
Wow, a bowl of hot porridge spilled on the ground. The plastic bowl with porridge bounced twice and rolled several times on the ground. Purple rice porridge pulled out shocking purple pieces on the white and smooth floor of the hospital.

It was a doomed, restless night.

For the first time, Chen Xiu, who spent the night in the Bureau, obviously couldn't stand the mosquitoes here. Chen Xiu couldn't imagine that the mosquitoes here couldn't even get rid of the mosquito nets.

Although there were a lot of mosquitoes when he lived in the countryside before, in the summer where he and old man Chen lived, old man Chen would make a bag of mosquito repellent sachets, which was much better than any mosquito repellent incense.

Chen Xiu has been ten years old because of the buzzing mosquitoes. He looks at himself surrounded by more than ten mosquitoes. Now

All the people in the Bureau fell asleep, and his hands were suddenly clenched into fists, and a big wave of genuine Qi was sent out from his body. The mosquitoes that were about to get close to him turned into ashes and fell to the ground.

too big for her skin! Little mosquito still wants to get close to me! Chen Xiu glanced at the black mosquito ashes on the ground and swept them away with his feet. This long night, how to boil ah, Lin ruoshuang there how not good? Is there an accident?

Chen Xiu stood up and took two steps. He suddenly thought of a question. Before she died, she asked Mu Xiaohui. That Mu Xiaohui was the guy who was addicted to alcohol last time! What if that person is not at home? What if Momo has no one in her family

My God, I don't want to be so unlucky, Chen Xiu lamented in his heart. However, God will still listen to his thoughts, and then he can better let Chen Xiu's rough life have another prison disaster.

Chen Xiu doesn't know what time it is. He only knows that it's time for dawn. Why doesn't Lin ruoshuang come? Is it really like what I guess? Chen Xiu pulled his pants and began to shake his legs anxiously.

At this time, Lin ruoshuang has excluded half of the hospitals in central and southern China. She first started to look for the hospitals in the old city. The information she gave was that the middle-aged and old people named Mu Zun were accompanied by a wife surnamed Yang and her guardian was Mu Xiaoqing.

She should choose a hospital with relatively low fees and a place close to home. Lin ruoshuang measures Mu Xiaoqing's ability to afford which hospital she can afford. However, she underestimates the ability of a woman who can do everything for money.

There's no news.

The dark curtain of Zhongnan city has become a little white from the East. Lin ruoshuang dozed off in the car, then looked up to see the white. He took out his mobile phone to watch the time and contacted the assistant, but there was no result.

At this time, the police who worked overtime all night in the Central South Municipal Bureau were ready to clean up. They went to wash their faces and had breakfast at the gate of the Bureau. It was so bright that the lights of the Municipal Bureau could be turned off, and their hearts were in a panic.

It's been a night. Something must have happened to Lin ruoshuang. Otherwise, it won't be so slow.

Deputy director Liu in the office of deputy director on the second floor of the municipal bureau moved his overcoat and then opened his eyes. He sat up from the March bed, picked up the kettle on the ground and took a cold drink. He felt comfortable all over.

Deputy director Liu stretches and looks at the time. It's almost time to send Chen Xiu. The task assigned by Prince Xiong is completed!

At daybreak, Chen Xiu looks at the people coming to work in the Bureau outside. Deputy director Liu Liang comes down from upstairs and takes people to catch Chen Xiu.

"Go, Doctor Chen." Liu Liang stood at the door and told the two policemen behind him to bring the handcuffs back to Chen Xiu. Chen Xiu, who had been waiting for a whole night, watched the day gradually light up. Lin ruoshuang's figure did not appear in the Municipal Bureau, and his heart was cold,

I've lost my mind. He felt the cold touch on his wrist and was pushed out.

The irascible policeman sneered at Chen Xiu and said, "hum, I was still arrogant yesterday. Why didn't I talk? Ha ha ha, he also said that you would go out. You earned money in vain last night. "

"Zhuang! Be quiet Liu Liang asked the restless police officer a Zhuang to shut up, and then said to Chen Xiu friendly: "Doctor Chen, you gave me the money to feel my pulse last night. When you have a chance to come out, I will pay in full. How about that?"

"..." Chen Xiu's low mood was obvious. After listening to the deputy director's words, he pulled up a corner of his mouth sarcastically: "if I can't help you, do you want me to go in and never come out again?"

Liu Liang was asked to be speechless. For the first time, he was so arrogant. No wonder it's easy to provoke Wang Zixiong's group to speak so directly.

Chen Xiu knows that this is a premeditated war. He may be doomed to escape from this prison disaster, but his whole family is still deprived

This will not give him a chance to plead in court

However, he was full of curiosity and hope about the outside world. Now he was sent to prison, and his father and villagers knew about it. How should the villagers comment on him? Don't the old man's spirit in heaven also feel disappointed in himself.

"Hurry up!" The irascible police pushed Chen Xiu into the car, locked the iron cage and closed the door. Then the tall man sat on top of the co pilot. There were two policemen with pistols in the back.

And there is not only such a car to "escort" Chen Xiu, but also another special leadership car... For Liu Liang.

The police car of the prisoner left the Municipal Bureau with its siren blaring. Nearly half an hour later, the LIM family's luxury car braked fiercely on the roadside of the Municipal Bureau. Lin ruoshuang's clothes didn't know what they were doing. There were light purple dots everywhere.

Lin rushes to the gate of the Municipal Bureau and sees people going to work one after another. At the same time, the atmosphere is relaxed and he knows that Chen Xiu has been sent away.

She drooped her head and came out of the City Council.

In fact, what she can catch up with is that Mu Xiaoqing's mother, Auntie Yang, can't accept the news of her daughter's death. She's emotional and verbal, and doesn't listen to Lin ruoshuang. Mu Xiaoqing's father is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and he can't take care of himself, and he's in a weak state, so he can't be sent to the nursing home.

Everything is fate, so is mu family and Chen Xiu.

Lin ruoshuang didn't sleep all night. On her white face and under her eyes, she had two big black circles under her eyes. She couldn't help it. Chen Xiu went to prison No.3. The prison background was extremely complex. She didn't want to go there at all. How to get in touch with the people inside was a problem.

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