No, I'm going to ask Zhang Erdan for an explanation. If I don't give me money, I'll blow his Riley's head.

So Wang Changshui got up and pulled on his shoes to find Zhang Erdan's theory.

When Wang Changshui arrived, Zhang Erdan was worrying at home.

The factory was ruined. It was a small disgrace and a huge loss.

There are always complaints about the drugs produced. Now the drug administration and the Quality Supervision Bureau have been investigating him. The factory has been closed and fined hundreds of thousands.

That little money is not enough to pay the fine, but also pay back.

Others start factories, and I do. Why am I so unlucky?

Wang Changshui came in with a cigarette pan in his mouth. The old man was angry and said, "Zhang Er'an, you give me the money!"

Zhang Erdan was stunned: "Uncle Changshui, I don't owe you money. Did I borrow your money?"

Wang Changshui said, "what do you pretend to be confused? Isn't the factory built on my ground? Originally counted as shares, iron pillar gave me money every year, why? Do you want to default? Believe it or not, I hit you on the head of Riley with a cigarette pan

Zhang Erdan is afraid of Wang Changshui. Wang Changshui is his uncle in his family. Don't you beat him like you beat your grandson? But he really has no money.

Not only did he lose all the money he earned, but also filled in a lot of the money he had collected in the city. He said with a sad face, "Uncle Changshui, I really don't have any money. What do you want to do?"

Wang Changshui angrily said: "no money, that's easy to do. The first thing is to roll the blanket and get rid of it. Return the position of the village branch secretary to Zhao Tiezhu. Second, get out of Qingshi mountain. Don't let me see you in the future. I'll beat you once and for all."

After all, Uncle Zhang is a son-in-law. How do you elbow out?

Otherwise, the dividend business will be delayed for a while. After my aunt died, will you feel flustered? I'll find you a woman to play with. It's interest. What do you think? "

Zhang Erdan's old problem is to pull people into the water again.

He had to stabilize Wang Changshui, or the village secretary would not be able to work.

Wang Changshui smiles, Zhang Erdan's words suddenly poke into his heart, let his heart itch not.

Since the death of Hongxing and widow Li, the grandson widow Li has also died. Wang Changshui can no longer find a widow who is good at understanding the customs and feelings in the village.

In addition, after a severe illness, he was haunted by sister Mei again. He was crazy for half a year. If it was not for Tiezhu's good medical skills, he would not wake up.

So long without a woman to sleep with, the body is really suffocating. Zhang Erdan introduced a woman to him. Of course, he welcomed him with both hands and feet.

Wang Changshui laughed and asked, "help me find Who? Don't confuse Laozi with beauty. Are there any women in Qingshi mountain that Wang Changshui hasn't slept with? Bullshit

With a smile, Zhang er'dan gathered together with Wang Changshui, took out a box of Yellow Crane Tower, threw a cigarette to Wang Changshui, and then put a cigarette on it himself, and said, "Uncle Changshui, how many nails are you covered with iron? There are hundreds of women in five villages around Qingshi mountain. Are you sure all of them have slept? Nothing missing?

The woman I've introduced to you is certain that you haven't slept, and that you're young, white, watery, and round faced. I'm sure you're so fascinated that you can't touch the north and the south. "

Wang Changshui said, "bullshit! I haven't seen the woman in Qingshi mountain? Whose woman is so good? "

Zhang Erdan said, "gaojiazhuang, a high honest woman, have you not seen it?"

When Wang Changshui heard this, he was excited. He has never met a high honest woman. I heard that she was very coquettish. She used to be a lady in the city.

The woman who is a lady is very experienced.

Wang Changshui has never slept with the women in the city. He heard that the women in the city are well maintained, whiter than the women in the countryside and younger than the women in the countryside. He always wanted to taste the taste of the women in the city, but he never had a chance.

Today, when Zhang Er'an said this, Wang Changshui became agitated and said, "well, the money you owe me must be paid back at the end of the year. Today, I'll go to find a high honest woman, which is the interest you pay me."

Zhang Erdan said, "no problem. Let's go now. I'll take you to sleep with an honest woman."

After Zhang Erdan finished, he led the way, and Wang Changshui followed.

Wang Changshui did not expect that he would be trapped by Zhang Erdan. Zhang Erdan has dug a deep pit and is waiting for him in front of him,

damn it! Ask me for money. I'm blind! Zhang Erdan hated Wang Changshui.

Because Wang Changshui is Zhao Tiezhu's father-in-law, but he can't beat Zhao Tiezhu, Zhang Erdan has to take Wang Changshui as an example.

Where there are people, there are enmities, where there are people, there are fights. Of course, Beigang village is no exception.

Now Beigang village has been divided into two opposing factions.

The first group, headed by Zhang Erdan, is the ruling faction, which controls the economy, household registration and rights of Beigang village. Most of them are Zhang Erdan's relatives and neighbors, as well as his good friends since childhood.The other group is headed by Zhao Tiezhu, people from the former factories in the village, and those rescued by Tiezhu.

