Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1154: These two points alone are enough for me to hate for 800 years

   Chapter 1154 These two points alone are enough for me to hate for eight hundred years!

   Ye Zhi was chasing after him, scolding while chasing.

  Unfortunately, because it was already dark, Prince Yi's mansion was not illuminated by lanterns everywhere. Soon, Ye Zhi chased and lost Gong Juechen, not knowing where Gong Juechen went.

  Ye Zhi searched around the place where she was chasing, but when she couldn't find Gong Juechen, she turned around angrily and went back to the main courtyard.

In fact, Gong Juechen was nibbling on chicken feet on the roof, and his eyes were watching Ye Zhi looking for him below, until Ye Zhi couldn't find him at all and left, so that he could never see again, he Just lay back.

   Lying on the roof, watching the bright moon in the night sky, continued to eat chicken feet.

   And his attitude is happy and comfortable.


  When Ye Zhi returned to the main courtyard, she sat down at the dining table again, picked up a chicken paw with pickled pepper with chopsticks and gnawed it fiercely, making it clear that the chicken paw was regarded as Gong Juechen.

  An Jing first glanced at Xiao Changyi before opening the mouth and said, "That's what he is, he is so ill-mannered, one sentence can ruin a girl's reputation."

   Ye Zhi gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, I really want to kill him."

   was silent for a while before saying, "Ye Ye, you have to control yourself."

   Ye Zhi stopped talking, just picked up another pickled chicken foot and gnawed it fiercely.

  Quietly put the seven remaining pickled chicken feet in front of Ye Zhi before smiling, "It's all yours."

   Ye Zhi was a little happier, "Thank you boss, thank you brother-in-law." If she had a split with her boss and brother-in-law, she would only be able to eat two or three.

  Quietly said: "I've made a lot of chicken feet, and I haven't served them once. There are still a lot of them. You can eat them tomorrow."

   When Ye Zhi heard this, her mood improved for the most part, and a smile finally appeared on her little face.

   After dinner, Xiao Changyi took the four little guys to take a bath, while Jingjing was talking to Ye Zhi.

  Quiet and Ye Zhi were the only two in the room, and Ye Zhi spoke without any scruples.

   "Fortunately, I'm not from here. I don't have the kind of thought that if I contact a man, I'm out of step. If I don't, he will definitely kill me." Ye Zhi said while drinking tea.

   Quietly agrees: "He's really going too far."

   "Boss, I really don't understand. How can you and your brother-in-law be friends with him? Look at him. Except for his medical skills, I really can't find any merit in him."

   "You really hate him so much?"

   "Yeah, I hate it." Ye Zhi replied very simply, "Very annoying. I have never hated anyone so much before. He is the first one. I really hope that he will never appear in front of me."

   sighed quietly: "Actually, he is good in nature, but he is short-mouthed and a little frivolous."

   Ye Zhi immediately looked grateful and indifferent: "Just these two shortcomings of him are enough for me to hate him for eight hundred years!"


   Seeing Jing Jing not talking, Ye Zhi suddenly felt a big alarm in her heart: "Boss, don't you want to match me and him?"

Without waiting for Quiet's answer, Ye Zhi immediately refused with great excitement: "Don't! Don't! I really think marrying a dog is better than him, and I can't stand his mouth! I also dream of finding someone What about someone like brother-in-law, he...let's forget it!"

  Quiet can't help laughing and crying: "Dare you dare to play with my husband's idea?"

   Ye Zhi said: "Wrong, I'm not actually looking for someone like my brother-in-law, but someone who is extremely nice to me, and my brother-in-law is extremely nice to you."

   (end of this chapter)

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