"I found Wang Changshui of Beigang village jump into your yard, open your window, and climb into your daughter-in-law's quilt," Zhang Er'an said

"I wipe! Is that all right? Wang Changshui, I'm not finished with you. I'll kill you

Being fooled by Zhang Erdan, Gao honest's anger rubbed upward and rushed into the family's kitchen. He grabbed a bright kitchen knife and rushed into his own door.

Gao honest is also a pig's brain. His brain can't be crooked. He doesn't think about it. Why does Zhang er'dan see it so clearly? He is in the audience. Is there anything fishy in this!

Gao Chengde rushes to his home in anger! Zhang Er Dan made up a model and stopped at the back and advised: "Oh, honest brother, you should be calm and calm down. Don't be impulsive. I'm the one to blame for being too talkative."

Gao Chengde ran home and said, "I don't blame you. It has nothing to do with you."

Zhang Erdan said, "then you must not call me out. I'm afraid Wang Changshui will take revenge on me."

Gao honest said: "thank you, don't worry, I will not betray friends."

Wang Changshui couldn't think of it. Zhang Erdan sold him. And after selling, I still help the number of people.

Now, Zhang er'dan is not the same as before. He is very scheming, scheming and playing with political skills.

You can't tell whether he's bean curd or gluten.

Otherwise, if you can offend a gentleman, don't offend a villain. A gentleman has his own set of rules when he does things, but the villain never follows the rules.

He gives him a sword. On the surface, he doesn't hold grudges. Maybe he will raise his hand to you sometime.

Wang Changshui was unlucky and was regarded as an adulterer.

Gao Chengxin came to the door with a kitchen knife in his hand. When he pushed the door, he found that the bolt was on. He lifted his leg and kicked the door to pieces.

He rushed in front of the house without stopping. He found that the door was also bolted and lifted his leg. The door broke away from the doorframe and flew directly into the room.

There was a black light in the room. At this time, Wang Changshui and mei'e were doing happily on the Kang. They were three on the left, four on the right, seven up and eight down, nine in and one out You're on me, I'm in you. Swing left and right, start up and down, enjoy it

His spirit is also highly concentrated. He never thought that Gao honest would rush into the house.

There was a huge bang, and the door of the house fell apart. It was like a thunder in the air, which frightened Zhang Erdan and Mei e at the same time.

In the dark night, Gao honest sees everything in the room clearly, because Wang Changshui's butt is shining.

High honest gas almost fainted in the past, scolded a: "adulterer silver woman With a knife, he cleaved.

"Pooh A red light burst out in the room, and Wang Changshui gave out a scream of exhaustion.

Gao honest's knife is ready to cut Wang Changshui's neck. I didn't expect to chop it on Wang Changshui's back.

In fact, Wang Changshui is very good. He sees Gao honest rushing in with a chopper in his hand.

Wang Changshui quickly rolled down from mei'e and tried to run.

Can want to run has been too late, high honest knife with the whistling wind, cuddle on the chop.

The place on the Kang was too small to hide. Wang Changshui had to turn around and let go of the front and gave his buttocks to Gao honest.

His original intention is to cut his buttocks honestly, because there is too much meat on the buttocks, there will be no life-threatening.

Besides, Wang Changshui's buttocks were injured many times. He was bitten by Zhao Tiezhu's dog, shot by Zhao Tiezhu's arrow, and cut by the pillar. He was paralyzed for a long time. It's not bad this time.

However, Gao honest had to chop his head, and the result was that he chopped it on his back.

Gao honest's strength is very big, a knife goes down, almost cut off Wang Changshui's back backbone.

Wang Changshui Niang, Lao Tzu howled, as if there was a fire on his buttocks, and then he ran away. He ran away.

In the house, on the bed and on the ground, there was blood everywhere. With Wang Changshui's body has been ticking to the outside of the village.

Wang Changshui can't care about the pain. It's important for him to escape.

As soon as Gao Chengshi saw that he had cut the hole, he was angry. He had to chase him out and recover his mother's stomach. He also wanted to break Wang Changshui into pieces.

Mei'e looked bad. She threw herself down from the Kang and hugged Gao honest's leg. She cried out: "honesty, don't blame him, don't blame him, it's me, I'm mean, I'm shameless, I'm colluding with him..."

"You cunt! Get out of here Gao was so angry that he raised his leg and kicked mei'e out of the country.

The woman gave a sad cry and fell to the ground. She knew it was a disaster.

Gao honest regardless of the woman's life and death, a wave of the sword in his hand, ran after Wang Changshui's figure.

Gao Chengshi chases after him, and Wang Changshui runs in front. Because the night is a little dark, he has just entered Beigang village, and Wang Changshui has disappeared.

He thought that Wang Changshui might have gone home.****Yes! If a monk can't run away from the temple, I've set your house on fire!

So Gao honest carrying a kitchen knife rushed into Wang Changshui's home.

Wang Changshui didn't go home at all. Why? It's simple, because he didn't have time to get dressed and he was naked.

His daughter Xiaoshuang was at home. He was afraid that her daughter would laugh at him, so he found a place to hide.

Besides, he knew Gao honest would go to find him at home, so he would not go back at all.

