Looking at the

earth-shattering Emperor Poison Blade and the salute that rang out in unison, Yi Chuan slowly retreated to the rear, looking at the shock in the mercenaries' eyes and a hint of fanaticism that they might not even have noticed, and nodded.

If you want to make your organization cohesive, in addition to the indispensable material support, the most important thing is to give them glory.

The UHG organization can be said to be fighting for their families and homes when protecting a world, but this kind of cross-dimensional sacrifice is far from being compensated for by material.

Let them know that every sacrifice they make will be remembered, and their contributions will be known by their relatives and comrades-in-arms..... That's all that matters.

After testing, the Emperor Poison Blade was hailed as a "sci-fi garbage heap" by a group of engineers, but the STC, which is close to the stuff of sci-fi movies, made the engineers call it a miracle creation.

After their exhaustive research, a new generation of Emperor Poison Blades was developed, and those inefficient and without advanced electronic components were eliminated as much as possible, and there are currently only four members: the main gunner, the communicator, the deputy gunner, and the scout.

The interior of this tank is like a small building, which makes communication reconnaissance not very convenient, and after careful consideration, a crew member was added.

Despite its simplicity, the engineers were so struck by the hard pure gold, laser weapons, and rocket-propelled bombs that it was hard to imagine that a civilization with such technology could have built such a tank.

They wouldn't be surprised if they knew the Warhammer story... But for the sake of safety, Yi Chuan still didn't tell them the story of the four gods.

What shocked the engineers the most was that the engine actually burned gasoline.... The huge engine is like a small building, and the engineers have used the nuclear fusion core of radiation technology, and the palm-sized battery can make this behemoth move at high speed for more than ten years.

At present, Ikawa has decided to mass-produce this thing... The cost was that it took 8,000 energy points to make the remaining STC module, and now only 2,000 energy points remain.

One of the benefits is that you can produce the Adamantite Gold, Ceramic Steel, and Plastic Steel in the Warhammer universe, which have extremely special properties that are more than radiating lightweight bulletproof armor.

At the very least, radiating lightweight bulletproof armor still belongs to the category of "armor", but plastic steel can really be used on body armor and can withstand bullet frontal attacks, but it has various characteristics of plastic, which is outrageous.

The front of the ceramic steel can resist the attack of rockets and only leave black paint, and it is an excellent thermal conductive material, which can effectively deflect radiation and particles, and is extremely high-quality in defending against laser weapons, while its own structure is hard and will not be dented.

And Adamantite is even more outrageous, and has a nickname in other universes.... Edelman Alloy, known for its absolute indestructibility.

The entire shell of the Emperor Poison Blade is forged in pure gold, and even hypersonic missiles cannot penetrate the shell..... But extreme attacks are still possible, such as the frontal bombardment of nuclear bombs, and it is estimated that they can be directly vaporized at the center of the explosion.

With this armor, power armor can also be made of terracotta steel or pure gold, so casualties are estimated to be minimal.

In general, it is a big update of the material, and it is worth it.

The only drawback is that his energy points are worried, and most of the hard-earned energy points are gone, and the energy points produced by the blood cross plane have reached two thousand points per month with the trade and establishment of the two cities, and the system prompts that because a good order has been established, the humanitarian consciousness may not provide more points in the future.

Now, there is not much he can do in various worlds, there are two evil god hatchlings left in the Blood Cross, and he has no clue to completely destroy them, so he can only advance slowly, there are too many enemies to deal with in the martial arts plane, and if he does not have the momentum of crushing, he will definitely not joke with the lives of soldiers.

So, get ready to open a new plane.

This time, due to the company's senior management, Yichuan decided to discuss the follow-up development with them.

"Rand, John.... Kong Yuanxue, the three of you come with me for a short company meeting. The

next parade was a new type of power armor and a new tank, which was nothing to look at for Ikawa, and several people quickly retreated, making a continuous journey to the central office hall of the city, where there was a spare office, which was the company's meeting place.

The office is a former MI6 conference room, with an eavesdrop-proof mezzanine and high-security door locks, which are certainly no longer useful, but also symbolize the highest security standards that can be achieved today.

