With that, he pressed the pomegranate down again, and the two men again.

Zhao Tiezhu was a man who didn't want to frown when the sky fell down. He was so used to it that the closure of the factory did not cause him too much reaction.

Because money can solve all problems, as long as it can be settled with money, it is not a matter at all.

The next morning, they were in good spirits.

The first thing Tiezhu needs to do is to rush to the hospital with pomegranate to visit the poisoned mother and daughter.

The iron pillar pulled pomegranate into the ward. There were two beds in the ward. On one bed lay a little girl of seven or eight years old. The little girl was very beautiful and had fallen asleep. Her breath was very symmetrical.

On the other bed lay a woman in her thirties, not very good-looking, with a long face, similar to the donkey of the production team.

Both of them were out of danger. The woman was surprised to find a stranger coming into the house and asked, "are you

Zhao Tiezhu came in with a smile on his face and said, "elder sister, we are from qingshishan beverage factory. I am the director of the beverage factory. This is me Daughter in law, let's see you. How do you feel? Is it better? You can rest assured that I will bear all the expenses of this hospitalization. I'm sorry. I'm sorry

Zhao Tiezhu bowed to the end, regardless of how to say, this woman is drinking the poison in the products of his own factory. Some people framed but no one framed, and said, we must first stabilize this woman. You can't let her sue, or the factory will be ruined.

Just spend some money. I'll take this woman's baby and I'll give it to her.

Zhao Tiezhu felt that if he bowed to the end, the woman would forget the past. But how could I have imagined that the woman was so angry that she casually picked up a pillow and smashed it at Zhao Tiezhu. She said angrily, "are you the black hearted manufacturer? You get out of here, we don't need your pity! You bitches! Lack of virtue, in order to earn money regardless of human life, there is no way to have a son! "

That woman's strength is very big, the pillow hits, just hits Zhao Tiezhu's face.

Zhao tiezhuxin said: am I unjust? Is Laozi a victim? My son has a back door. He can defecate very smoothly. Do you want to check it?

Zhao Tiezhu was very angry, but he did not dare to attack.

Pomegranate quickly advised: "elder sister, don't be angry, don't be angry, this is a complete misunderstanding, our product is framed."

The woman said angrily, "I don't care. Anyway, our family is poisoned by your drink. Lose money! Lose money The woman howled.

Pomegranate had to say: "OK, we lose money, how much do you want? There has to be a number, right? Or you'll talk to a lawyer? "

The woman said, "500000, less than a dime can't do!"

Pomegranate thought that this woman was a lion. She wanted more.

Zhao Tiezhu took off the pillow that hit his face, vomited the duck feather in his mouth and said, "OK, 500000 is 500000, but we have a condition."

"What conditions?" the woman asked

"You have to withdraw the complaint, you can't take us to court," Zhao said

The woman gave him a look and said, "that won't do! We must sue until you are bankrupt. "

Zhao Tiezhu said: "elder sister, you are too cruel. Since we promise to compensate for the loss, you should withdraw the complaint. Do you still let us live?"

The woman said, "I don't care. I'll ask for an explanation."

Zhao Tiezhu asked: "no discussion?"

The woman said, "no more."

Zhao Tiezhu said: "in this case, you can't get a dime. Let's take a lawsuit."

Iron pillar finish saying, pull up pomegranate to go, no longer pay attention to woman.

Pomegranate was pulled to stagger, walked out of the ward door, pomegranate said: "iron pillar, you are too anxious, we can bargain. Why just say a few words and then leave?

Even if you give her a little more money, let her withdraw the complaint, or the factory will be really finished. "

Zhao Tiezhu said, "you haven't seen it yet? There's a master on this woman. If you want to open your mouth, it must be planned in advance. "

"Ah? Is that true? " Pomegranate was surprised.

Zhao Tiezhu said: "of course, it should be the people behind this woman who want to frame me. I don't know what I have against her? Send someone to check the woman's background and her family, and we'll try to find out. "

Zhao Tiezhu saw the clue behind the woman.

Don't forget that he is the most famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. From the woman's complexion, breath and heartbeat, Tiezhu knows that she is not poisoned deeply.

The amount of the poison was appropriate. Obviously, the poisoners didn't want them to die. They just felt uncomfortable, vomiting and diarrhea, and temporarily shocked.

Zhao Tiezhu thought carefully, he has no enemies these years. He has nothing to do with other businesses in Z City, just business contacts.

Is it that the colleagues found that the beverage sales of Qingshi mountain were good and took their business, so they set up this bureau?He was puzzled.

