about your entertainment industry. Tell me about your current work." Xiao Yifeng took two steps to follow Wei Ran, pretending to ask casually.

Wei Ran looked at Xiao Yifeng in surprise. This guy didn't know who he was and could be interested in the entertainment industry. Nevertheless, she said as she walked along: "in fact, there is nothing special about the entertainment industry, that is, people's life is almost the same in peacetime, that is, they are busy with their work, and you should also understand that we public figures are very busy with people The stars in our eyes are actually a lot of competitors. "

Xiao Yifeng's heart moved. Wei Ran said exactly what he wanted to know. She said: "you say that, I think so. It seems that I have seen a report that there is a lot of competition among people in the entertainment industry. There are also many unfair competitions, especially those who play in movies and TV. They will fight for the leading role by all means.""Yes, now no matter what industry there is competition, and the entertainment industry is more fierce, for fame and wealth, people are crazy, in fact, the entertainment industry intrigue is very tiring." Obviously thinking of what happened around him, Wei Ran was helpless and tired.

"Have you ever met such a situation, for example, someone who makes rumors and persecutes you in order to fight for the leading role with you?" Xiao Yifeng led Wei Ran, but after a pause, he was a little embarrassed and said, "Er, I forgot to ask you, have you ever been in a movie or TV series?"

Wei Ran just wanted to open his mouth. After listening to Xiao Yifeng's question, he rolled his eyes and said: "you still say that you are very interested in the entertainment industry. I don't know if I have ever played in movies and TV series. I really don't know what to say about you."

Although Xiao Yifeng wants to know the real target of the sniper, he is not worried. The killer is dead. He slowly asks Wei Ran and then judges who is behind the scenes. At this time, hearing Wei Ran say, he can't help muttering: "it seems that you are famous, but you are a singer."

Wei Ran's steps to the front were fixed. He glared at Xiao Yifeng and said angrily, "you big sex wolf, I'm a singer, not a singer. Pay attention to your words, and then talk disorderly, or I'll beat you." Then he shook his little fist to show his anger.

Xiao Yifeng disdained to curl his mouth. The little fist on his body was like tickling, but he didn't say any more. The joke was enough, but he was still reciting in his heart: the singer is right, isn't it also a singer? Otherwise, how can he make an album and hold a concert? Isn't the main purpose still profit?

Wei Ran saw that Xiao Yifeng did not speak, and automatically ignored his disdainful smile, as if he had won. He continued the previous topic: "in fact, I don't just sing, sometimes I also play in TV dramas and movies. I usually play a guest role in other people's movies. They are all invited by friends, so it's hard to refuse."

Even if Xiao Yifeng doesn't know much about the entertainment industry, he also knows that it's very difficult to develop all aspects of film, television and song. Wei Ran has not been in the entertainment industry for a long time. It must be the result of his personal efforts to achieve such success. Based on his observation, he naturally won't believe that Wei Ran's rise is due to the so-called "hidden rules".

"I don't know how much you know about me. I've been in the entertainment industry for less than a year, and I'm a bit famous now. On my way to fame, I will naturally offend a lot of people." When Wei Ran said this, he hesitated for a moment, and continued: "you should have heard the hidden rules. Many people in this circle can't resist it, but I've never accepted it. Naturally, some people don't like me."

Xiao Yifeng can't help sympathizing with Wei Ran. She is not much older than herself, but she has to go through so many intrigues. Compared with her, she is already very happy. Even if she faces many dangers, she doesn't have to go to so much trouble. It's really difficult for her to enter the big dye vat, but everyone's life is his own choice, and Xiao Yifeng is not good what did you say?

"Since you have offended so many people, do you have many enemies? Is there anyone who wants to kill you and hate you to the bone?" Xiao Yifeng is basically sure that this killer is probably sent by Wei Ran's enemies. This kind of ordinary killer has little threat to himself.

Wei Ran thought about it for a moment, stopped, and said with a little doubt: "don't mention it. It seems that I really have such an enemy. At the beginning, because of the heroine of a movie, I competed with another opponent. After I won, she threatened me to look good. And at the beginning, with that kind of angry eyes, I think if the eyes could kill people, I would have died many times 。”

Xiao Yifeng just wanted to tell her to be careful, but Wei Ran's words were not finished, and then said: "she has never done anything, and then a director wanted to sneak rules on me, and I gave him a slap. He also threatened to destroy me, which made me regret offending him. There was also an actor who had been pursuing me and was rejected by me. He threatened to die with me, and he had to die with me If you don't get a woman, no one else will get one. "

Wei Ran said that he had five or six enemies. Xiao Yifeng wanted to cover his forehead. Although Wei Ran said that he was innocent, Xiao Yifeng could not help feeling that the entertainment industry was really complicated. She could fight to death for a role. The most important thing was that she had so many enemies. The backstage of the sniper could not guess.

"I said, elder sister, can you be sure who wants you to die the most, that is, if you want to die quickly, or if you hang up now, your enemy will benefit." Xiao Yifeng reminds me more carefully.

Wei Ran looked at Xiao Yifeng strangely and said, "you are too gossipy. If it's not because I know more about your character, I really think you are an entertainment reporter. Why do you always ask me this topic?" In spite of her dissatisfaction, she thought it over carefully.

Xiao Yifeng's problem makes Wei Ran deeply meditated. She hasn't been in the performing arts circle for a long time, but she becomes famous too quickly. On the way to fame, she will naturally offend some people. When Xiao Yifeng's killer committed suicide, she has basically confirmed that the sniper is aimed at Wei Ran. If the shadow assassin wants to kill herself, he should not send ordinary people.

Wei Ran thought for a moment, and the strange color in his eyes became stronger. After seeing Xiao Yifeng for a moment, he said, "you are really strange. How can you know that I have offended people recently! Even if you are a gossip reporter, you can't have such great ability. Recently, I really offended a female star in the circle because of a movie. "Xiao Yifeng knew well, did not explain why he guessed, but continued to ask: "why do you offend her, what is her reputation, can it be that kind of ruthless, who offends her, will cause death."

Wei Ran pondered for a while and hesitated a little: "in fact, I'm not sure who she is. It's said that this woman is very powerful. Whoever offends her doesn't come to a good end. Before, some female stars offended her, some had an accident, were seriously injured, and some were ruined. Others apologized for her in public. It's said that a female star robbed her She was kidnapped and humiliated a few days later

When Xiao Yifeng heard this, his cold sweat came down. The entertainment industry is really chaotic. This kind of living environment is just like that of the ancient harem, where all kinds of people are intriguing and ruthless. Wei Ran's words really make him feel that the girl is "very silly and naive". The accidents of these female stars obviously have something to do with the female star, and she can't be sure of her Whether they are cruel or not.

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