While Liao Cong was chatting with the old lady, Huang Yongjun went back to the room to put on a shirt and slippers. When he came back, he broke off a banana and ate it politely. While eating, he asked:"Su Tang, when did you leave the Internet cafe?" Are you leaving? Yesterday I went to visit you and they said you resigned. Where are you now?"

Su Tang timidly said:"I'm working in the cafeteria of my brother's school now."

Huang Yongjun looked up in surprise:"Canteen? Where can there be an Internet cafe? Okay, what do you think? This job is getting worse and worse, and the Internet cafe opened you?"

Liao Cong was also chatting with the old lady. From the old lady's mouth, he learned that my aunt was sent to Kyoto for training by the hospital. Having just left two days ago, Liao Cong was hesitant for a while and didn't say anything about letting Su Tang stay. It seemed a little inconvenient for his aunt's house, especially after learning that Huang Yongjun also lived here recently.

After sitting for a while, Liao Cong asked to leave.

Su Tang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It took such a long time, but Huang Yongjun kept pestering her with questions. It was very difficult for her to cope with it.

"Let's eat here tonight."Huang Yongjun said with a smile:"My uncle said that he would stew the leftover ribs in the refrigerator at night. My father will cook them as soon as he brings the oranges back. They are guaranteed to be delicious."

"No, we still have to go home, just stop by and take a look."Liao Cong didn't tell the truth. He held Su Tang's hand and left his aunt's house with Huang Yongjun's disappointed eyes.

Su Tang looked at Liao Cong helplessly:"What should we do now? Otherwise I'd better go back to school."

Liao Cong was also worried. He suddenly thought of someone. Maybe Chai Yurao could take Su Tang in for a few days.

He took out his mobile phone and was about to call Chai Yurao when a call came in. It was Lin Xiaoxiao. Liao Cong was startled and grinned. This is a better candidate

"where?"Lin Xiaoxiao's tone was quite unkind.

Liao Cong said with a flattering smile:"I was about to go to your house to apologize."

"You want to come to my house? Lin Xiaoxiao's voice suddenly rose an octave, and he couldn't hide the smile in his tone:"What?" Come to get engaged?"

"So what, can you let Su Tang stay at your place for a few days?"

"You...I knew you had other agendas! Lin Xiaoxiao yelled angrily and said coldly:"The Silk Art Barber Shop at the intersection of Desheng Street and Pingchang Road, bring her over!""

"thanks, thanks!"Liao Cong hung up the phone and said to Su Tang with a smile:"Go and stay at Xiaoxiao's house for two days. It just so happens that you can come together when you get back."

Su Tang pouted and hummed. She also knew that if she didn't arrange herself well, Liao Cong would not feel at ease when leaving. Lin Xiaoxiao was a place that could make him feel at ease.

Standing at the door of a barber shop facing the street, Liao Cong Cong and Su Tang were both stunned. It was such a big store. There were seven or eight seats in the row facing the door, and they were all full of people. Two female clerks were dyeing customers' hair in another row, and they were sitting on the sofa. There were at least ten people waiting in line. They were all young students and fashionably dressed middle-aged women. The two of them couldn't help but admire Lin Xiaoxiao's family background. It turned out that she was also a standard rich second generation. The clerk Lin Jiayuan had There are seven or eight people, the most conspicuous ones are the two mahjong tables in the store. At this moment, there are also several people surrounding them, having fun.

"Hello, do you want a haircut?"Pushing open the glass door, a sweet-looking girl with maroon hair came up to her. She looked at Liao Cong's short hair and couldn't help feeling a little disgusted. Everyone who went in these days had this hairstyle, but she didn't open the door for business. The reason for driving people away, not to mention that Su Tang still looked normal, the girl immediately smiled at Su Tang and said:"Hello, do you want a haircut or hair dye?"

Liao Cong scratched his head and interrupted:"Well, let's find someone. Does Lin Xiaoxiao live here? Oh, I'm her classmate."