The second thing Tiezhu needs to do is to go to the lawyer with pomegranate.

Pomegranate factory has a lawyer, pomegranate's legal adviser, specialized in resolving legal disputes for pomegranate garment factory. His surname is Li.

In the afternoon, pomegranate led the iron pillar to lawyer Li's home.

Lawyer Li is a gentle middle-aged man, well-dressed and kind-hearted, in his forties. With a pair of big glasses.

After Zhao Tiezhu entered the door, he told lawyer Li about the drink poisoning incident carefully, and lawyer Li's brow wrinkled into a big pimple.

Lawyer Li said: "it is obvious that this is a frame up. Someone set up the Bureau on purpose to let your factory go bankrupt, and there are many loopholes."

Tiezhu asked, "what should I do? Lawyer Li, I can fight, but I can't fight a lawsuit. I have to ask you to help me win this lawsuit. "

Lawyer Li said: "the key is evidence. Without evidence, we will not take the initiative. Where were those drinks poisoned? Is it in the supermarket? Or in your factory, or after being bought home by customers?

It's better to check when and where the woman bought the drink. It would be better if there was a video

Lawyer Li reminded Zhao Tiezhu to open the door.

It is impossible to poison a factory, unless there is a traitor in the factory.

It is possible to poison in the supermarket. In addition, there are video surveillance in the supermarket, so there should be video tapes.

If you are poisoned at home, you can't help it.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't dare to neglect him. He immediately took pomegranate to the supermarket where the woman bought drinks and asked to call out the video tape of the supermarket five days ago.

Zhao Tiezhu is the biggest supplier of this supermarket. He has the right. Fortunately, the manager of the supermarket cooperated with him very much. He took out the video that he had reserved five days ago.

In the early 1990s, science and technology had been quite developed, and many large supermarkets had surveillance videos.

Of course, it's either computer-controlled or a general video recorder that keeps the images on the tape. In order to prepare for emergencies.

Tiezhu and pomegranate sat in the monitoring room. The waiter put the video into the video recorder.

Sure enough, the scene was clear that day.

It shows that the woman walked into the supermarket with a man, like her husband, arm in arm. Full of intimate appearance, the couple stick a piece, the electric saw can not cut.

The man was wearing a felt hat on his head. His face could not be seen clearly because of the poor effect of the video. Iron pillar just felt that the figure of the man was very familiar. For a while, I couldn't remember who it was.

They took a box of drinks on the supermarket shelf, put it in the shopping cart, bought some other things, and then paid for it.

That's it. There's nothing else. From the beginning to the end, there was nothing suspicious about the iron pillar.

Zhao Tiezhu wondered why the figure of the man looked so familiar?

There are so many drinks on the shelf and many people buy them. Why is it that only her family members are poisoned?

For a whole day, there was no result. Zhao Tiezhu had to take pomegranate home.

After entering the door, Zhao Tiezhu is still a strong smoker, the room is full of smoke.

Pomegranate took a bath and sat down in front of the iron pillar and said, "iron pillar, can you throw your shit stirring stick away? It's suffocating. "

Zhao Tiezhu said: "men do not smoke, white to the world, men do not drink, white to the world."

Pomegranate said: "unreasonable, smoking can cause cancer."

Zhao Tiezhu said: "die early and surpass life early, so as not to live and suffer! ****Who framed Laozi? Pomegranate, do you think the man in the video is a little familiar? Where do we seem to have met? "

Pomegranate said: "I also think that man is a little familiar, especially the back. Who is it? "

Two people want to think, want to break their heads, can't think of who this man is. I think my head hurts. I'm too lazy to work on no three or four things.

Finally, tie Zhu pinched out the cigarette end, hugged the pomegranate, and said, "I don't want to. I'd better be happy for a while and relieve my lack. I'll talk about it tomorrow. "

Pomegranate a listen chuckle, into the arms of the man, two people in the sofa up.

As soon as Zhao Tiezhu came up, he showed the same impulse as before.

Pomegranate body has been quite mature, she is still very young, skin is still so white, no wrinkles on the face. It's just a lot older than before.

Small waist is still so slender, like a wasp, with a pinch, she cut two.

Pomegranate has been having an affair with Zhao Tiezhu for five years. For five years, they worked hard day and night.

She doesn't care about her position. She can be happy with brother Tiezhu every day.

She doesn't think it's a betrayal to qiao'er, because love is selfish. Only destroy, destroy and hurt. When necessary, all the jade and stone will be burned, and two pieces of jade will be scattered.

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