Pomegranate unknowingly put his hand into the clothes, slowly rubbing up

Her hand across her white cheek, pink neck, slowly down

Just touch, there is a current through the room spread all over the body, pomegranate body is a tremor, can not help but a sound.

It felt like iron pillar stroking himself.

Zhao Tiezhu used to be in the wheat field at the head of the village. He felt like an electric shock.

Pomegranate straight body slowly twist up, like a set of soft water snake.

At last, she stopped moving, gasping heavily, and her body gradually returned to calm. The hot sweat on the body is the same as it is taken out of the water.

But in her heart there was a sense of loss and melancholy. Men can't, iron pillar is not around, she feels very pitiful, also very sad. No wonder so many widows in the village like to have affairs with men, because there is no man around really can't.

The woman sobbed and felt that her life was hard.

Do not know how long, pomegranate just fell asleep, hazy.

In a trance, she suddenly heard a scream, the voice was nearby, as if from the side of the fool.

Pomegranate suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was in great pain. His white eyes were hanging, his mouth was crooked and his eyes were slanting. His face began to twist and his limbs were stiff and contracted into a ball. Shaking like leaves in the wind and rain. Scared pomegranate out of her wits.

She felt bad, knowing that Han Zi's epilepsy had come up again.

Epilepsy is the sequela of cerebral inflammation, also known as epilepsy. When Han Zi was a child, he had a fever and burned his brain. Tie Zhu said that there was a tumor in his brain, which must be removed by surgery. Otherwise, there will be problems.

Now the problem comes, and the goat's horn wind of han zi comes up as expected.

The pomegranate was scared to shiver and screamed: "what's the matter with you, boy? What's the matter with you? "

He couldn't speak any more. He looked at the pomegranate with two eyes, showing a look of asking for help. He looked pitiful.

"You talk, you talk?"

Pomegranate has never met this kind of situation, she is afraid that the fool will die.

The girl's timid, never seen a dead man, scared hair root hair explosion: "silly brother, don't scare me, don't scare me." Pomegranate felt at a loss. She wants to help him, but she doesn't know how to help him.

If tie Zhu is in, it will be easy to do. Zhao Tiezhu is a miracle doctor. Although he can't eradicate han zi's disease completely, he is sure that he will not recur.

Pomegranate in the face of danger, the first thought is often iron pillars.

"Brother tie Zhu, where are you? Save the fool, save the fool. " Pomegranates are desperate.

She took off her big coat and tied him tightly, hoping to make men warmer.

Pomegranate knew that Han Zi must have caught a cold and had a fever because it was too cold in the bridge hole.

Han zi's body is as hot as charcoal. Pomegranate embraces the simple son to cry, is in a hurry, feels the doomsday to come.

She quickly took out her shawl and tucked it into the man's mouth so that she would not bite his tongue. This is the only thing she can do so far.

A moment of carelessness pulled pomegranate from heaven into hell. Two helpless souls trembled strongly in the strange metropolis. They called "should not" every day and called the earth not working.

Send him to the hospital. His body is so thin that he can't carry him. Besides, in the middle of the night, he is in the suburbs again. There is no ghost on the road. Who will help them?

Pomegranate just stomped her feet in a hurry. At this time, her brain suddenly flashed and thought of a sentence from Zhao Tiezhu.

When she married han zi, tie Zhu told her that once he was ill, he would pinch him and massage his tiger's mouth. The sheep's horn wind would soon recover.

So pomegranate pressed her thumb to han zi's upper lip and her other hand on the tiger's hole in his left hand, holding it tightly,

her body was also close to him, helping the man to warm up.

Sure enough, half an hour later, han zi no longer shivered, his body gradually returned to calm, his expression also recovered, but the fever did not subside.

Pomegranate tired, lying beside the man unconsciously fell asleep. Sleep until dawn.

The next morning, the sun rose, and Lao gaopomegranate opened her eyes. She saw that he was sleeping soundly and the fever on his forehead had not subsided.

Pomegranate thought, must hurry to fill medicine for him, otherwise the fool will die, after going home, how to explain with mother-in-law?

She didn't have feelings with a fool, and she didn't do that with a man, but after all, she slept in the same room for such a long time.

Pomegranate helped him tuck in the corner of his clothes. He didn't let the cold wind drill in. Then he walked out of the bridge and went on the road.

She felt very hungry, because she got off the bus yesterday and now, she and Han Zi have not entered.

Fortunately, she had money with her, which was secretly given to her by her father-in-law Tao Daming when she left home.Now pomegranate is unkempt, covered with dust, his clothes are tattered, and his hair is chaotic, like a chicken coop. She was not so tired and hungry.

