Capsule System

Chapter 709

"Let's go, anyway, there is a rich woman who pays the bill, let's go to this Ming Street today!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Cheng smiled carelessly, led Qin Ya to Meng Yi, patted her on the shoulder and said.

After Lin Cheng slapped the shoulder, Meng Yi reacted. He looked at him with a puzzled look for a moment, and then suddenly asked: "Honestly, how did you know such a man? Although you are good at strength, But how do you look at the two of you are not like people in the same world..."

"Don't you just say that I am a dick?"

The inquiry heard Mang Yee, Forest City could not help but rolled his eyes, "As for how to know her? Very simple ah, I used to beat her, and later saved her, and then after this woman can not extricate themselves in love Me, are you satisfied with this explanation?"

Hearing Lin Cheng's brazen words, Meng Yi couldn't help but complain: "I'm satisfied with your size! Liu Qingqiu will fall in love with you? Why don't you say that her daughter is also in love with you?"

"She thought, I'm not happy yet!"

Hearing that, Lin Cheng replied with disdain: "It's not that I said you, this Liu Qingqiu is nothing more than an ordinary person with a good family background, and her celebrity girl, these two goods are now on hold, if not The behemoth of the Tianhao Group is behind it, and it has been chewed to death by those monsters outside for hundreds of times! You are also a senior biologist, your knowledge of ability is not much better than the two of them? Not to mention that you are now I'm fucking, can I be a little confident and stop losing my share?"

"I... why did I lose your share!"

Hearing Lin Cheng’s complaints, Meng Yi was suddenly bored. Although Lin Cheng’s words were reasonable, as an ordinary person, especially in the underground research institute for half a year, she really talked to Lin Cheng on the horizon. Compared with this kind of old fried dough stick that has been smashing in the monster pile for six or seven months, this will shock Liu Qingqiu's identity.

"It's alright. If someone invites us to dinner, don't grind here, let's go quickly."

Seeing that Meng Yi seemed to be in a posture against him again, Lin Cheng waved his hand impatiently, and then led Qin Ya to chase Liu Qingqiu in front of him. Although Meng Yi was very upset when he saw Lin Cheng left, But he could only catch up with him.

As soon as he stepped into Ming Street, Lin Cheng immediately felt a quaint breath rushing over his face. Although the street is not spacious, the wooden buildings on both sides of which are patchy and exquisitely constructed give people an illusion of time travel. It seems to step into the ancient streets hundreds of years ago.

Because the houses in this street are mostly two to three-story buildings, under the cover of dense eaves and blue tiles, the overhead sunlight cannot directly shine in, making this street less bright, but strangely, there is no Gives any dark feeling.

There are not few pedestrians in the street, but if you compare it with the main street, it looks too clean. More importantly, the pedestrians in this street are better than those in the main street in terms of appearance and dress. There are too many. Although there are people coming and going in the street, there is no feeling of noisy. It is obvious that the people who can come here are better than others in terms of strength and cultivation.

"A pawn shop with a clear heart...Tianhao Winery...Good Luck Fang? Isn't this special lady a casino?"

Following Liu Qingqiu, Lin Cheng walked slowly into the depths of the street while looking up at the plaques of the shops on both sides. When he saw a three-story attic named'Good Luck Workshop', he couldn't help but mumble. Tao.

Liu Qingqiu in front suddenly turned to him after hearing Lin Cheng's self-talk, and said, "It really made you right. This Lucky Square is the most famous casino in Pingcheng! There is a market where there are people. , And where there is a market, there is capital. As the saying goes, the heart is full of warmth and cold. After ensuring basic food and clothing, there will always be some people who are not motivated will indulge in these false deceit games. , And places like Lucky Square naturally came into being..."

"It's a bunch of reckless trash!"

Hearing Liu Qingqiu’s explanation, Lin Cheng couldn’t help cursing in hatred. He fought with so many monsters outside. It can be said that he knows better than anyone the terrifying power of these monsters and their horrible destructive power after being assembled in groups. Because of his understanding, he will tirelessly toss around from place to place, just wanting to understand the root cause of these monsters in depth, so as to do his best to destroy their foundation!

And the survivors in this ancient city don’t think about the future. In the absence of any reduction in the crisis, these people are still thinking about eating, drinking, and gambling. This makes Lin Cheng suddenly wonder what to say. Each has his own ambitions, but in the current environment, what these people do really disappoints him.


Hearing Lin Cheng’s curse, Liu Qingqiu couldn’t help but sighed softly, “Because of the country’s most elite soldiers stationed, the safety of Pingcheng is indeed higher than that of other safe areas by more than one grade, plus Although there are some bad phenomena in the military, those high-level officials did put the protection of the survival of survivors in the first place. Under a series of policies to benefit the people, they also recruited many powerful and aspiring people. Those with great abilities, but they have also nourished a batch of maggots that eat and wait to die..."

"It's terrible..."

Hearing Liu Qingqiu's words, Meng Yi couldn't help but once again looked back at the extravagantly decorated Good Luck Shop behind him, and then said with emotion: "There are so many survivors outside the city who have not eaten enough food and are naked. However, there are still people in the city wasting the money that can be exchanged for materials on places like gambling shops. It is really stinky in Zhumen’s wine and meat, and the road is frozen to death..."

"Don't think too much, in fact, there will be this phenomenon at any time, just like you can never expect all people to be human! I can understand what you think, and even before I meet you, I have experienced it myself. Having been chased by zombies and gnaws like a mourning dog! And..."

Seeing that Lin Cheng’s face was very ugly, Liu Qingqiu couldn’t help but patted him on the shoulder, lowered his voice and said, “I actually have someone who has been planted in the expedition team in the city. From the informants who provided me Judging from the information of monsters, I think that if the high-levels and survivors in the city do not hurry to change their minds, it will be sooner or later that these monsters will break the city! If that time comes, the first to die will be the rich and powerful people who are greedy for pleasure ! You have been acting outside, surely you should know these things better than me?"

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