Hula, Sun Wei's men and horses all came from the front yard and rushed to the backyard together. The gunfire in the back was still constant.

Qiusheng dodges from the left to the right, dodging bullets, and comes to the wall of the hotel. Qiusheng takes Sisi and darts past. The two meter high wall has no effect on his actions.

Jump on the road, Qiusheng or holding thought, a lunge across the middle of the road.

Far away, came a car, suddenly saw two people across the road, scared the taxi driver in front of his eyes dizzy, quickly stepped on the brake, the car creaked a deep rut in the road.

"What are you doing? I don't want to live anymore! " The driver put his head out of the window and yelled at Qiusheng.

Qiusheng can afford to talk nonsense with him. He grabs the boy by the collar and pulls him out of the carriage with a strong force. It's just a kick to lift his leg.

The driver of the car hasn't understood what's going on. Qiusheng has put his thoughts in the co driver's position and helped the girl buckle the seat belt.

Then he flew into the car, stepped on the gas pedal, the car like a torpedo, whoosh out of the distance.

It took a long time for the boy to understand. No good. Someone robbed the car and howled: "catch the robber - my car has been stolen."

When Sun Wei led his men to rush out of the hostel and onto the road, Qiusheng's car had already gone far away.

Sun Wei raised his hand and waved: "get in the car and follow me!"

More than 30 of his subordinates listened, Hula ran into the car, and chased out one by one in the direction of Qiusheng's escape.

All of them were driving when they came, and they were parked on the curb outside the hotel.

Sun Wei got into the front of the car with a pistol in his hand. He ordered the driver to increase the gas speed and catch Qiu Sheng. He would never let them run away.

This time he put all his eggs in one basket. He knew that if he didn't kill Qiu Sheng, he would be the next to die.

Once Qiusheng arrives at the police station tomorrow, he will be found out and the police will not let him go. We must find a way to deal with today's carjacking and bring him to justice.

So killing Qiu Sheng is the key to not being jailed.

Qiu Sheng also stepped on the gas pedal in front of him. The car is flying.

Sun Wei, who was behind him, ran into a string of more than 20 cars on the road. Speed arrows.

Qiu Sheng was really scared. First, he didn't have any weapons in his hand. He didn't have the thirteen needles of plum blossom in his hand. He left the dagger in the hotel. He had a good time with Sisi just now. Suddenly, he forgot everything.

The most unfortunate thing is that the old man taxi is Xiali with a displacement of 1.3, while Sun Wei's car is a good one. Compared with the speed of Volkswagen Passat, the speed of Xiali is not the same as that of Volkswagen.

Seeing Sun Wei's car catch up with him, the driver's steering wheel swung and hit Qiusheng's car. With a bang, the engine cover in front of him burst.

Qiusheng's car circled and almost fell into the road ditch.

Fortunately, the car also made a circle, hit a rock next to it and stopped moving.

In order to prevent them from overtaking, Qiusheng's back and forth direction is not to let them surpass himself.

The thought in the car was knocked dizzy and disgusting, swinging back and forth, and the girl screamed.

Qiusheng knows that there is a disaster. If everyone gets out of the car to fight alone, Qiusheng is not afraid of anyone, but others have guns in their hands. He is unarmed.

What to do, what to do? Qiu Sheng is in a dilemma.

His car did not dare to drive to Z city. Although it was midnight, the traffic flow in Z city was large. If innocent people were injured, the situation could not be cleaned up.

Qiusheng swung the steering wheel, turned right and ran to the mountain road leading to Qingshi mountain.

The mountain road is already a part of the provincial road, which is connected with the forward road of Qingshi mountain. It is only less than 100 kilometers from here to Beigang village of Qingshi mountain. Qingshi mountain is the nest of autumn birth. As long as you get to Qingshi mountain, it is your own world.

Bang Pa Pa Pa, the gun in the back continued to fire, bullets whistling, bullet through the back of the windshield, side of Qiu Sheng's head flew past.

Qiu Sheng quickly shrinks his head and cat's waist. He holds the steering wheel in one hand and presses Si Si's head down with the other hand. Let her be careful and never stretch her head.

Sisi was so frightened that she curled up in the carriage and shivered.

Wow, it's exciting. It's dangerous to follow Qiusheng. He was chased all the way. Is this the legendary River and lake?

Although Si Si was afraid, there was an inexplicable excitement in his heart. It can't be exciting.

Qiusheng howled: "think, do you have a phone? Telephone? "

Thinking a Leng: "yes, I have a mobile phone, why?"