Trembling, the girl came to the morning market, ate two steamed buns and drank a bowl of noodle soup. The boss who set up the stall looked at him with abnormal eyes and almost regarded her as a beggar.

She was not used to the environment of the big city. She could not see the familiar face and the free scenery of Qingshi mountain. What she saw was just cold and cold.

After opening up, the construction of Z city is booming, and the relationship between people is getting farther and farther. Their eyes are full of suspicion, full of promotion, but also full of confusion and perplexity.

After eating and drinking enough, pomegranate felt that she had recovered a lot. She asked for two more steamed buns, ready to take him back, because he did not eat any food in the same day.

After settling the account, pomegranate continued to go to the hospital. She did not know where the hospital was, so she looked for it aimlessly.

looking at this strange city, she felt as fresh as grandma Liu walked into the Grand View Garden.

But pomegranate how also did not think, this time already had two hooligans staring at her for a long time.

Just walked to the corner of the street, pomegranate didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly, two figures jumped out of her side. They rushed to her with lightning speed, grabbed the burden in her hand and ran away immediately.

Pomegranate was startled. She knew that she met the thief who was blocking the road. When he understood it, the two thieves had already disappeared.

Pomegranate wailed in the back, crying and crying: "come, catch the thief, the thief snatch my burden --"

but there is no one around. The girl is thin and can't catch up with them. Even if she can catch up with them, she can't beat them. She can only watch them run away with their own bags.

Pomegranate felt very aggrieved. There was not only pocket money in the bag, but also a few clothes to be washed and the shawl that Zhao Tiezhu gave him. Now there was nothing left. She was extremely aggrieved. She squatted on the ground, lost her soul and cried out. She didn't know what to do.

Iron pillar gave her that scarf, she collected like a baby, pomegranate feel more important than their own life. This is the first time iron pillar has sent something to her.

When he kicked the thief on the left, he turned two fists on the right.

As soon as the two thieves saw the attack, they were scared to run away and threw their bags on the ground.

The man scolded the two thieves in the direction of their escape: "beyond their means!" He picked up the bag and came to pomegranate.

Pomegranate understood that she was a girl about her own age. She was very beautiful and dressed in fashionable clothes. She had a nice home condition and wore two big braids.

The girl did not speak, smilingly handed the bag to pomegranate, pomegranate thank you so much, and bowed to the girl: "thank you, elder sister, you are my benefactor."

The girl chuckled and asked, "are you from the countryside?"

Pomegranate said, "well."

The girl said, "I can see at a glance that there are a lot of migrant girls who have come to the city from the countryside recently. They are all like you. Many people have been stolen by thieves when they enter the city. It's good if you look so good-looking that you haven't been raped."

Pomegranate said: "elder sister, your skill is very good."

The girl said with a smile, "I've been bullied a lot. I'm vanilla. What's your name?"

"My name is pomegranate. Vanilla, can you help me? My man is ill. I want to take medicine. I don't know where the hospital is, but what should I do? "

As soon as the girl pulled down her hand, she said, "OK, I'll help you. Let's go to the hospital to get the medicine first, and then try to find a way."

The girl was really good. She took pomegranate to the hospital, helped her catch cold and fever medicine, and went to her new home with pomegranate once, which was the bridge hole with air at both ends.

Han zi's burning has not returned, his whole body is burning like charcoal, his face is red and he is still shivering.

Pomegranate helped him up, gave him medicine, and then helped him tuck in his clothes. She takes care of him like her sister takes care of her brother.

The girl saw the miserable appearance of pomegranate, tears came down, and said, "sister, how can people live in this place? It's going to get sick. "

Pomegranate sighed and said: "no way, I don't have money. I can only stay here. It's too expensive to stay in a hotel. Sister Xiangxiang, you are familiar here. Can you find something to do for me? I want to earn money to support my family."

The girl said happily, "we are recruiting female workers in our factory. Why don't you come to our factory. If you don't mind, I'll talk to the factory director

Pomegranate was overjoyed to hear: "do not dislike, do not dislike, vanilla sister, thank you, I really don't know what to say."

Vanilla said: "you're welcome. I'm also a girl from the mountain. My hometown lives in Qingshi mountain."

"Ah, you are also from Qingshi mountain, from that village?"Vanilla said, "my grandmother's home, Nangang village. When I was a child, I followed my parents into the city. "

"Ah, we are fellow villagers. I'm from Beigang village. "

"Oh, I don't know each other."

Women and women can always find the same topic, three words did not finish, two people hugged together, with many years have not seen the same sister.

Pomegranate said: "then you go with me, let's go to see the factory director. I'll introduce you to the factory. "

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