Zhao Tiezhu was sitting in a truck, spitting smoke ring steadily and looking at him without cutting. As calm as a winner.

He wanted to force Xiao Boda and Secretary Xu to Qingshi mountain. Zhao Tiezhu didn't want to kill them all. He still kept the last glimmer of hope. He wanted Secretary Xu to wake up and reduce the danger coefficient to the lowest. Because Xiao Ling is still in their hands.

Of course, Xiao Boda also understood the meaning of Tiezhu, but he had no choice but to rush to Qingshi mountain, or he could only come down and be captured.

So as soon as he turned the steering wheel, the car kept going, avoided the truck in front of him and went straight to the provincial road.

The car is speeding, the engine is howling, the speed of the car has nearly reached 200 kilometers per hour.

It is more than 300 li away from Qingshi mountain, and in less than an hour, I arrived near Beigang village.

Passing through the south of Beigang village, we can't go any further, because more trucks stop in front of us, blocking the road. Xiao Boda and Secretary Xu can't fly.

Xiao Boda was so scared that he quickly braked, otherwise he would run into it. The car couldn't hit the truck at all.

The car drew a long curve on the road, pulled out a deep rut on the ground, and almost burst the tires.

The car suddenly stopped, Secretary Xu and Xiao Boda's head almost at the same time hit the front glass.

Secretary Xu was so scared that his pants were already wet. He asked Xiao Boda, "what can I do? What to do? "

Xiao Boda was still resourceful and said angrily, "what do you say? Let's go up the mountain, take Xiaoling as hostage, and ask Zhao Tiezhu to let us go. "

Secretary Xu has been completely confused, can only listen to Xiao Boda. Two people ran out of the car, Secretary Xu picked up Xiaoling, three people a front and a back on the Qingshi mountain road.

They can't go up the mountain because there are interceptors in front and pursuers in the rear.

The villagers here share the same hatred with the police, forcing Secretary Xu and Xiao Boda to a desperate situation.

They have no choice but to follow the route designed by Zhao Tiezhu.

Secretary Xu walked in front of them, while Zhao Tiezhu and Qiusheng stopped their car together.

Tiezhu got off the car, Qiusheng got off the car, and Xiao Jian got off the car. There are also the villagers in Beigang village. All of them are taking advantage of the big bar to pursue the mountain.

All things, Zhao Tiezhu has arranged in advance, even how things develop is in his control.

We follow the mountain road, Hula La, all the way tracking.

Secretary Xu and Xiao Boda were scared. They didn't dare to jump off the cliff or get into the nearby virgin forest.

Xiao Boda and Secretary Xu both know that the wild wolf in Qingshi mountain is powerful, and they also know that the blind man and the wasp in Qingshi mountain are fierce. They dare not challenge the wild animals, so they can only climb up the trail.

Gradually, Secretary Xu and Xiao Boda were forced to the summit of girl peak by Zhao Tiezhu.

The main reason why Zhao Tiezhu wanted to force the two of them to the girl peak was to make them repent.

Because not long ago, Zhang Erdan and sun Guoming died here.

Zhang Erdan killed sun Guoming, then committed suicide, and jumped from the peak of girl peak to the death ditch opposite.

After the bodies were pulled up, they were completely different.

Tie Zhu wants Secretary Xu to think about the fate of Zhang Erdan and sun Guoming, and not to do stupid things.

When Secretary Xu and Xiao Boda rushed up the girl peak together, the eastern sky was just dim and bright. The first ray of sunlight flashed from the East sky, and jumped to the peak not far from Qingshi mountain. All of a sudden, the whole world is golden.

They have been busy all night. The two men were panting and sweating.

Secretary Xu is really a man, no matter how tired, also did not let go of Xiaoling, Xiaoling is still in a coma.

Secretary Xu, they had no escape, no escape. On both sides are high cliffs, in front of the dead ditch, behind are villagers' sticks and police guns.

The two men sat on the stone, gasping for breath, and watching the team at the foot of the mountain approach them.

Zhao Tiezhu and Qiusheng finally come up. Zhao Tiezhu's expression is very complicated. He looked at Secretary Xu carefully and was filled with emotion.

For 20 years, brother Xu has always been Zhao Tiezhu's most admired person.

He recalled the scene of his own city twenty years ago.

At that time, Zhao Tiezhu was still a village doctor, a doctor in the countryside.

No one believed in his medical skills. He could only set up a stall in front of the little red mansion.

By chance, he got to know Secretary Xu and helped him to cure the shrinking Yang.

