Gowardesh howled, cried, hissed and ran back and forth.

Tiezhu's mother rushes into her son's tent and finds Zhao Tiezhu sleeping soundly with his daughter-in-law Qiaoer. Zhao Tiezhu lies on Qiaoer's body, and Qiaoer is under the pressure of a man The couple were still in the same posture as they were when they were asleep.

The iron pillar Niang is angry, one foot flushes son's buttocks to kick in the past. A big scold: "you are a worthless thing!"

Zhao Tiezhu was kicked awake by his mother, rubbed his eyes and asked, "Niang, what are you doing beating me for?"

Tiezhu Niang said angrily, "you bastard! I know I sleep with my daughter-in-law. The wolf has surrounded the village. Do you still want to sleep? Don't you get up to fight the wolf? "

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu found that the lanterns and torches outside were illuminated together, and the sound of shouting and killing became a whole, and the village had already exploded.

Zhao Tiezhu jumped up and put on his shorts. He didn't care to wear his shirt. He took off the iron bow and the dagger on the cloth curtain and rushed out.

Qiao son called out in the back: "iron pillar, you are careful."

Zhao Tiezhu threw down a sentence: "take care of Gu Niang..." People have gone a long way.

After flying out of the tent, Zhao Tiezhu was stunned by the scene outside. He had never seen so many wolves attacking the village together.

The number of wolves is huge, no less than 100, and around the tent group are wild wolves flying past.

This is a planned premeditation. Tiezhu knows about wolves and is familiar with wolves. He knows that the leader of these wolves is the lame wolf king of Qingshi mountain.

When Zhao Tiezhu was 15 years old, he had already formed a hatred with the wolf king of Qingshi mountain. The leg of the lame wolf king was broken by Zhao Tiezhu.

At that time, Tiezhu just learned to use the animal clip, and then his father put the animal clip on a vacant land outside the village, just in time for the wolf king to attack the village and was trampled by it.

There are very tough springs on the animal clip. Two rows of sharp metal teeth are like twelve sharp knives. They can not move the wolf king's right leg in front of him.

The wolf king couldn't get rid of it. He howled all night outside the village. The whole mount Qingshi was shaking all night.

At dawn, when Zhao Qinghua led his son to clean up the wolf king, the wolf king glared at them, then bowed his head and bit his right leg, limping and limping.

Wolves are so cunning and cruel that they would rather throw away a leg than be caught alive.

This hatred has been in wolf king's heart for five or six years. Last time Zhao Tiezhu ran away with pear blossom, the wolf king wanted to revenge and tear Zhao Tiezhu to pieces.

Unfortunately, it didn't expect that Zhao Tiezhu would be so powerful. Zhao Tiezhu cleaned up the lives of the four brothers.

At this time, the lame wolf king was squatting on the hillside not far from the tents. He closed his eyes slightly and ignored what was happening in front of him. The fierce night wind blows its powerful wolf hair, and its roots stand up, showing a ferocious and majestic.

Wolf king is smart. He is the soul of Qingshi mountain and the overlord of Qingshi mountain. Relying on his powerful body, strong physique and intelligent mind, wolf king has been on the throne alone for seven or eight years. All the wolves are his defeated generals.

Its status can not be shaken, its wolf clan is not easy to infringe, and its dignity can not be trampled on. Anyone who dares to attack the wolves in Qingshi mountain will pay a heavy price.

Wolf king's eyes from everyone's face, it is looking for Zhao Tiezhu's whereabouts, want to compete with this young man again.

The wolf king found Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu did not find it.

Zhao Tiezhu was just stunned for a moment, and immediately responded. He pulled the trigger in his hand, and a sharp arrow roared out and hit a wolf's head. The wolf rolled over and began to kick.

Then he drew out the bright dagger and rushed into the wolves with a big drink. He cut the neck of three or four wolves.

The first person Zhao Tiezhu wanted to save was Qiu Ping, Wang Changshui's fourth daughter. He was afraid that Qiu Ping would be in danger. Qiuping's leg is injured and can't move at all. If a wolf attacks her, the girl will be killed.

Qiuping is the sister of pear flower and pomegranate. Tiezhu has already been sorry for pear flower, and doesn't want her sister to be hurt.

Without stopping, he went straight to the tent where Qiuping lived.

When the iron pillar rushed in, he found a big wolf fighting with Qiuping.

Qiu Ping wakes up when she hears the howl of sister-in-law su'e. when the girl wakes up and hears a wolf outside, she immediately gets scared.

She huddled tightly and wrapped herself in the quilt. She wanted to escape, but the injured leg was not good enough to move at all.

When Qiuping shuddered, a wolf finally tore up the tent and rushed into the girl's room.

