During the period from the end of the interview to the evening self-study, Liao Cong had his highlight moment. The interview was in the spotlight for a while, and he was naturally beaten by Zhao Ke, Xu Xiangnan and others.

Xu Wanqing came to Class 10 specifically to see Zhou Yushuang to see the painting mentioned by Liao Cong. Zhou Yushuang did not refuse and unfolded the painting generously. Liao Cong had painted many for her and she kept them all.

Naturally, Xu Wanqing also saw other paintings. Zhou Yushuang was extremely beautiful, and almost every one of them was eye-catching. Seeing this thick collection of paintings, the envy in Xu Wanqing's eyes could hardly be concealed.

In the evening, after sending Zhou Yushuang back to his dormitory, Liao Cong secretly ran to Chen Lingzhi's dormitory. Chen Lingzhi had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Liao Cong, he was overjoyed:"I thought you forgot!"

"I promised you!"Liao Cong closed the door and glanced at the books spread out on the desk,"Are you working hard?"

"The more you learn, the more confident you will be. Chen Lingzhi looked tired,"But sometimes I feel really tired.""

"Balance work and rest, and besides, it’s already so late, my eyes will be damaged if I stay up like this!"Liao Cong helped her sit on the bed,"That's all I saw today, wash your feet and go to bed."

Liao Cong said as he took off Chen Lingzhi's shoes and socks, revealing a pair of delicate white and tender feet, with the toes moving around playfully.

It is a pleasure to wash the feet of a beauty, especially when the beauty looks at you shyly when

"You wash, I'll get the pajamas!"Chen Lingzhi never forgot her couple's pajamas, and she put them on while Liao Cong was washing her feet. The beauty's process of changing clothes was very glamorous, and Liao Cong couldn't take his eyes off it.

"I just dried the quilt during the day, the weather is so nice today!"Chen Lingzhi hurriedly made the bed and urged Liao Cong to change clothes quickly.

Seeing that Liao Cong had also changed into pajamas, Chen Lingzhi's smile grew brighter. She leaned next to Liao Cong and took a few photos with her mobile phone. group photo of people

"Get under the covers quickly."Although the heating is already on at this time, it is still easy to catch a cold. Liao Cong urged and covered Chen Lingzhi with a quilt.

Chen Lingzhi coquettishly hugged Liao Cong for a while and enjoyed the rare time alone.

"I went to pour the footwashing water!"Liao Cong and Chen Lingzhi were tired for a while, then they stood up and walked out with the basin. When he came back and locked the door and turned off the lights, they found that Chen Lingzhi had fallen asleep.

Liao Cong lay down gently and hugged Chen Lingzhi. These days She really worked too hard.

In the special space, Liao Cong gained a lot of red bond points at once because of the evening interview, and even exceeded 500 points for the first time. The system had prompted it many times that night, and Liao Cong only had time to collect it now. Get a new obsession mission.

The four options on the screen correspond to one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, and five hundred bond values ​​respectively. Liao Cong paused with his fingers. The value was too high and he had to use the accumulated bond values. In the end, only Su Tang's bond value was retained, and a new level four task was activated with 500 points of bond value.

Obsession mission (second level enhancement) (real-time): [The moment of social death]

Mission introduction: Liao Cong suffered When junior high school classmates Lin Ning and Gao Xin were stabbed in the back, they experienced the most unforgettable and embarrassing moment of social death in high school life. They lost all face and formed extremely strong obsessions. Mission requirements

: Choose your own way to resolve this crisis and avoid this. The moment the club died.

Mission time limit: When Lin Ning left vocational education.

Mission reward: Depending on the final result, 8 to 20 destiny points will be awarded, and active props will be rewarded.

Liao Cong frowned as he looked at the few lines of words on the screen in the special space. , is the fourth-level mission with five hundred bond points activated actually open-ended?

In addition to the second-level enhancement, the suffix of the mission also appears with the word"immediate", does it mean time limit? Not only that, the mission reward also appears Clear prop rewards? But what are active props? Fairy treasures with magical effects or advanced technological products from later generations?

