Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1102: I want sister!

   Chapter 1102 Want a sister!

   "Woo," Gong Juechen pretended to cry twice, "I always thought I was not like this, but it turns out that I have become like this unconsciously."

  Before, he was always cynical, and he didn't care whether others were alive or dead, he only cared about his sister's well-being. In fact, it was because he was so uncomfortable that he wanted to use cynicism to vent.

   But he didn't want to, this cynicism really became his character.

  Quiet and Xiao Changyi didn't know what to say about Gong Juechen. Indeed, after more than 20 years of pretending, he is used to pretending, and it is very likely that he has become like this.

   Fortunately, he is just like that.

   In fact, the heart is still good.

   Thinking of this, An Jing and Xiao Changyi were relieved.

  Quiet and Xiao Changyi were relieved, but Gong Juechen was not relieved. I saw Gong Juechen holding out his stomach, still touching his stomach, raised his head, looked at the blue sky sadly, and sighed sadly: "So I'm so shameless. I'm not pretending. I'm really like that. Alas."


  Xiao Changyi: "…"

   The four little guys were squatting on the side to play. Seeing Gong Juechen's gesture, they all gathered around curiously and asked in a milky voice, "Uncle Chenchen, why does your stomach seem to be getting bigger?"

   Gong Juechen, who was holding his stomach on purpose, immediately said happily, "Because Uncle Chenchen is pregnant."

   Good two…

  This item…


  Xiao Changyi: "…"

   "What is pregnancy?" The four little guys didn't understand at all.

"I'm pregnant with a baby," Gong Juechen explained happily, "Uncle Chenchen already has a baby in his belly. Maybe it's a baby like you, or it may be a girl." As he said that, Gong Juechen still touched his stomach with a motherly look on his face.

  Quiet and Xiao Changyi couldn't look directly at this guy.

   The four little guys are especially interested.

  Especially the little guy An Yiyun: "It turns out that Uncle Chenchen is going to have a baby, so is it okay for Uncle Chenchen to have a younger sister? Neither Yuner nor his brothers have a younger sister. Big brothers have big sisters and sisters."

  The eldest brother is Su Muchen.

   Big sister is the daughter of Su Chengyu and Ning Wenxian, that is, Su Muchen's younger sister.

As soon as Gong Juechen heard that An Yiyun wanted a younger sister, he immediately pushed his chin hard in the direction of An Jing and Xiao Changyi, motioning the four little guys to look at An Jing and Xiao Changyi: "If you want a younger sister, go to your parents, Uncle Chenchen is the only one. I won't give birth to your sister."

  An Yiyun immediately asked in a milky voice, "Can father and mother have a younger sister?"

   "Your mother can do it." Gong Juechen answered immediately.

   Then, the four little guys ran to Jing Jing, clamoring for Jing Jing to give them a sister quickly.

   Quiet and dumbfounded.

  Xiao Changyi looked at Gong Juechen with murderous eyes. An expression of 'If it weren't for you, the four little guys would be like this'.

   Gong Juechen hurried out to avoid being caught and beaten by Xiao Changyi.

   When the four little guys saw Gong Juechen running away, they asked curiously, "Uncle Chenchen, where are you going?"

   "Go and have a baby." Gong Juechen replied without looking back.


  Xiao Changyi: "…"

   The four little guys really thought it was, and said again and again: "Then you go quickly, you want to have a sister!"

   "No, I won't give birth to a younger sister, Uncle Chenchen will give birth to a stone!" After saying this, Gong Juechen also disappeared at the gate of the main courtyard.

   (end of this chapter)

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