After entering the door, Zhao Tiezhu was very polite and nodded and bowed: "Hello, township head. I'm from Beigang village. My name is Zhao Tiezhu."

Feng Xiangchang was also very polite. He didn't have any airs at all. He also warmly shook hands with Zhao Tiezhu: "Zhao Tiezhu, you are famous. Your medical skills have started in Z City, and all the people in the municipal Party committee know you. Now he is a branch secretary of Beigang village, and young people have a bright future."

How do you know? Have you ever been to xiaohonglou? Did the girl in the little red chamber tell you?

Laozi and those leaders of the municipal Party committee will not publicize it everywhere, because they are all bad diseases, such as willow, gonorrhea, syphilis, not lifting, synovial and so on.

He even suspected that township head Feng had contracted the disease. Zhao Tiezhu wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh.

"Zhao Tiezhu, sit down, please. Don't mention it." Feng is very polite. Iron pillar had to sit down.

Feng Xiangchang's work is very busy, there is a large pile of documents on the desk, but still very warm reception Zhao Tiezhu.

"Zhao Tiezhu, I heard that you are going to build a road for the village?"

Zhao Tiezhu said: "yes, Mr. Feng, our village has been in the mountains for hundreds of thousands of years. We urgently need to build a road. But we are all very poor. We can't even wear our pants. I want to lead the big guy to get rich. If we want to be rich, we should have fewer children to build a road.

I, Zhao Tiezhu, also warmly respond to the call to do something practical. Please, give us funds to build roads. The villagers of Qingshi mountain will never forget your great kindness. "

Zhao Tiezhu's tone is very soft. He is also a figure who can stretch and shrink. He is more horizontal than anyone else. The wolf king of Qingshi mountain also dares to fight. When asking for help, he will say soft words. This is the hero, the husband who can bend and stretch.

After listening to Zhao Tiezhu finish, Feng nodded his head with satisfaction and said, "yes, you have ideals and ambitions. You are a good youth. I was the same as you, but also a cavity of heroism.

But to tell you the truth, the township finance is really tight. Road construction is not a trivial matter. We have to apply to the county for approval.

After the reform and opening up, there are so many places that need to spend money. In mountainous villages like Beigang village, there are still many in our village. Why don't you go back first? I'll think about it. When we have time to inspect your village, we can decide. How about it? "

Zhao Tiezhu listened to the fog of a head, this is to give money after all, still do not give money? I don't know. I don't know what to say.

The township head said this is a kind of word to shirk, that means, I don't have money, so get out of here.

Zhao Tiezhu also wanted to say something more. Secretary Xu glared at him hard beside him and said quickly, "Tiezhu, you go back first, the township head said. You can go to the village to investigate and decide when you have time."

Secretary Xu said as he pulled Zhao Tiezhu up and pulled out of the township head's office.

Zhao Tiezhu was very puzzled and asked Secretary Xu, "what does the township head mean? Is this money given or not?"

Secretary Xu said with a smile: "Tiezhu, the head of the township said that he would like to examine it. That is to say, he agreed to give you money, but when and how much to give it has not been decided."

"When will it be settled?" Zhao Tiezhu asked

Secretary Xu said: "that depends on whether you can handle affairs, understand the flexible."

Zhao Tiezhu or did not understand, asked: "how flexible?"

Secretary Xu hehe a smile, enigmatic said: "money and women, you have what, just smash it."

Zhao Tiezhu understood as soon as he heard that Secretary Xu meant to let himself bribe the township head, or simply find a woman to follow him on the Kang. Only when the township head is comfortable can he get the money for road construction.

Isn't that bullshit? Who am I, Zhao Tiezhu? It's dirty to have a son without an asshole. I can't do it.

Tie Zhu said, "brother Xu, you can't do it! First, I don't have money. If I have money, I don't have to come all the way to beg you. Second, I don't have a girl around me. Even if I do, I won't let her sleep with the head of the township. You should die of this heart. "

Zhao Tiezhu was very angry and wanted to walk out of the village courtyard. But the Secretary pulled him from behind and said angrily, "Zhao Tiezhu, how can you be ignorant? This is the hidden rule of officialdom. Everyone must abide by this rule as long as they step into the officialdom.

Who says you don't have a girl around you? You girls in Qingshi mountain are very beautiful. They are very water and wild. Our township head likes to ride a horse... "

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly stopped his pace, his eyes leaping out of a nameless fire, as if to light Secretary Xu's whole body, he pointed to Secretary Xu's nose and angrily said, "you're a fart! You mean, let's go to bed with the women from Qingshi mountain? You're delusional!