Mentioning his junior high school classmates and Gao Xin's name, Liao Cong instantly had an impression of another name. This The matter was actually related to the two of them, but Gao Xin ignored him at all now and pretended not to know him even if he saw him. As for Lin Ning, Liao Cong had never seen him before. So why did he die? He couldn't figure it out. Liao Cong, who had cleared his mind, exited the special space with a complex expression, still frowning in thought. It was not until Chen Lingzhi turned around and continued to sleep soundly with his back to him that he alerted Liao Cong.

With a slight sigh, the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Now, It was useless to think so much.

With this thought, Liao Cong silently closed his eyes.

The biological clock he had developed over the past few months made Liao Cong wake up at half past five, and withdrew his sore arm from Chen Lingzhi's neck. Although he had already A little cautious, but still woke up Chen Lingzhi

"what time is it~"

"Let's sleep a little longer, it's still early. Liao Cong kissed her and said,"Shall we have dinner together later?""

"good. Chen Lingzhi half-opened his eyes,"Humph, why did I fall asleep last night?""

"Too tired?"Liao Cong hugged her distressedly,"Don't stay up so late anymore. Giving lectures every day has consumed a lot of your energy. Over time, your body won't be able to bear it."

"oh!"Chen Lingzhi squeezed into Liao Cong's arms, her voice soft and waxy,"I feel a little reluctant to let you go."

"Then I'll lie down with you for a while?"Liao Cong wrapped Chen Lingzhi in a quilt and said,"Go to sleep. I'll wait until you fall asleep before leaving.""


Liao Cong rushed to the classroom and saw Xiao Haiyang stretching his nose to sniff around. Liao Cong secretly said"Oh no" and covered his nose, but there was no time.

"Did you stay up all night with Teacher Chen? Xiao Haiyang winked and whispered,"I never thought that Teacher Chen would go to the Internet cafe with you.""This guy's ability to recognize people by smell is getting more and more fantastic.

Liao Cong breathed a sigh of relief and quickly changed the subject:"Didn't you say yesterday that you asked Xu Xu to admire the moon? How is the result? Xiao

Haiyang sighed:"She was just joking, she didn't mean anything to me. Good-looking women are very good at lying, oh!" Juro, we have a love-struck prodigal added to our dormitory.……"

"……"Liao Cong glanced at Xiao Haiyang with disdain,"Are you being careless? That's weird. With your appearance and charm, no one should be able to stop you!""

"There are many people who like Pindao, but Pindao feels that it is better to be sparing than indiscriminate when it comes to relationships!"Xiao Haiyang reached out and took out a lot of thick love letters from his desk pocket. Some were folded into heart shapes, some into paper cranes, and even one into a small frog. Liao Cong was shocked. Liao Cong was stunned. Cong played with the little frog:"You didn't even open it?"

"Of course I have opened it, after all, it is someone else's thought."Xiao Haiyang lay lazily on the table,"I just restored their original shapes."

Liao Cong was sincerely convinced. This guy's origami is also very good:"I just want to know who wrote this to you, little frog! Xiao Haiyang continued to lie down:"

Fang Xiaohua from Class 9." Liao Cong was stunned:"

Is there anyone named Fang among the school beauties?""

"Xiaohua, Xiaohua in spring, Huaxia in China!"Xiao Haiyang glanced at Liao Cong with contempt,"Can't you even recognize the female classmates in your brothers' class? Or do you only have eyes for school beauties?"

Xiao Haiyang saw that Liao Cong still looked confused and continued to remind:"Zhao Ke's deskmate!"

"Oh, her!"Liao Cong suddenly realized that he was right. In his impression, Fang Xiaohua also had an eccentric character. He was good-looking and often hung out with Zhao Ke. No wonder he could fold out a love letter like Little Frog. This is exactly the same as Fang Xiaohua. Hao Xuyang is like a sixth man

"What did you write? Let me know for a long time!"Liao Cong grabbed the little frog and was about to open it when Xiao Haiyang snatched it back.

