"At present, the city is gradually being established, with a population of 100,000 people, and our mechanized search and rescue force is organizing rescue operations in nearby cities, but the rescue efficiency is relatively low due to the interference of blood crosses, and the number of new arrivals is between 100 and 200 per day.

"The standing army is three or four thousand, and most of the survivors of the Blood Cross crisis are adult males, and the soldiers are guaranteed... Counting the mercenaries in the martial arts plane, the current number of troops is about 5,000, more than 500 people are equipped with power armor, more than 30 tanks, 3 helicopter gunships, hundreds of trucks, and most of the power armor is used by experienced mercenaries.

"The number of the Sun Paladin's Guards is stable at about thirty, and their combat capability is fully guaranteed, and they are all guys who survive the apocalypse and have a very high degree of obedience to you, and they will provide assistance to the mechanized troops.

"The Sun Paladin's abilities aren't outstanding in attack... Most of those who can join will only have rudimentary magic and healing, which I call a "light spear" attack, and even a few knights who can do it will not be more powerful than rockets.

"Of course, the paladin's strength seems to increase with the number of them, and with that one... After the flag, we found such a characteristic.

John talked endlessly to a pile of papers on the table, and Rand rarely didn't smoke, nodding his head uncontrollably as he listened, and knocked on the table with a sigh.

"Hey, if you had given me so many SWAT officers back then, what kind of human trafficking... Lao Tzu can lift the country for others.

Rand smacked his tongue and pinched his chin, his eyes fluttering, as if he was imagining his magnificent deeds after he really had so many troops.

"You can form your own, Rand, the Judge Task Force is a promising team in my eyes, and can be continuously supplied with both personnel and money if needed, even the abilities I have given you.

Yi Chuan coughed lightly and interrupted Rand's imagination, how could this guy have so many changes...

At present, there is no major breakthrough in the task force, it is basically still in the embryonic stage, most of the mercenaries and soldiers have joined the epidemic prevention task force, learned Ripple, or joined the Guards Regiment to become Sun Knights, and the other task forces only have a name.

The third promising task force is the Strangler Task Force, led by Sora Yuki, who specializes slightly in strangling the transcendental... Under the treatment of Ripple, Kong Yuanxue had almost regained her full strength, and as the only two female disciples of the Phantom Sea Sect, she could teach more than enough things to ordinary people.

It's just that Kong Yuanxue serves as Yi Chuan's accompanying bodyguard, not to mention, he rarely shows up in his normal situation, and he is immersed in cultivation like a martial artist, and since he captured the immortal cultivator, even Yi Chuan has not seen her, which is a bitter mercenary who wants to go in and learn something, thank God for being able to know two tricks.

If there is no division of labor, it is better to say in the Blood Cross Plane, but in the future, it will inevitably suffer a big loss because of the low level of professionalism, so re-consolidating and establishing the task force is also a top priority.

"It's not impossible, I just don't need a partner.... Ha, don't say it, I'm really like the Batman who cultivated Robin, when this matter is over, I'll be all about it, and when the time comes, don't be stingy, boss.

People like John Rand who have been "blessed" know that Ikawa has an ability to give people special abilities, and he is even more mysterious... But anyone with a long head will understand that this blessing must come at a price.

However, Yi Chuan is not in a hurry, this shelter brings 500 energy points to himself every month, and he will reach the 10,000 mark in a few months, and then he can really vigorously develop special ability personnel.

Like what... The mercenary who had passed out before.

What's his name? Anyway, he shouldn't be ordinary.

It is even possible to put the right to create a contingent in his hands, to have a ... The task force on the supernatural side, although it seems that there are no ghosts in the martial arts world, or that there are, but they are too weak, but there is no guarantee that there will be no ghosts in the future world.

Consolidate, move forward, grow....



"Haha, Ryan, what's wrong? This little training made you sick?"

Oleg wore an army-green hurdle vest and struck various bodybuilding poses in front of the mirror in the locker room.

This brown bear-like guy spends at least three hours a day training on his own, and because of the good food from UHG, this guy is much stronger than when he first came here.

"No, my nose is itchy.

Ryan rubbed his nose hard, trying to wipe out all the irritability of the day's training.

"I said, my big brother, which woman would like your size, don't be sassy.

Albert's voice came from far and near, and he was smiling and carrying the shampoo wrapped in a bath towel.... This guy was actually granted an additional purchase right of 300,000 yuan because of the top three results in the whole company in the last all-army shooting organized by the whole army, so this guy chose a 300,000 shampoo and hair care package.

The mercenary is a guy who fights on the edge of life and death, and this guy actually spends money on his appearance, which has become a joke of the entire army for a while, but he himself doesn't seem to care, saying that this is an investment for himself.

If it weren't for Ryan's knowledge of this guy and his temperament, he would have been treated for him.

"Hey, you skinny monkey, you have a chance to go to my hometown, and your hair will be frozen in less than two days.

Oleg scolded with a smile, put on his clothes contentedly, and turned back to pick up the suitcase in his hand.

"Your hometown is not bad, there are auroras, it's a great place to date girls.... But it has to be my hometown, have you ever seen the romantic capital? The girls are more gentle and lovely than the other, maybe one of them will fall in love with your big bear.

"Come on, I can't deal with the old ladies..."

"I don't dare to touch those in your hometown, come to us to know what a really gentle woman is.... Hey, Ryan, you're here too?"

The relationship between the three is not bad, and Ryan has also met a few guys, but in terms of personality, he is not as interesting as these two at all.

"Of course, and don't persuade Olega, I've been cheated by women..."

Ryan smiled wryly and shook his head, half of his hard-earned money at that time was used as child support for his daughter, and now he has to send 10,000 euros a month, which is really astronomical.

"What is your kid's ex-wife? If you knew my brother and me at the time, it would be impossible for you to put such a guy on the table, Olega, you can rest assured, I didn't miss it, I can tell if it's a person or a ghost."

Albert rubbed his hair with a look of disgust, this master of time management, he didn't know how to get along so well with three or four women.

"Alright, that's it... Let's discuss the task, so that it will be for someone else.

Ryan interrupted, feeling a little lonely in his heart, that woman really didn't matter to him, but the daughter... Daughters are important to themselves.

I want to go back alive and meet my daughter properly, this is the right thing.

"Mission.... I know, don't say it, the company has recently been under martial law with the outside world, and it is estimated that it is specialized in this world, and I really don't want to fight those disgusting guys, hey.

Olega was not afraid of fighting, but he sighed at the mention of it, nothing else, the Blood Cross was hard to forget.

I remember that after going to the hospital and fighting, this big guy hadn't eaten meat in a week.

"Damn, it's Blood Cross again, every time I see those guys, I can't go to bed for at least a week, it's disgusting... But let's not worry too much, I heard, I just heard that we should go to a military base to fight a group of robbers and bandits or something.

"It's just a pity.... I don't know where my beauty has been lately, I haven't seen her for a few days..... "

Albert is very powerful, although this guy is a special attack on women, but the interpersonal relationship is also in place, although the company's tasks are not too dangerous, but never sent in advance, the confidentiality work is quite in place, only he can get first-hand information.

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