The bustle of "jiuzhuantang" yesterday afternoon made Gao Dali feel great pressure!

He felt that his clinic would close sooner or later if he didn't engage in the "nine turn hall"!

After thinking about it, he felt that he had to start with the husband and wife who had broken their hands to make nine turns.

Until now, he did not believe that Xu Chao could handle Jiang Xiaonan's hand perfectly.

Jiang Xiaonan is the name of the man who broke his hand. Yesterday, he first went to Gao Dali's clinic and did a simple hemostatic bandage. The clinic left his information, so Gao Dali knew his name and contact information.

Whenever Jiang Xiaonan's hand is a little inappropriate, it can make a big difference.

So, last night Gao Dali dialed Jiang Xiaonan's phone and tried to persuade him to go to the hospital for an examination. Even if everything was irreparable, he could ask the hospital to issue a medical certificate so that he could claim compensation from "jiuzhuantang" in the future.

Jiang Xiaonan and his wife are very grateful to Xu Chao. They never intend to claim compensation from Xu Chao.

After all, in the daytime, if they choose to go to the hospital, they may lose not only their hands, but also their lives.

But after listening to Gao Dali's deception, they feel that it's better to go to the hospital for an examination. At least they have a spectrum in their heart, so they don't have to worry about it all the time.

So this morning, they went to the hand surgery department of Huazhong hospital.

Huazhong hospital is the first comprehensive hospital in Jinhai City, and it is also the only hospital in Jinhai city to operate surgery alone.

Coincidentally, today's doctor is Qiao Yimin, director of hand surgery.

Qiao Yimin saw the case and heard the couple talk about the injury at that time. His face was not very good-looking. He said sternly, "you really don't take yourself seriously? Such a serious injury, blood vessels, nerves, tendons are all broken, even if our experts outside the hand, the prognosis is good, the rate is not more than 30! How dare you deal with it in a small clinic? I'm sure you're going to lose eight to nine out of ten

The so-called doctor parents heart, doctors see to their own body irresponsible patients, is really very angry, speak also particularly severe.

Jiang Xiaonan burst of bitter smile, said: "we also want to come to the big hospital, but my place is a little far away from the hospital, I lost too much blood, the doctor said the hospital is too dangerous."

Qiao Yimin's face softened. He was about to speak, but the woman said, "my husband also suffered from epilepsy. At that time, the situation was really dangerous."

Qiao Yimin's face changed again. He could imagine how critical the situation was at that time.

"Thanks to doctor Xu's good medical skills, he gave my husband a shot and let him return to normal." Said the woman.

Qiao Yimin gave a hum.

Epileptic seizures, is sent to the hospital, that is, to inject the patient, let the patient sleep in the past.

It's almost impossible for patients to recover immediately.

He felt that the woman's words were exaggerated, so he didn't take them to heart. He just began to check Jiang Xiaonan's hands.

He first checked the color and temperature of the broken hand, and then asked his graduate student to do a skin edge bleeding examination for Jiang Xiaonan.

The examination of skin edge bleeding is to check the blood transportation and circulation of finger endings, which is an important indicator of recovery.

Qiao Yimin is not optimistic about the inspection results.

As a senior director, his skill is the highest, but he estimates that even if he does it himself, the excellent rate will not exceed 60%.

As for doctors in small clinics, it would be nice not to let patients cut off another piece of their hands!

However, time is not long, graduate students came to report: "director, a little bit of fresh blood out."

Qiao Yimin can't help but be slightly stunned.

Jiang Xiaonan and his wife were a little nervous.

"Doctor, can't I keep my hand? Is it amputation? " Jiang Xiaonan asked in a panic.

In fact, he was psychologically prepared for the result.

After all, he sewed it up in a small clinic.

But even so, at the moment really want to cut off their own hands, his heart or pan out of a sad!

No hands, from then on, he is disabled!

Qiao Yimin immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "it seems that I have to take back what I just said. Your hand is not eight to nine to be discarded, but eight to nine to be preserved. There's red blood coming out, which means the blood supply at the end is good. No bleeding, or the blood is purple, the situation is serious

Qiao Yimin suddenly became interested in the doctor in the small clinic and said, "the operation you did yesterday should be active today. Come on, you can do some movements with me. It may be difficult, but you have to overcome it. It's called compound tendon. It's also very important. "

He put his hand on the table, first made a flexion and extension of his index finger, and then rotated the other fingers. He was surprised to find that Jiang Xiaonan did it all!

After waiting to stop, Qiao Yimin asked with an incredible face: "you said it was sewn in a small clinic?"

"Yes, it's called jiuzhuantang." Said the woman.

"Big private clinic, right?" Qiao Yimin asked again.

This kind of large-scale private clinic has connections with many large hospitals, and those with strength even have connections with large foreign hospitals. They can invite highly skilled doctors.

However, Jiang Xiaonan shook his head and said: "the scale... Should not be big, right? It's an ordinary community clinic, on Haiyang West Road. "

Qiao Yimin feels that the whole person is not very good. Is there such a skilled doctor in a small clinic?

We must take action to dig people!

This kind of technology is able to open a department independently!

If they are dug out by other hospitals and open another hand surgery, it will have a great impact on their own hand surgery.

Although people's hands are easy to be injured, most of the injuries are dealt with by general surgery in general hospitals. There are not many cases that need to be dealt with. This is also the reason why only Huazhong hospital has independent hand surgery in Jinhai city.

"What's the name of the community doctor?"

"It seems that his name is Xu Chao. He is very young. By the way, he is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?"

Qiao Yimin's eyes are all big!

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine does an operation, still do so good? Isn't this not a business?

This is... Looking at their own way, occupying other people's way, so that others have no way to go?

Of course, Qiao Yimin knows that traditional Chinese medicine also has surgery, but this is a legend. Looking at the medical world now, how many traditional Chinese medicine doctors can do surgery?

"Are you sure he is a traditional Chinese medicine?"

"Sure! He gave my husband surgery did not play anesthetic, with Chinese medicine soup debridement, by the way anesthesia. However, he can still do surgery, which should be regarded as the combination of Chinese and Western medicine? " The woman said uncertainly.

Qiao Yimin is a very curious person. He looks at his watch. It's time to get off work. He even says to his graduate student, "if I can't arrive on time in the afternoon, you can help me for a while. I'll go to see the community doctor. What's sacred."

Jiang Xiaonan and his wife are now more grateful to Xu Chao. They are going to thank Xu Chao face to face. By the way, they will tell him the results of the examination, so that he can rest assured. Seeing that Qiao Yimin is going, they will immediately make a statement to show Qiao Yimin the way.

On the way to jiuzhuantang, Jiang Xiaonan and his wife talk about Gao Dali. The more they smack, the more they feel that Gao Dali is too bad. That bastard is going to use them as their guns to deal with Xu Chao!

Jiang Xiaonan decided to embarrass Gao Dali!

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