Capsule System

Chapter 2021 - Setting out in the snow

"Don't look, hurry up and eat, after eating it is time to go."

After the meal was served on the table, Lin Cheng greeted Daisy two people over to eat, the crowd sat around the table with more than ten minutes to finish breakfast, each went back to the house to put away the clothes and gathered to go out.

The house capsule will be put away into the pocket, Lin Cheng led the team to the outside of the building in front of the gate, see the Kimura Division a few people have not yet come out, so will advance the buggy turned out, and in the same time he turned out of the snow buggy, the Kimura Division a few people's figures followed by the appearance.

"I'm really sorry guys, we're late!"

Just rendezvous with the Lin Cheng team, Kimura Division immediately bowed to apologize, the fact is that there are still nearly twenty minutes before the meeting time agreed last night, Lin Cheng people are only habitually early, in order to avoid surprises, and Kimura Division these people do not have to do so, but they still came to the rendezvous nearly twenty minutes early, is completely unnecessary to apologize.

Knowing that it may be because of the discovery of obviously so long in advance to rendezvous but still a step behind their own people and feel uneasy to apologize, Lin Cheng waved his hand to say that it does not matter, "the weather today does not look very good, the wind and snow than yesterday became larger than some, strictly speaking is not a suitable day for travel, but I think you may not accept to stay here any longer, so hurry up. So hurry up, later you guys drive the car and follow us closely, we basically won't stop if we don't encounter special circumstances on the way."

"Okay, okay, then please wait for a moment, Hosokawa has gone to the car, should be here soon."

In listening to Lin Cheng said today's weather problems when Kimuraji heart also tightened a little, afraid that the other party's next sentence will come a today not to leave, they are doing a long time psychological construction before deciding to leave Imabekicho, not to mention the snowstorm outside, even if the nails can not stop them, fortunately Lin Cheng later just urged them to hurry up, which only let him breathe a sigh of relief.


Two minutes later, with a burst of engine roar from the underground garage exit, Lin Cheng a few people turned their heads to see a tall black SUV drove out, this SUV at first glance after a large number of modifications, not only all the windows at the glass are welded on the metal steel bars, the body is also much higher than the ordinary SUV, four oversized snow tires will be high up, with the body a circle of sharp rigid spines, giving a sense of a puff of steel monster.

"It took a lot of work to get this car, right?"

Looking at this overbearing magic modified version of the snow buggy, Lin Cheng smashed his mouth for a moment and asked Kimuraji beside him.

At that, Kimuraji scratched his head and smiled, saying, "It did take us a lot of time, but I think it was worth it, after all, in the post-apocalyptic world for long-distance travel is necessary to be prepared, because in the middle of nowhere, if we encounter danger, the only thing we can count on is this car."

"Good idea."

Lightly nodded, Lin Cheng also did not say anything else, withdrew his gaze from the other party's SUV, nodded towards Bai Ling a few people and then all got into the car.

For Lin Cheng several people driving this snow buggy Kimura Division these people are actually rushed to very confused, because the appearance of this incomparable snow buggy has completely beyond their cognitive scope, they simply can not understand how Lin Cheng these people in the post-apocalyptic world such an all industrial all withered environment to get such a car as if from the science fiction movie out.

But doubts are doubts, they did not mean to ask, for Lin Cheng and his group of people Kimura Division know that they must have endless mysteries, but these mysteries are obviously impossible to get any answers, since they know that there is no answer, then it is futile to ask, it is better to keep their mouths shut and look knowledgeable.

"Remember, be sure to follow us closely, don't fall out of line."

Sitting in the driver's seat, Lin Cheng dropped the window and instructed a few people who had already gotten into the car behind him, then stepped on the gas and drove the SUV towards the outside of town.

A few moments later, the two SUVs successfully drove away from Imaibetsu Town, and after leaving Imaibetsu Town, the snowstorm outside seems more violent than before, Lin Cheng a few people have long adapted to this bad weather, but it is clear that the car behind the Kimura Division a few people are still not quite adapted to the car has been maintained at a relatively slow speed.

The good thing is that the Kimura Division a few people remembered Lin Cheng's instructions, in the snow after ten minutes, their speed finally began to gradually increase, and originally ready to urge them a little Lin Cheng saw the situation also put away the idea, after the back of the SUV parallel to their own, he dropped the window and waved at the opposite side.

"What Mr. Lin?"

Seeing Lin Cheng waving his hand, the Kimura Division sitting in the passenger seat immediately dropped the window and asked Lin Cheng through the window weld.

"Take this."

Gently hit the steering wheel to bring the two cars closer, Lin Cheng took out a walkie-talkie from the storage box of the car door and handed it to the other party, saying, "If anything happens, we will use this to contact."

"Okay, okay."

After receiving the walkie-talkie handed by Lin Cheng, Kimuraji immediately pressed the button to call, and nodded gratefully towards Lin Cheng after making sure that Lin Cheng's side could receive it.

He waved his hand indifferently, Lin Cheng raised the window again, stepped on the gas pedal, the front end of the car lifted upward, and then directly overtook the next SUV and drove forward.

In the snowstorm, a white and a black two buggies in the white snowfield to a steady speed forward, although the mouth said that they would not wait for each other, but considering the other side of the buggy although after the magic change but after all is still ordinary engine, performance and their own buggy is not in a class, so Lin Cheng driving speed compared to the previous to slow down a lot, which allows the two buggies can always maintain a speed.

Although the Kimura Division of those people is the first time after the end of the world to leave the town into the wilderness, but because of the front of Lin Cheng to lead the way, although the car drove a little hard, but barely keep up, just do not know how long this state can last, Lin Cheng decided in the other side of the state can still maintain the time to drive as long as possible, save the back again such and such accidents.

As the two SUVs went deeper and deeper into the snowfield, the speed gradually began to slow down, on the one hand, because the snowstorm began to become more and more violent, on the other hand, because they are now in the uphill state, in other words, the two SUVs are now climbing the mountain.

According to the map, they will pass a place called Mount Aomori on their way to Aomori City from Imaibetsu Town, normally there should be a tunnel built between the mountains, but for some reason there is none here.

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