Before Liao Cong got familiar with the house, he was taken out by Liao Huan. He walked north from the crossroads in front of Mao Meijing's house. When he met people along the way, Liao Huan would sweetly call them"grandparents, uncles and aunts, uncles and aunts". The person calling would also praise them for being smart, and then chat for a few words. Liao Cong also shouted along, and carefully remembered the looks and corresponding titles of these people. It was a bit difficult for him.

Not long after we left the village, the view suddenly opened up. There were two rows of small trees as thick as arms on the edge of the farmland, just like natural fence posts. We continued north along a small dirt road among the small trees and walked for three more days. In about a minute, rows of long red brick houses appeared in Liao Cong's sight. As he passed one of them, a noisy chicken crow came from the holes in the red brick wall.

"Oh, this is the chicken room!"Liao Cong suddenly realized that the chicken room was originally a place for raising chickens. It was the same shape as the west room at home.

"Dad, Mom, we are back!"Liao Huan ran towards one of the single-family houses. Hearing her cry, Liao Cong's parents hurried out. Liao Cong's mother happily hugged the coquettish Liao Huan, but her eyes fell on Liao Cong. Liao Cong was leaning against her. He was walking around the dog that was beating wildly and barking. He was very lucky that the dog was tied up and the space left for him was quite spacious.

Liao Cong's father looked at Liao Cong and said:"Tsk, you are so Why do you keep your hair so long? Just like the hairy thief!"

Liao Cong's mother rolled her eyes at her husband and turned to her son:"Go get a haircut tonight. Your brother Liao Feng will get married the day after tomorrow. You have to help him at his house these two days. His hair will be neat and pleasing to the eye."

"okay. Liao Cong scratched his hair and explained:"I have wanted to get a haircut for a long time, but there is no place for haircuts in the school.""

After two months of soul travel, Liao Cong has not had a haircut once. His original short-cut hair style is now the same as that of the Golden Retriever Lion King. His parents brought the two siblings into the house, which looked very warm and simple, with a earthen bed. Connected to the stove, the entire room integrates the kitchen, bedroom, living room, and dining room. The wall built on the stove barely separates two spaces. Although the space in the back room is narrow, there is no shortage of furniture and appliances, such as a large wardrobe and a color TV. , a VCD player that can play CDs, Liao Cong took the CDs on the side and looked through them, including Journey to the West TV series, Shajiabang drama disc, City Hunter movie disc, Tom and Jerry cartoon disc, just... Quite complicated!

"Er Cong looked fatter."Liao Cong's mother took out the snacks from the cabinet and handed them to her son and daughter. After observing them for a while, she touched Liao Cong's head affectionately.

Liao Cong smiled, picked up a piece of snacks and ate it. Suddenly he was stunned and took it out of his pocket. Five hundred yuan:"Mom, here, this is the school reward for me"

"What?"Liao Huan grabbed the money and crushed it open to determine the amount of money,"Why reward you?"

"Oh, act bravely."Liao Cong ate snacks and responded casually, but he didn't notice that his parents and sister's eyes were getting more and more surprised. Under the questioning of Liao Cong's mother, Liao Cong told his heroic deeds of saving a female classmate from outside the school. As for the opponent's number, he reduced it several times, and he only said that he scared the opponent away by calling"teacher"

"Five hundred!"Liao Cong's mother happily shouted to Liao Cong's father, the money was like a strong wind.

Liao Huan put his hand on Liao Cong's shoulder:"Okay, brother!"


Liao Cong's mother and Liao Cong's father looked at each other. The amount of money made them easily think of the money they paid for Liao Cong to buy points. It's not easy to see the money back.

"Let's go, work, and let's go home and eat together in the evening."Liao Cong's mother collected the money and took the two sisters out with a smile.

Next to the living area is the long row of chicken houses, divided into east and west rooms, and there are enough hens clucking in chaos. There were more than a thousand chicken cages with three levels on top and bottom on a shelf made of bricks. The troughs and sinks were long, and the aisle in the middle was long and narrow. Liao Cong felt like it was an eye-opener. He had only watched short videos before. I’ve seen pictures of chicken farms in

"Collect the eggs first!"

The four members of the family took the egg trays and put away the eggs one by one. Thirty pieces per plate, more than five plates, were packed in special egg cartons. They knew from the nagging of their sister that this wave of eggs in the evening It’s relatively small, as egg production peaks at noon, and there are estimated to be several hundred eggs every day.

