Ah Yi, the fruit seller, pointed to the alley and said, "Oh, just go in here and count the signs on it."

Several vendors nearby also looked at Chen Xiu's back in surprise.

Chen Xiu was walking on the wet ground in the alley. He wore a pair of light colored canvas shoes with stains on the top of the shoes. In this alley, there were several snacks with very good business and long queues.

I saw a cold noodle shop with a black blue reflective number plate on it, which said no. 90. Then there was a small shop. The number plate was clean, and I recognized it as No. 95 at a glance.

Estimating the order of the numbers, Chen Xiu turns left at the fork of the lane and finally sees the sign 106. seeing

After arriving at the destination, Chen Xiu took a few steps. This is the ordinary residential building.

Chen Xiu, full of hope, is now aware of a problem. The residential building in front of him, which looks like decades old, is No. 106... That is to say, it is numbered according to the land. The owner of No. 106 uses the land to build a residential building, and then rents it from outside.

So this Momo, why didn't she give a house number! Chen Xiu reluctantly took the note out of his pocket, only to find that the words in the front of the note were beautiful, while the words in the back were a little crooked. Maybe he didn't have enough time to write.

Chen Xiu thinks carefully about what happened that night. If someone forced her to do that, she knows that the key person is Chen Xiu, so she tries her best to make such a note for Chen Xiu. In other words, her every move in that room is monitored?

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Good dog, get out of the way

Chen Xiu, who was standing at the door of the building, was pushed by the people behind him and stepped on a pool of water. His light shoes were stained with black.

"Good donkeys don't bark. Can't they talk well?" Chen Xiu turned around and saw a rough man. His clothes were not well dressed. The third and fourth buttons of a shirt were misplaced. He was still holding a bottle of beer in his hand.

The rough man doesn't look like a rough man. He looks like a tramp under the sleeping bridge. His hair is in a mess and his face is glossy. He looks at Chen Xiu with his eyes, and then "burps ~".

The old drunkard took a sip of beer, put his face close to Chen Xiu and said, "you... You, who? I haven't seen you before!"

A big smell of wine ran into Chen Xiu's nose. He pulled back the mask and said, "I'm looking for someone. Is the landlord here?"

WOW! The bottle fell on the floor and broke.

Then the drunkard said vaguely, "you, why are you wearing a mask? Ugly... Dare not see people

There's no way to communicate with drunkard... Chen Xiu doesn't plan to say more and stands aside.

"Hello, Hello! Don't you understand! I'll beat you! " The drunkard hit Chen Xiu with a heavy fist. Chen Xiu dodged, but the fist hit the iron door of the building with a bang.

Chen Xiu couldn't help looking at the man's hand for several times. He broke the skin. The man was drunk and didn't feel any pain at all. Then he continued to attack Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu held his fist directly, and his mood floated. His tone was slightly unhappy: "no injustice, no hatred, why do you do it to me?" The man raised his other hand and hit Chen Xiu in the face. Chen Xiu tilted his head and dodged. Then the drunk roared angrily

"You bully me! You laugh at my poverty! You all think I'm poor. Labor and capital are losing hundreds of thousands of dollars, damn it

At this time, a middle-aged woman with vegetables suddenly came out. Seeing this scene, she threw the vegetables on the ground, quickly came over and took the drunkard from Chen Xiu's hand: "Ai Ai Ai, this gentleman is sorry, you let him go, let him go, give you trouble!"

The old woman clapped the drunk's head angrily, and her eyes were filled with anger and disappointment: "rotten thing! You know how to drink, you know how to drink! You've made all the money at home. Give your sister a hand and work hard outside! "

"That woman, what are you doing outside? Don't you know, she sleeps with you! You know what that means? I think you think I'm poor! You motherfucker! Don't think I'm poor... "


The woman slapped heavily on the drunk's face, very loud! The old woman said bitterly, "labor and capital have given birth to you! Don't say that about your sister! Your sister has a real job! She's not that kind of person! Without her, where would your father's medical expenses come from? "

Chen Xiu takes a deep breath. He just wants to be a gourd eater. The conversation between the mother and the son is very interesting. He didn't want to get involved in the family disputes between the two, but according to this situation, he has to take charge.

Seeing that the drunkard got such a slap, he immediately burst out, grabbed the old woman, and was about to start. The son wanted to fight against his mother. Chen Xiu flew out with a silver needle between his right fingers and poked it directly into the drunkard's neck.

The old woman raised her hand to cover her head, but the pain did not fall on her. She put down her hand and saw that her son had fainted and fell into the arms of a strange man, Chen Xiu, who could not eat melons quietly.

The old lady didn't see Chen Xiu's hand just now. When she put it down, she saw that her son had fainted, like the ones she had seen on TV

All the rumors about sudden death after drinking appeared in her mind. In an instant, the old woman was covered with sad tears: "you?! sir? What happened to my son? What's the matter with him? Did he drink too much and die suddenly! What should I do? What can I do? Am I abusing too much, Wuwu? "

"No, auntie, don't cry. Come and help. Your son is OK." Chen Xiu held the drunkard's collar in disgust. Even if he was wearing a mask, he could not resist the strong smell of wine mixed with the sour smell of not taking a bath for a long time.

Chen Xiu's words were like a reassuring pill. The old woman listened, wiped two lines of old tears on her face, and came to help the drunk. Chen Xiu also helped.

He helped the old woman to help the drunkard into their home and saw the picture of the whole family on the wall. Chen Xiu finally realized that it took no effort to get happiness in life.

The family photo shows a family of four, with a son and a daughter standing behind their parents. The family in the photo laughs happily. Three of them, Chen Xiu, have seen each other. The son in the photo is the drunk just now, and the mother in the photo is the old woman

People, the daughter in the picture, is that Momo!

So don't leave this address for yourself. What do you want to do

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