In addition to the iron pillar, who do you like to tell me that even if I lose my fortune, I will help you get it, OK? "

Vanilla a listen, do not know why the fire in the heart of a sudden disappear all of a sudden.

She could not put the grievance out of her heart, she cried with pomegranate in her arms, and her shoulders trembled with tears.

She was too reluctant to give up the iron pillar, that night, she sneaked into Zhao Tiezhu's quilt.

The first pain in her mind for a long time, she really want to live with iron pillar, do not regret being a junior.

But she can't do it at all. Zhao Tiezhu has a wife at home, and he keeps pomegranates. What is he?

It's better to find a man to marry it. Since you can't marry Zhao Tiezhu, who is to be married is not a man.

Vanilla cried and cried, and her heart was wronged.

Zhao Tiezhu took a puff of smoke and said, "sister, don't cry. You have seen this man introduced by brother to you. He is a fool.

Although he is a little bit naive, he is not stupid at all. He is good at it. He just doesn't like to talk. He has a good heart. If you marry him, you let him go east, but he doesn't dare to go west. If you let him beat a dog, he doesn't dare to scold the chicken... "

Vanilla wiped her tears and said, "brother Tiezhu, don't say it. I'm married. It's not good to marry. You make him a normal man and repair the place I will marry. "

Zhao Tiezhu stood up, patted the table and said, "OK, it's a deal! That's what you said

Zhao Tiezhu tried his best to make the marriage between Xiangcao and han zi, because his heart was full of guilt for him.

Three years ago, if he had not forcibly snatched pomegranate from Han Zi's side, he would not have been reduced to today's field.

He always felt sorry for him, always wanted to compensate him, eager to find a daughter-in-law to make up for his debt.

It's hard to marry a daughter-in-law. It's rare that vanilla will agree to this marriage.

If you want to marry a fool, the first step is to help him connect the bird. Can't vanilla really marry a eunuch?

Human birds can be completely connected, which is the top technology in the medical field at present. From home to abroad, no hospital has been so sure.

It's easy to connect it, to make it flexible, to stretch and last as long as ever, and that's hard.

I don't know whether others can connect with Zhao Tiezhu, but Tiezhu is quite sure to help han zi cure.

Over the years, he has mastered the unique skills of Spring Art and thirty-six bed music. The unique skill of plum blossom needling is perfect.

Tie Zhu is ready to start connecting that thing for han zi. The first step is to find the source of goods. Because the supply is very scarce.

Is to find a normal person that thing, for the fool, the key is blood type, blood type does not match.

Of course, if the parties do not agree, we can't stop a man on the way and cut off the sparrow and replace it with a fool? There's no difference in that robbery.

So Tiezhu told Mr. Wang to pay attention to the nearest hospital to see if there were young people who died in the middle of the way. As long as the blood was suitable and the age was similar, and the family members of the deceased agreed, tie Zhu was fully confident to help han zi heal. And he paid for all the expenses.

So president Wang found someone to contact the major hospitals, ready to exchange for his future son-in-law.

The president of the hospital has many friends.

When the presidents and directors of large hospitals, including the attending doctors, heard that someone was going to do the operation, they were all shocked and tongue tied.

None of them thought that a country doctor could do it without anesthesia or surgery.

Although Zhao Tiezhu's reputation has been passed down by the people of Z City, we still don't believe his craftsmanship.

It's nonsense for countrymen to kill a pig, a dog, a mule and a horse. It's nonsense to let them go to the operating table?

So the presidents and attending doctors of the big hospitals are ready to see Zhao Tiezhu's jokes and want to see him face to face.

They are all working hard to find the source of goods for headmaster Wang. They first collected han zi's blood samples, tested his blood type, and then began to look for supplies for him.

A month later, the first source of goods was finally found. The dead man was a student. He was hit by a car when he was crossing the road. He went to the central hospital for rescue, but the rescue was invalid and died.

The child is 18 years old, not yet mature, is a child chicken, the blood type is also consistent with the fool.

Under the persuasion of the president of the Central Hospital, his family finally agreed to donate organs and asked for the cost of 50000 yuan.

The president of the central hospital quickly contacted president Wang, who arrived at Qingshi mountain overnight.