Father Liao was mixing the feed, and Liao Cong asked curiously, only to learn that what was added to the chicken feed was called bean cake, which is oil extracted from beans. The leftover dregs are squeezed out and are good for feeding chickens.

The parents each have a cart, which is filled with chicken feed. Each of them is responsible for one room. Liao Cong and Liao Huan are responsible for feeding water, and they are also responsible for feeding the chickens. There is a movable water pipe in the room. When you turn on the faucet, the water will flow along the sink. Liao Cong studied it and found that the water flows down the water pipe from the roof. There should be a storage tank above, which is convenient.

Looking at the chicken Liao Cong was so curious about the crazy way the flock fought each other because they were fed food and water. He couldn't help but touch the little hen's comb. Unexpectedly, the little hen had a bad temper, so he opened his mouth and pecked Liao Cong. Cong, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just scary.

The whole family worked together and the work was finished soon. Liao Cong’s father stayed behind and locked the door to feed the dog. The mother and son walked home first, hand in hand.

Liao Cong’s mother bought I ordered two cold dishes and bought a bottle of wine.

The owner of the small shop was also an acquaintance. He asked Liao Cong a few words about things at school, and even wiped out a small change when settling the accounts. This kind of human relationship in the countryside was something Liao Cong had never done before. I have never experienced it before. It seems that everyone I meet on the road knows each other's names, and even some of them are related to each other.

Grandma has already cooked, and grandpa has come back from working in the fields. He is short and fair in comparison. The grandma and grandpa look exactly like the old farmers in Liao Cong’s impression. They are tall, thin, dark, strong, and look old. When they saw the eldest grandson, the grandpa was obviously very happy. He gave the peach cakes that grandma had collected in the cabinet to his two grandchildren..

The dinner was extremely harmonious. Grandpa and father had a few drinks. Grandma and mother asked about the situation of the siblings at school from time to time. Academic performance was naturally mentioned the most. Liao Huan and Liao Cong looked at each other. You, listen carefully to your elder's nagging about studying hard, and after getting along for a short period of time, the two siblings have already developed some tacit understanding.

After dinner, it was already dark, Liao Huan helped grandma wash the dishes, and her parents also went out. Go sit with the person who is about to get married for a while to gain popularity. Liao Cong and his grandfather left the general location of the barber shop in the village. He walked out of the house alone and looked back at his home. He couldn't help but be filled with emotion. He had changed a lot. In the end, The direct one is the voice, but the family members of this body obviously didn't realize that Brother Liao's soul had been exchanged. Instead, they were happy because his nose and voice had improved, but it was also a good thing for him.

From their perspective Liao Cong felt a deep concern on his body. If he was not used to it at first, but now he has accepted it and truly regards them as his family. At the same time, he enjoys the feeling of having family members caring about him. For him, who lost all his loved ones at this age in his previous life, it was extremely precious.

Is fate trying to compensate me for losing my loved ones since childhood? Liao Cong looked up at the dark sky and said to himself sincerely:"Thank you. La!"

"Haha... Are you stupid? What are you talking to yourself alone?"

Liao Cong looked at the person who was talking to him and felt a little panicked for a moment. Oh no, this girl who looks very familiar to him... I don't know him.

"Hey, what are you staring at? The girl said coquettishly:"If you have some sense, help me carry it back!""

"oh!"Liao Cong took the thing from the girl's hand, two big bags of melon seeds. Liao Cong simply carried one bag in each hand and followed the girl.

"Hey, Er Cong, you have gained strength!"The girl squeezed Liao Cong's biceps naturally, giggled, walked beside Liao Cong with her hands behind her back, and turned diagonally across from Liao Cong's house, which is also the busiest house now.

"Why are you standing there? Come in!"The girl urged.

A middle-aged woman came over and said:"Xiao Xin, I bought the melon seeds. Hey, this is... Ercong! This hair is as long as a long-haired thief!"

"Hey, where to put it?"Liao Cong asked with a silly smile.

"Put it in the house, come on!"Xiao Xin smiled slyly, pulled Liao Cong and ran inside,"It's just in time for you guys to have a holiday. My brother is getting married the day after tomorrow. You have to do your best."

"It is obligatory!"

Xiao Xin glanced sideways at Liao Cong, with a smile in her eyes:"Hey, you said that, school is not in vain!"

"Er Cong, why are you here? Aren't you going to get a haircut?"Liao Cong's mother noticed her son while she was busy going back and forth. She came over and said,"Xiao Xin, take a plastic bag and let us pack the melon seed candies into bags."