"What's wrong, sir.

John sat down first, and he had a premonition that something big was about to happen.... Yi Chuan had never had such a large formation.

"You're the closest people to me, so... Next we are going to discuss a very important topic: I am ready to continue to expand the world.

Yi Chuan said in a deep voice, and quickly opened the system panel, on which there were three closest planes that he saw that needed to be saved.

These planes were hand-transcribed in three copies by themselves and distributed to each person personally.

"The first plane is the so-called "Western Fantasy" plane, where there are elements such as elves, evil dragons, braves, knights, etc., and the level of humanity is around the Middle Ages, and there seems to be very powerful magic, and the human consciousness wants us to solve the troubles... He is also an evil god, just like this world.

"The second plane is... The weird plane, it seems that we want to solve the things of gods and ghosts, the sense of humanity is very depressed, and it doesn't reveal too much information, but the level of humanity is modern, and the technology is similar to our time, and the goal is to eliminate those ghosts.

"The third plane is the doomsday plane, the human level is also in modern times, after a nuclear war, all kinds of mutated creatures and zombie monsters have appeared in the world, and the sense of humanity is extremely active, requiring us to establish order in place of the government.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I will not express my opinion for the time being, and the three of you are free to discuss it.

Ikawa put the information down and looked at the three of them.

"I want to go to the first plane.

The first to speak was actually Kong Yuanxue, which made Yi Chuan a little surprised, she hesitated, looked at the two of them who were contemplative, and raised her hand.

"Well, give me a reason.

"I want to be more powerful.

Kong Yuanxue said bluntly, and her beautiful black eyes contained monstrous killing intent.

"Sir, the strength of those monks is invincible, and now I... Even if you practice for decades, you can't reach your realm, I think, if you can have the power of magic..."

"That's a good reason, Sora Yuanxue.

Yi Chuan nodded, and secretly advanced the form of power given to Kong Yuanxue in his heart, this little girl has already proved her loyalty and strength, and she really wants to let her organize and feel revenge on her own.

"I mean, I want to go to the Doomsday Plane.

Rand didn't dare to smoke, and habitually knocked on the table.

"The Doomsday Plane is full of people, isn't our organization an order organization, a professional counterpart! Miss Kong, I didn't say you, our face has no magic, the evil god is so strong, you can't be killed if you go to this magic plane."


Kong Yuanxue nodded thoughtfully, as if this was indeed the case.

"And there are a lot of resources in the doomsday plane! we make a lot of money from mining raw materials, and we can dig up the wasteland of the doomsday casually, and we will win hemp in a few days."

"Not to mention the moral degradation in the apocalypse, just right for our task force to shoot!" Rand

confidently analyzed, the more he talked, the more energetic he became, and subconsciously touched the pocket on his chest to find a cigarette.... But John smiled and pressed it hard.

"Sir, listen to me.

"First of all, we don't have a shortage of raw materials, the problem of urban development can be solved through trade, if it is the doomsday plane, the other party's productivity will become low, and we have to send materials to it in reverse, IMHO, it is too inefficient.

"If it were me, I would choose the Strange Plane, we will certainly face an enemy we have never seen before, but the strength is certainly not as strong as that of the Evil God, after all, it has not completely destroyed human society, and as a modern plane with which order has not yet collapsed, we can trade with it and obtain a lot of resources.

"The stagnation of trading in the Martial Arts Plane has affected our production, and we need a whole new place to dump our resources.

John spoke eloquently, and the empty source snow and Rand nodded straight as they listened.

Yi Chuan also nodded, in his heart he actually wanted to go to the doomsday plane.... After all, his hometown has also been apocathed, and he must have felt a little sympathy in his heart, and the sadness of the rabbit and the fox.

But John is right, the current UHG company seems to be quite large, but it can only conduct small-scale wars, and it must be raised to the level of a country before it can completely solve the problems of one plane.

Expand, continue to expand....

"No objection, right?"

"Then it's a decision.

"Next outside, weird worlds. 」

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