Most of them followed Zhao Tiezhu and followed him.

They are dead set to Zhao Tiezhu, because Tiezhu not only saved their lives, but also made them live a good life.

The two groups were always fighting openly and secretly, sometimes in a big fight.

In Beigang village, the resentment left over by history and the enmity between families are reflected incisively and vividly in Beigang village.

This is the last thing Zhao Tiezhu wants to see, but he has to get involved.

Because of the concept of family, if people in the family make mistakes, they should also protect their own family. Right and wrong are no longer clear. Right and wrong are not the key. Everyone is defending their own interests. Sometimes by hook or by crook.

Wang Changshui is the old father-in-law of Zhao Tiezhu. Although he is also Zhang Erdan's own family, he is inclined to Zhao Tiezhu from his heart.

Zhang Erdan always wanted to get rid of the people around Zhao Tiezhu. Wang Changshui was the first one, so he set a suit for him, and he was ready to make Wang Changshui completely miserable.

One in front of the other, they went straight to gaojiazhuang. Gaojiazhuang was not far away from Beigang village, which was only three miles away.

There are five villages in Qingshi mountain. Some villages surround another village. Many people can't tell which is Taohua village, Beigang village and gaojiazhuang village.

Gao is honest in gaojiazhuang. He is honest. Because his family is poor, he has just married his daughter-in-law in his thirties.

His daughter-in-law was introduced by Zhang Erdan. She was a rotten child.

The woman's name is mei'e, not from Qingshi mountain. She used to be a young lady in the little red chamber.

Mei'e's family is also poor. She lives in a remote mountain area where birds are too lazy to poop.

In order to make money to support her old parents and her little brother, mei'e has to go out of the mountains to work in the city.

Who knows a head to plunge into the small red chamber, where did miss.

Being a young lady's Day is the scenery infinite, many men accompany to sleep, accompany to eat, lie down can make a lot of money.

So mei'e likes this and that. She has been on the Kang with many men and has been very popular for a while.

Miss youth is also so few years, more than 25 years old, people do not like to see, because people old color.

The young ladies in the little red mansion are constantly updated. Many more beautiful and charming girls occupy mei'e's position, and mei'e is not visited.

Fortunately, Zhang er'dan was good to her at that time. Zhang er'dan had no mother since childhood. He lacked the care of his mother and had an Oedipus complex. So every time he looked for a young lady, he always looked for an older one. That's his hobby.

As soon as she comes and goes, mei'e and Zhang er'dan get in touch with each other. They are like glue on their knees.

When Zhang Erdan returns to the village, mei'e feels very lonely, so she asks Zhang Erdan to take her with her.

Zhang Er Dan Nian and the old love between them led her to Qingshi mountain and introduced her to Gao honest.

Gao honest family is poor, suddenly married a flowery wife, on the butt of the butt is not beautiful, the face is laughing into flowers.

He likes mei'e, like a treasure. Also very afraid of women.

After mei'e married Gao Chengde, she was not honest at all. She slept with Zhang Erdan for three days. A secret tryst between two people.

Mei'e knows that Zhang Er'an won't marry her, because Er'an doesn't love her at all. She just uses her as a tool for fun.

There is no harm in many men's days, so mei'e doesn't dare to have too much extravagance.

Today, Zhang er'dan still takes mei'e as a tool to overthrow Wang Changshui.

Zhang Erdan means to take Wang Changshui into mei'e's bed, and when two people are going to be together, Lao Tzu informs Mr. Gao. Gao honest knows that women are with Wang Changshui, but he doesn't beat him up?

It's better to cripple Wang Changshui. In that case, he won't ask him for money at home.

Zhang Erdan, who has a lot of tricks, is destined to be the strongest enemy of Zhao Tiezhu's life.

Two people, one in front of the other, soon came outside the wall of Gao honest's home.

Wang Changshui said, "Er Dan, don't you give me a fuckin 'trick? I don't know a high honest woman. Can she let me sleep? "

Zhang Er Dan bared his black teeth and said, "Uncle Changshui, do I dare to cheat you? Mei'e and I are most familiar with each other. We have been on the Kang all the time. I have also introduced many men to sleep with her. Of course, those men do not sleep in vain. Every time they take money, I draw a percentage. "

Oh Wang Changshui understood that Zhang Erdan, the grandson of Zhang Erdan, was stubborn. Last time he regarded Qiao Ying as a village prostitute, and this time he regarded Mei e as a village prostitute. He expected to get rich.

Zhang Erdan is a silver worm.

Since they are doing business, the customer is God. Changshui thinks that mei'e will not slap him with the palm, and she will be bold.

Wang Changshui asked, "Er Dan, me and mei'e Do you want any money? "

Zhang Erdan said, "no, you sleep with you. I'll pay the money. I'll treat you."That feeling is good, Wang Chang Shui Xin is satisfied enough to smile, followed Zhang Er Dan to climb up the wall of mei'e's house.

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