Just walking towards the mountain road, headmaster Wang saw Zhao Tiezhu, who was repairing the road from a distance, and roared across a hillside: "iron pillar -- iron pillar -- the source of goods is available -- the little bird is saved --"Headmaster Wang yelled, which made the men in the mountains laugh, and the rural women working in the fields also laughed.

Zhao Tiezhu wants to pick up the bird for han zi, which has been spread in Qingshi mountain. Everybody knows. And it's all spread like a joke.

The old face of Tao Daming, the father of han zi, turned red. His heart was grateful to Tiezhu and to President Wang.

Tie Zhu broke his heart and tired his legs in order to be a fool. His kindness is unforgettable.

Because this is related to their own incense problem, if tie Zhu really connects that thing for han zi, so that he can regain vitality and have children, then the Taoists will have incense. your goodness has made me a new man.

Zhao Tiezhu heard president Wang's shouts, put on his clothes, took the guy, and followed Wang to the Central Hospital of Z city.

It's more than five hundred miles away, and we'll be there in three hours.

There is a time limit to this kind of goods, because human organs can't die for too long. Once more than 48 hours, the cells in that place will be completely necrotic, not to mention Zhao Tiezhu and daruo immortal.

Tiezhu rushed to the central hospital. The old president, gray haired, couldn't wait. He pulled the two of them into the morgue.

After the child's body was pulled out of the freezer, it had been frozen hard.

Tie Zhu untied his trousers and looked at it. He shook his head and said, "it's a pity, a pity."

The old dean asked, "what's the matter? Can't it work? "

Iron pillar said: "you didn't look at it. It was crushed by the wheels of the car, and it was crushed. How to use it, it has become a waste."

The old Dean looked down. It was true that after the child was hit by a car, the bastard driver backed up and pressed him. The thing was completely deformed and bloody, like a crushed tomato.

The Dean also asked: "if it is crushed, can't it be used?"

Zhao Tiezhu said: "nonsense, try to crush your things to see if they can be used."

The old Dean said nothing.

On the whole, the first search for supplies was unsuccessful and the operation was not completed.

In this way, Zhao Tiezhu left the hospital with headmaster Wang dejected, and the next day Tiezhu returned to Qingshi mountain.

The second time we found the source of goods was the first hospital of the county, and the time was 20 days later.

This time, a young man died. His blood type is very consistent with that of a fool. He died of jumping off a building.

He was in a fight with his daughter-in-law. He was pushed down from the window sill on the sixth floor in anger by his wife. His brain burst and he died on the spot.

After being pulled down from the hospital, he was pulled into the morgue instead of entering the emergency room. The wife of the deceased was also charged by the police and arrested in the Public Security Bureau.

The director of the county hospital was also happy. He thought it was time to curry favor with President Wang. He quickly called President Wang and told him that he had found the source of goods.

So president Wang went to Qingshi mountain again.

This time, Mr. Wang did not make such publicity, but found the site of iron pillar construction.

Zhao Tiezhu, bare back and holding a drill rig in his hand, is there whistling to tidy up the road. A look at the headmaster Wang smilingly rushed over, you know that the things of the fool have an eye.

Iron pillar stopped the drilling rig and asked, "Uncle Wang, have you found the source of goods?"

Headmaster Wang said with a happy smile, "iron pillar, let's go and have a look again. I guarantee that it can be used this time, because the dead man is still young, in his twenties, similar to the age of han zi, and has just been married."

Zhao Tiezhu didn't dare to neglect him. He put on his coat and immediately left Qingshi mountain and got on the car of President Wang.

Three hours later, I arrived at the mortuary of the county hospital. The mortuary of the county hospital is a frozen room, which is equipped with air conditioning. The temperature is very low. All the bodies here lie on the bed of the room.

The iron pillar went over and opened the sheet of the dead man. He looked at it carefully and shook his head for a long time.

Headmaster Wang had a bad feeling and asked, "what's going on? Not yet? "

Tie Zhu said, "yes, do you know why this man's daughter-in-law pushed him down from the sixth floor?"

Headmaster Wang shook his head and said, "I don't know. Does this have anything to do with the operation?"

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