"okay!"Xiao Xin responded, ran back quickly, gave Liao Cong a handful of candies, and said:"Aren't you going to get a haircut? Go quickly, don't close the door soon."

"oh."Liao Cong smiled, tore off a piece of candy wrapper and swallowed the candy into his mouth.

Liao Cong walked out of Xiao Xin's house and walked quickly towards the barber shop. It was easy to find. There were colorful lights outside the door. There were not many people and it was very crowded. It was Liao Cong's turn soon. To be honest, looking at the previous works of the barber, Liao Cong refused in his heart. But there was only one barber shop in the village, so Liao Cong could only make do with it.

"Flat or short?"

"Uh, let's have a short haircut, the shorter the better, hair grows faster"

"It won't be shorter if you shave it off!"The hairdresser was a woman in her thirties. She laughed loudly after saying this, and several aunts and uncles nearby also laughed.

The barber sprayed Liao Cong's head with a watering can and sprayed it with a comb. After gathering it together, I started to use the scissors.

The hairstyle is not exquisite, but Liao Cong with short hair is much more capable, and the hairdresser also likes his cute temperament.

"The young man is quite handsome. Whose family does he belong to?"

Liao Cong reported his father's name, and the barber immediately exclaimed:"I said they look alike. They are really two fathers. How old are they?"

"Freshman year of high school!"

"Tsk, I have to be a college student in the future!"

"……"Liao Cong still giggled.

After paying the money, I returned home with a head full of debris. I washed my hair and felt much refreshed.

The TV set was only in the grandparents' house, and the remote control was in Liao Huan's hand. The TV at home received signals through an antenna, and there were only a few TV stations that could receive it. However, the grandparents and Liao Huan still watched it with gusto.

The first version of Princess Fairy the Princess, a palace drama of the Qing Dynasty, was very simple compared to later generations, but it is now very popular, and will continue to be popular for many years to come. However, Liao Cong soon lost interest and jumped off the kang. :"I'm going to Xiaoxin's house for a while."

Liao Huan ate the candy given by his brother and said hurriedly:"Bring me some melon seeds!"

"oh!"Liao Cong looked at his sister, who was a big foodie, and agreed with a smile.

People from the same clan were getting married, and basically everyone came in the evening. It was a good opportunity for Liao Cong to recognize someone. Liao Cong walked in generously and just walked into Xiaoxin. In the courtyard, I saw a group of uncles and uncles playing instruments, with trumpets, drums, and gongs. It was very lively. His father was holding a trumpet and playing with his cheeks puffed out.

Liao Cong looked at this scene in surprise. , stopped involuntarily. This song was very festive and set off the atmosphere very well. The audience laughed lively.

After the song, a long-faced middle-aged man smiled at Liao Cong:"Er Cong, didn't I like it before? Play drums? Here, try it!"

Liao Cong waved his hand:"Come here, come here, I won't join in the fun."

"Er Cong, go play in the house, don't listen to your uncle's random arrangements!"The speaker, Liao Cong, met him when he went to the chicken house. He vaguely remembered that he was called aunt. He was probably married to the long-faced uncle. In the room, Xiaoxin led several young children to watch TV and saw Liao Cong. When I came in, my eyes lit up:"Hey, you are quite energetic!"While talking, he ran over and touched Liao Cong's shorts.

Liao Cong was embarrassed, but he didn't dare to refuse:"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Just rest, my mother and the others are enough."Xiao Xin slid up a little snot-nosed child, asked Liao Cong to sit down, and threw the child into Liao Cong's lap.

Looking at the child sniffing, Liao Cong couldn't help feeling a little disgusted. It's not that he didn't like children, but he liked them. It was clean and quiet, but the dirty and restless one in his arms made Liao Cong quickly give up his seat to the snotty kid as if he had been stung by a scorpion.

"This is the new sister-in-law!"Liao Cong stood in the room and suddenly saw the photos of the newlyweds hanging on the wall. In this era, there were still ancient rituals and traditions for getting married, and wedding photos were not popular. P pictures, basically they are the most realistic look.

"Um."Xiao Xin stared at the TV, which was showing a cartoon, and responded perfunctorily.

Liao Cong looked at the girl nestled among a group of little kids and said with a smile:"Xiao Xin, you also watch cartoons. ah?"

"Uh-huh?"Xiao Xin jumped up and hit Liao Cong on the head with a bang:"You called me Xiao Xin too? Call me sister!"

"Oh, Sister Xin."Liao Cong covered his head, looked at the proud girl, and rubbed the area where he was knocked. The girls in the Liao family seemed to have violent tendencies!

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