Xiao Haiyang said righteously:"This is not good. I believe they won't want to be seen by outsiders."

"Be teachable!"Liao Cong only came up with it temporarily. Since Xiao Haiyang's focus has been diverted from smelling fragrances and recognizing people, he retracted his hand and read aloud with Chinese language textbooks.

Xiao Haiyang continued to be immersed in There were more than a dozen love letters filled with self-pity and sadness, as if what he had in front of him was not a letter of confession but a letter of farewell.

Han Jinghui was not seen during several meal breaks, but Xu Wanqing always came to him and him for some excuse. In front of Zhou Yushuang.

Liao Cong didn't know what was wrong with Han Jinghui. Her sudden lack of persistence made Liao Cong a little uncomfortable. She still persisted in running in the morning, but she saw that Liao Cong had been silent and would suddenly change while running. direction, away from Liao Cong's route, but whenever this happens, the bond value received by Liao Cong will surge.

Her abnormal behavior made Liao Cong at a loss. He waited several times on the road she must pass, but she She would always run away silently.

Finally, Liao Cong couldn't hold it back and ran to her, opening his arms to block her way:"Sister Han, what's wrong with you? Why are you avoiding me?"

"No."Han Jinghui lowered her head and did not admit it.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I just want to be alone and think about something.Han Jinghui's lips trembled and she hesitated to speak, but in the end she didn't say anything and continued running around Liao Cong.

Liao Cong was puzzled:"What?" He felt obviously alienated from Han Jinghui. In the past few days, the reminders of increasing the bond value with Sister Han were more frequent, but seeing her refusing to communicate, Liao Cong There was no other way but to run silently behind her.

On Saturday evening, the dusty lecture hall was reopened at the request of the leaders of the electronics factory. There was constant singing and dancing throughout the night. After training for such a long time, they finally got through it. Several important leaders from the factory rushed over. The party gave a great encouragement to these employees who were about to officially enter Hongsheng Electronics Factory.

Despite the constant problems faced by the trainees during this period, less than two-thirds of the new employees participating in the training were left. However, many things were actually hidden by Dai Zhijun and Jiang Hongbing, and they took the opportunity to summarize the training. The conference was changed into something like a commendation conference, and certificates for advanced collectives and advanced individuals were awarded to several newcomers who performed well in a ceremonial manner. In the preparation of many days of singing and dancing, it was a lively scene.

In order to avoid trouble, employees such as Feng Tingting and Bai Xiaoyan who were about to leave did not appear in the lecture hall. In exchange, although their wages were deducted for various reasons, each of them still received three hundred yuan.

Feng Tingting didn't care about the excitement in the lecture hall at all. She was taking selfies one by one with her mobile phone in her hand. Even though she was used to being casual and carefree, she still felt nostalgic for this time on campus.

In the past few days, Dai Zhijun and Jiang Hongbing had promised Bai Xiaoyan a lot of benefits and seemed to want to keep her. However, their eagerness and hard-to-conceal looks still scared her. Anyway, there was already a way out, so Bai Xiaoyan refused. Very decisive.

The only one who was unhappy was Lu Lu. She left her job not because she was bullied or anything else, but because she really couldn't learn and her hands-on skills were too poor. In a place like an electronics factory where commissions are calculated on a piece-by-piece basis, she would definitely be able to get the lowest salary. The salary is half the result with half the effort.

Fortunately, Feng Tingting was generous enough and found out through the phone that Chai Yurao had rented a two-bedroom apartment. She was planning to move in with Lu Lu and share it with her. Even if they couldn't work together, a place as big as Xingchen Mall would be a place as big as Xingchen Mall when she got familiar with it. You can introduce Lu Lu to a job to support herself.

Bai Xiaoyan does not live with them. She has relatives in Lian City. The three girls have different personalities. At this moment, they are different from others in the cold night. Instead, they have become dependent on each other because of the friendship formed by their common experiences.

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