When the wolf saw Qiuping, he knocked his tail, kicked his feet, and flew up, biting at Qiuping's throat.

Qiu Ping screams with fright and is at a loss. She doesn't know how to fight back. In a hurry, she grabs the crutch given to her by brother Tiezhu and sticks it into the wolf's mouth.The wolf did not expect the girl to have a weapon in her hand, and the crutch almost knocked out its two front teeth.

It was furious, a bite to the crutches, will be a solid wood crutches crutches, mouth all shed blood.

Man and wolf started a standoff, the wolf can not get close to the girl, but the girl can not drive it away.

Qiu Ping is scared to cry out: "go away, you go away, roll away!"

Is the most dangerous moment, Zhao Tiezhu a door curtain into Qiuping's tent, everything in front of him scared him out of a cold sweat.

Then, an inexplicable anger sprang up in the sky. Zhao Tiezhu ignored, threw away the dagger in his hand, reached for the wolf's tail, and dragged the wolf back from the front of Qiuping to Shengsheng.

Then he quickly grabbed the wolf's neck with his other hand, pulled up the mane on its neck, lifted the wolf over his head, and yelled: "fuck you!"

The body of the wolf was like a stone thrown out, and it collided with a rock on the ground.

The wolf bumped into the stone, almost all the bones on his body were broken. A mouthful of wolf blood sprang out of his mouth, and then he didn't move after a few kicks.

In the whole Qingshi mountain, only Zhao Tiezhu has this skill. It is Zhao Tiezhu who dares to fight with wild wolves with his bare hands. He is the enemy of wolves.

In recent years, the wolves in Qingshi mountain are afraid of him, and they all hide away from him. Not only the shotgun in his hand, the iron bow on his shoulder, but also his fist.

At the beginning, many wolves watched the young man fight with the wolf king. They watched iron pillar shoot four or five adult wolves with their daggers and bows.

So once the wolf saw Zhao Tiezhu's figure appeared, they picked up their tails and ran away.

Zhao Tiezhu rushed to Qiuping. Qiuping cried and plunged into brother Tiezhu's arms: "brother Tiezhu, I'm so afraid, so afraid..."

Zhao Tiezhu patted her back and comforted her: "I'm not afraid. It's too dangerous for you to live alone. You'd better live with your sister qiao'er, so you can take care of it..."

Qiu Ping nodded, tears still hanging on her cheek. The girl had not got rid of her fear just now, so she put her hand around Zhao Tiezhu's neck.

The iron pillar held Qiuping in his arms and took the girl out of the tent.

The shouts outside had already rocked. The villagers all took the guy to fight with the wolves, and the torches turned red with familiar faces.

To Zhao Tiezhu's surprise, where did Jinmao go?

Jinmao is the king of mastiff. Mastiff is the natural enemy of wolves. As long as the mastiff appears, the wolf immediately runs away.

After the earthquake, Jinmao disappeared. Not only the golden hair was gone, but also all the dogs in the village.

Once upon a time, people in the mountains liked to feed dogs. Almost every family had the habit of feeding dogs.

After the earthquake, people ran for their lives, and no one fed the dogs. Many became wild dogs.

Because there was no food to eat, the dogs were so hungry that they ran up to Qingshi mountain and dug the dead bodies in the field with their claws. As a result, the limbs of Qingshi mountain people were flying everywhere.

A lot of dogs get red eyes when they eat, and then they jump at people later.

To iron pillar's surprise, a dog couldn't see it recently, as if it had evaporated out of thin air.

Zhao Tiezhu frowned and put two fingers into his mouth, whistling.

This whistle is a signal that he communicates with Jinmao. Every time Jinmao hears the whistle, he will immediately run to the iron pillar with his tail wagging.

A whistling sound echoed in the mountains and spread far away. Not far away, suddenly came a huge dog barking: "ouao Hao --"

the sound was strong and powerful, like an angry lion, shaking the leaves around.

This is the hound Jinmao's response to his master. He has received his master's call and is ready to go back.

Golden Retriever is by no means simple. It has been living in Beigang village for two years and has become one with the dogs in the village.

People have the charm of people, dogs have the charm of dogs, golden hair is a very attractive dog.

It's majestic, tall, intelligent, intelligent, and Zhao Tiezhu taught it those biting skills, has deeply conquered the group of dogs in Qingshi mountain.

During this period, the dogs in Qingshi mountain were not idle. They were fighting for the throne of Dog King.

All the dogs gathered behind the hill not far from the village. They had been biting for three days and three nights.

The golden retriever defeated the bravest hound in the mountain and finally became the new dog king of Qingshi mountain.

Those domestic dogs had never seen such a powerful hound, and all of them obeyed his orders and followed his lead. They were obedient.

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