I'll tell you, boy, don't pay attention to our Qingshi mountain women. If he dares to bully our women in Qingshi mountain, I'll cut him off. I don't care what kind of township head or not he is. Get out of here! "

Zhao Tiezhu threw Secretary Xu off with all his strength and kicked him on his fat butt. He kicked Secretary Xu far away, almost falling into a trap.

Then he did not look back and walked out of the door of the Rural Courtyard and left angrily.Tiezhu couldn't bear the anger, and asked Secretary Xu's ancestor eight generations for a second. What the hell? Is this the servant of the people? What's on your mind all day?

Even if Tiezhu died, he would not let the village women sleep with the township head. He would never allow others to bully qingshishan women, and their dignity should not be violated.

If the money for road construction can only be obtained by sleeping with the village head, I would rather not have it.

With his luggage on his back and his stomach burning, he set foot on the mountain road home, and he was no longer willing to talk nonsense with Secretary Xu.

After returning home, it was three days later. Tiezhu sat on the Kang, exhausted, and looked out of the window at the boundless mountains. For the first time, he felt disappointed and helpless.

He did not believe that the head of the township would come to qingshishan in person to investigate, and he did not believe that the township finance was so tense. All these were just excuses.

Is it up to us to build roads? People outside the mountain can't be relied on or expected to go up.

He made up his mind that even if he chewed, he would gnaw a way out.

Where to worry about it, gowardesh brother came in with a cigarette pot in his mouth. Brother Gouwa heard that the iron pillar was back, and he came to ask about the road repair money.

When he saw Tiezhu's angry appearance, he understood seven or eight points in his heart. He didn't need to ask. Tiezhu was a fag chasing fart this time.

Gouwa brother took a puff of smoke, pulled the pot out of his mouth, exhaled a thick cloud of smoke, and asked with a smile, "what? Is the soup gone? "

Zhao Tiezhu jumped up from the Kang and said angrily, "brother Gouwa, are you angry? When I asked them about the money for road construction, Secretary Xu gave me an idea. He said that if you want to get the money, you must find a woman to sleep with the head of the village... "

Gowardesh listened, chuckled and said without hesitation: "what's the matter? Then sleep. As long as you sleep with him, you can get money. What's sleep like? It doesn't wear out

"Ah?" Zhao Tiezhu was very surprised. He didn't expect that Gouwa elder brother would also say this: "do you think so?"

Gowardesh said helplessly: "brother, you are still too young. Officialdom is ten times more terrible than you think. You will understand that there are only two things in this world that men can't refuse. The first is money, the second is women. If you don't give them any sweetness, who will do something for you?"

Zhao Tiezhu wry smile: "that good, let your wife Su E accompany him to sleep, I think you have no opinion?"

Gouwa elder brother smile, nodded, said: "you don't worry, when necessary, I will do this, will let his wife climb on the Kang of the township head."

Zhao Tiezhu made a mistake this time, and something unexpected happened to him, because township head Feng really came to Qingshi mountain, and he came to investigate the matter of road construction.

Ten days after Tiezhu's return to Beigang village, FengChen servant of Feng Xiang Chang also arrived in Beigang village. There was no one else around him, only Secretary Xu.

They have climbed more than 200 li of rugged mountain road, after many hardships, and by the time they arrived at Beigang village, they were already disheartened and exhausted.

Feng was not a simple man. When he was young, he fought the Vietnam War and later recovered. He was assigned to work in the Taohua township police station as the director there.

Later, he married and married the only daughter of the head of the village as his wife. With the help of his father-in-law, his position rose all the way. He was directly referred to the County Public Security Bureau as a political commissar. A few years ago, he was assigned to the post of head of Taohua township.

Feng Xiang Chang was injured during the Vietnam War. He was shot in the shoulder and in the leg. So far, his physical movement is very inconvenient. Walking is also bumpy.

Once upon a time, he was a kind man with a good heart and a good wife. It's not as dirty as Secretary Xu said.

But the change of fate always makes people feel at a loss. When the wind in Fengxiang is proud, the tragic change of his family pulls him from heaven into hell.

Three years ago, his daughter-in-law's serious illness changed his life. Her wife had a stroke, hemiplegia, hemiplegia, and was paralyzed in bed. From then on, his life immediately turned to embarrassment.

At the beginning, he was still very good to his daughter-in-law. He took good care of his daughter-in-law. He took good care of him.

It is rumored that his daughter-in-law once committed suicide secretly in order not to fill in the burden for Feng, but she failed to commit suicide twice. Their love story is also well-known in Taohua township.

But later, Feng became very impatient. With the rise of his position, his outlook on life was also changing. He became irritable, restless, explosive and irritable. Sometimes he even broke the pot and broke the bowl and lost his temper with his wife.

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