Since then, they have become intimate friends. Secretary Xu helped tie Zhu win over business, and Zhao Tiezhu helped Secretary Xu's friends cure a lot of physiological diseases, laying a solid road for Secretary Xu's official career.

They are mutually beneficial and close friends of life and death. They drink together, joke with each other, and curse their mother by pointing their noses. Even Secretary Xu taught Zhao Tiezhu to find a woman, although Tiezhu has never been to such a place.Secretary Xu taught Tiezhu the way of officialdom, which made him endlessly useful all his life. Tiezhu also taught Secretary Xu several skills of spring art, which made him popular among thousands of girls.

They are more intimate than their brothers.

Later, Secretary Xu helped tie Zhu to make loans, so that Tiezhu built a way forward. When he finally left, he helped Tiezhu get 500000 yuan from the Credit Union and let Tiezhu open the first factory in qingshishan.

He is a benefactor of iron pillar and a great benefactor of Qingshi mountain.

But Tiezhu never thought that things would develop to today's situation. He wanted to arrest Secretary Xu himself.

He couldn't bear to do it. It was his brother.

Looking at the disheartened appearance of Secretary Xu, Zhao Tiezhu is heartbroken.

Secretary Xu also stares at iron pillar, showing a wry smile on the corner of his mouth: "Tiezhu, you win, I lose..."

Zhao Tiezhu stepped forward and said, "brother Xu..."

Secretary Xu said angrily, "don't call me brother. I don't deserve to be your brother, and you don't deserve to be my brother. Do you have a brother who does that? To force my brother to die? "

Zhao Tiezhu said earnestly: "no one forces you to die. Think about what you have done in the past. Which one did I force you? It's you who step into the abyss.

What's up, brother? Or is it not my big brother? How did our brother get to the present situation? You've been pissed off by money. "

Secretary Xu was very angry and stood up abruptly. He said angrily, "stop me, Zhao Tiezhu!"!! I am not convinced, I am not willing to!

We both started at the same time. At that time, you were a little doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I was just a secretary of the township head.

But in 20 years, how far has the distance been between us? You are now a well-known entrepreneur with a fortune of over 100 million. You can be seen on TV and newspapers.

You go out to drive a luxury car, surrounded by bodyguards and beautiful women. You have married five wives in succession, which can be said to be the peak of happiness in life. But what about me? What do I have?

For so many years, I have been suffering in the officialdom. I am afraid of pressure from above and trouble from below. I walk on thin ice, scared and conscientious.

Until now, I did not corrupt the country's one cent, so thousands of yuan a month's wages.

I can't even find a daughter-in-law.

I thank you for introducing Xiaoling to me, and let me taste the happiness of being a man. I appreciate that you treat me as a brother. But what's the use of this? I am poor, poor jingling, I need to go abroad, I need money, I also want to be happy. Want to live like a person? "

Zhao Tiezhu also shed tears and said, "brother Xu, I understand your pain. You have no money to ask me for. How much do you want to spend? I will never frown, but if you don't open your mouth, what can I do?

Did I give you a lot of money? But you didn't accept it once. You said that you were afraid of being charged with bribery. I always thought you were a good official, honest and upright. Why are you doing this? "

Secretary Xu said, "iron pillar, I can't accept the money you give me! But I can't give it to you. Because you owe me that!

Anyway, this book is of no use to you. Just give it to me

Zhao Tiezhu said: "I don't care about this book. I can give it to you, but you are not allowed to sell the national treasure to foreigners!

This is a treasure of my family and a national treasure. It is also a wonderful flower in the history of medicine. To foreigners, that is to sell our country. I will never be such a person! "

Secretary Xu said: "iron pillar, I know what you said, but I have been wrong, there is no chance to go back, once people go wrong, it is difficult to repent."

Zhao Tiezhu said: "you can repent, because you are not deep. Do you know why I forced you to Qingshi mountain? It's to close the door and let's solve it ourselves.

Don't worry, elder brother. As long as you hand over the treasure book, I'll assume that nothing has happened. I, Zhao Tiezhu, can support you all your life and be my own brother. "

Secretary Xu was timid and tears flowed down. Only then did he understand the good intentions of Tiezhu brothers. Until now, Zhao Tiezhu is still pulling him. I'm afraid he'll fall into the cliff.

Xu Kwai, full of craft and cunning, is just a little hesitant. The Shaw Boda is there to be alert. "No, Zhao Tiezhu," he said. "This man is so scheming and difficult to deal with. He is fooling you, and he has fainted, and then he has to take you quickly. He is the little Ling in your arms, not really wants to save you."

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