Gao honest rushed into Wang Changshui's house. After entering the door, he rushed into the house and searched back and forth.

Not in the house, not behind the door, not in the toilet, not in the kitchen, not in the barn, not in the rat hole.

Unable to find Wang Changshui, Gao Chengshi used a kitchen knife to jump in the yard and scolded: "Wang Changshui! Get out of here! I stole my daughter-in-law. I'll kill you and cut your little Dingding! "

There is no one else in Wang Changshui's home, only Xiaoshuang is at home alone. Gao Chengxin goes back and forth after entering the house, and keeps searching hard, which makes Xiaoshuang confused.

Xiaoshuang understands the man's scolding. It turns out that her father has been caught in the bed of Gao's honest daughter-in-law. People want to fight with dad.

Xiaoshuang can't laugh or cry. The heart says that my father, why don't you let your daughter worry?

If you want to be a woman, just marry one? Why do you sneak into someone else's bed? How can I wipe this ass for you?

Although he was in the wrong, Xiaoshuang would not let him go. Of course, he wanted to face Wang Changshui, and said angrily, "high honesty, what are you doing?"

Gao honest way: "I don't tell you, call out Wang Changshui, I'll settle accounts with your father?"

"What happened to my father?"

"Your father sleeps my woman!"

Xiaoshuang didn't do it, and said angrily, "that's your woman's collusion with my father."

Gao is too lazy to talk nonsense with Xiaoshuang. He grabs a shovel in Wang Changshui's yard and starts to smash it. When he sees something, he smashes it.

The water tank in Wang Changshui's courtyard was smashed and cracked, followed by the stove, pots and pans, as well as grain tanks. Even the dogs in Wang Changshui's yard were smashed with a stick and ran away with their tails.

He didn't dare to fight Xiaoshuang. Gao was honest. It was Wang Changshui who offended him, regardless of his daughter.

Xiao Shuang was so angry that she swung a hoe to fight with Gao.

Xiaoshuang's strength is not small, a burst of smash, high honest forced to retreat.

Finally, he was forced to red eyes, brandishing a kitchen knife to start with Xiaoshuang.

However, at this time, a pair of powerful hands seized the kitchen knife in Gao honest's hand and roared: "Gao honest, what are you doing? You're not ashamed to start with a little girl! "

Zhao Tiezhu didn't know when he arrived.

In fact, Zhao Tiezhu arrived long ago. Gao Chengde chased Wang Changshui all the way and scolded him all the way. Most of the people in Beigang village didn't sleep. Everyone went out to watch the fun, and Zhao Tiezhu also came out.

After listening for a long time, Zhao Tiezhu also knew the reason why Gao Chengshi and Wang Changshui tried their best. It turned out that Wang Changshui and Mei e learned from each other.

Gao honest smashes Wang Changshui's things, Zhao Tiezhu pretends not to see, smashes it, who let Wang Changshui diamond's daughter-in-law's quilt.

Xiaoshuang and Gao honest hands, Zhao Tiezhu also pretended not to see, he knows Xiaoshuang that temper can not suffer losses.

Can discover Gao honest want to hit Xiaoshuang, that Zhao Tiezhu can't ignore, * *, move my woman, go to your mother's bird!

Zhao Tiezhu raised his arm and grabbed the kitchen knife in Gao honest's hand. With one foot, he kicked Gao honest out of the distance.

Gao Chengde got up and said angrily, "Zhao Tiezhu, who cares about you?"

Zhao Tiezhu said, "nonsense! If you come to our Beigang village to make trouble, of course, it's my business. "

Gao honest also knows the relationship between Wang Changshui and Zhao Tiezhu. Wang Changshui is the old father-in-law of other people. The old father-in-law is bullied. How can a son-in-law stand by?

"Wang Changshui stole my woman!" he said angrily

Zhao Tiezhu said, "go to Wang Changshui. Why do you fight Xiaoshuang and beat a little girl? You're a man, too! "

Gao honest angry way: "Xiaoshuang hit me, you didn't see it?"

Zhao Tiezhu said, "I'm sorry, I didn't see it."

"You..." Gao was speechless.

He knew that Zhao Tiezhu's blocking and leaning frame was facing Xiaoshuang. Xiaoshuang and Zhao Tiezhu had been stuck together for a long time. People in the village knew that they were husband and wife.

If you bully Xiaoshuang, you bully Zhao Tiezhu's daughter-in-law. It's strange that Zhao Tiezhu doesn't beat you!

Gao honest was so angry that he ran into Zhao Tiezhu like a madman. Zhao Tiezhu's eyes were swift and his hands were quick. Gao honest's head hit the door panel and made a big hole in the door panel.

The boy kneaded his head and hugged Zhao Tiezhu's waist, trying to throw him down.

Zhao Tiezhu what skill, wolf king is not afraid, will be afraid of him? One hand grabbed Gao Chengshi's collar and the other grabbed his belt. Shengsheng held Gao Chengshi above his head and threw him directly from Wang Changshui's yard into the street.There was a pile of dry firewood on the street. Zhao Tiezhu had already aimed at it and threw him directly on the pile.

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