Qiusheng said while driving: "call my dad, let him pick us up, quick!! The old man has a way. "

Thinking like a dream, I realized that Qiusheng's car was heading for the mountain road of Qingshi mountain.Si Si lowers his head and takes out his mobile phone and dials Zhao Tiezhu's phone.

When the call came, Zhao Tiezhu was still awake and was burning the midnight oil.

All of a sudden, the mobile phone rang, Zhao Tiezhu quickly connected, and there came a girl's scream: "Uncle Tiezhu, help, help!"

"Thinking?" Zhao Tiezhu jumped up: "where are you? How's it going? "

Si Si said: "brother Qiu Sheng and I are being chased and killed. On the way home, uncle tie Zhu, help..."

Working overtime has become a habit of Zhao Tiezhu. Recently, Zhao Tiezhu is very busy, still working for the factory in the village.

Now, under the leadership of Zhao Tiezhu, the Qingshi mountain has been completely changed. Not only has established the pharmaceutical factory, the beverage factory, the Ironmaking Factory, a large hospital, also has the massive medicinal material propagation base.

Qingshishan is also a famous fruit production base.

Every summer and autumn, the herbs and fruits all over Qingshi mountain are ripe, dripping and hanging all over the branches. The carts outside the mountain will continue to drive to Qingshi mountain. The fruits in the mountain will be transported by trucks, and the drinks and medicinal materials of the factory will be transported by trucks. The villagers will exchange the money with slag.

After a lot of reform, the village appearance of Qingshi mountain has changed. Not only Industrial Development Zone, residential area, but also tourist area have been established.

Qingshi mountain, which used to be uninhabited, has now become a famous tourist attraction.

All of this is due to the credit of Zhao Tiezhu.

The only thing that makes Zhao Tiezhu unsatisfied is his son Qiusheng, who doesn't follow the right path, and finally gets involved in the underworld. This is the failure of his life.

However, the next thing, immediately let him recover from the loss. That is to say, the Yellow wolf pack, which has been away from Qingshi mountain for nearly 20 years, has finally returned to Qingshi mountain.

That day in the middle of the night, Zhao Tiezhu was correcting the documents in the office. Suddenly, a wolf howled from a distance.

The howl of the wolf resounded in the open mountains of Qingshi mountain for a long time.

"Ow --"

"ow ow --"

next, more and more wolves howled, you and I, the sound just rose, the sound fell again, one after another.

Zhao Tiezhu's ears immediately froze up, and so did the ears of the hound in the yard.

Zhao Tiezhu immediately stopped his pen, put on his suit and rushed out of the room. Jinmao followed him, one man and one dog rushed to Qingshi mountain.

Zhao Tiezhu couldn't restrain his excitement. 20 years, 20 years did not hear the Yellow wolf's call, the voice seems to be the call of relatives, also like the friendly cry of friends.

Twenty years ago, a vigorous family planning campaign swept all the villages in qingshishan.

In order to protect the villagers from being violated, huanglangqun fought with the people of the family planning commission. A group of yellow wolves kept the road of Qingshi mountain for more than 180 Li. Cut the road into sections.

The people of the family planning commission tried everything possible. I can't get close to Qingshi mountain.

Because of the wolves in Qingshi mountain, the villagers' houses are not destroyed. Because of the wolves in Qingshi mountain, the food and livestock of the villagers' houses are not taken away.

Because of the wolves in Qingshi mountain, the villagers didn't pass away a lot. The wolves lived in peace with the crowd, and they established a deep feeling.

The wolf is the friend of the villagers, the wolf is the human essential companion, the wolf group has brought the prosperity to the mountain, the wolf group has also brought the rich harvest to the mountain.

Unfortunately, at that time, sun Guoming, the county magistrate, set up a wolf fighting team and asked director Xiao to take people up the mountain to fight wolves.

The wolves fought with the wolves on the mountain and ended in the defeat of director Xiao. Half of them died in the mountains. Director Xiao was also bitten off an arm by the little wolf snow white, and became a lifelong disability.

At that time, Zhao Tiezhu let the wolves migrate, because the wolves would be extinct by human beings.

Zhao Tiezhu let the little wolf Snow White leave with her wolf clan, just to protect them from harm.

Now, they have been wandering outside for 20 years, with a body of fatigue, with a body of vicissitudes, finally came back. Facing the morning sun, facing the morning fog.

They returned to their long lost hometown. They were equally excited and couldn't help howling.

Zhao Tiezhu rushed up to Qingshi mountain and came to Weng Zikou. As expected, yellow wolves ran into the grass and looked at him.

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