The girl looked Liao Cong up and down, her eyes became wary, she tilted her head and shouted to a woman on the mahjong table in the store:"Sister Jiao, someone is looking for a smile."As she spoke, the girls kept their eyes fixed on Liao Cong, as if he was a bad guy.

Liao Cong had long noticed a few middle-aged women with dyed hair playing mahjong. There were two mahjong tables in the barber shop, and they were The most spacious place, I have to say, is eye-catchingly arrogant!

"She's not upstairs. Tell her to come down!"A woman with long wavy curly hair responded without looking back, and threw the mahjong in her hand dullly:"Shitiao!"

"What a fool!"He turned to the woman who had just applied hair dye on her head and was baking it and laughed so hard that wrinkles appeared,"Give me money, give me money! Sister Jiao, thank you, one stick and one hu, two yuan!"

"Oops, I heard all the cards! The woman known as Sister Jiao pushed the mahjong in front of her in a vented manner, threw out a few dollars, and said unconvinced:"Come again, come again.""

The girl had a dark look on her face. This landlady is really a hands-off shopkeeper!

Before she could call someone, there was a sound of people coming downstairs. Lin Xiaoxiao, who was dressed in home clothes, saw Liao Cong and Su halfway through. Tang, his pace suddenly slowed down, his hands crossed his chest, his eyes raised arrogantly:"Coming? Come up with me"

"……"Liao Cong and Su Tang obediently followed Lin Xiaoxiao upstairs.

"Sister Jiao, it’s the boys who are looking for a smile."The female clerk reminded the proprietress.

"male? Sister Jiao's eyes still remained on the mahjong table:"Are you handsome?" Hi, how old are you? Are you old enough to get married?

The female clerk rolled her eyes and said,"You don't look like a good person with your hairstyle.""

"No worries, our family is a barber, so designing a hairstyle is not easy! Sister Jiao skillfully counted the cards,"I said don't let Xiaoxiao go to school. Get married quickly and take over the store. It also saves me from worrying about playing cards poorly every day!""

Ganghu's poker player exclaimed:"Sister Jiao, are you still worried? You wake up and play, eat and sleep every day. It is a blessing for a woman to live like you!"

"What a blessing, don't look at me not taking care of things, I'm always worried about getting rich! Sister Jiao threw out a useless card, urging the next player to grab the card quickly, and then said:"Look at my eyes, I have lost my energy in the past two days!" The clerk said helplessly:"Isn't that because you stayed up late playing cards these past two days and got a dark circle under your eyes?""

"Is it easy for me? How can I have time to have fun when these two children are on vacation? Besides, it was only two o'clock yesterday, so I had to stay up late!"

Everyone who heard Sister Jiao's words shed tears, which means they are all neighbors in the street who are familiar with her temperament, otherwise they would definitely think that she was showing off!

"Your room is so big!"Su Tang entered Lin Xiaoxiao's bedroom. To put it simply, it was twice as big as the dormitory she and Liao Cong lived in now. There were several large stuffed animals, a dressing table, a wardrobe, a sofa, and a computer desk next to the princess bed. , there is also a large balcony, several potted plants, a fish tank, air conditioning, and even the curtains that made Su Tang's eyes shine.

Lin Xiaoxiao said proudly:"It's just so-so, my dad designed it!"

This house only has two floors. The first floor is the barber shop, and the second floor is the room of Lin Xiaoxiao's family. From the outside, it is really hard to tell that the interior has such a luxurious decoration style. Liao Cong also feels that his eyesight is not enough:"So your family is so rich! Lin Xiaoxiao became even more proud:"

Humph, so you won't lose anything by marrying me.""

"Too high to reach!"Liao Cong cupped his hands and said

"snort! Lin Xiaoxiao sat down on the bed:"Don't you take the car at two o'clock? Su Tang lives here. I have eaten well and entertained you for the past two days. I will also be responsible for sending you back safely when school starts, but you have to pay Our family cooks a dinner.

Liao Cong nodded fiercely:"Deal""

"Then let’s go shopping! Lin Xiaoxiao jumped up with joy and held Liao Cong's arm:"There is a vegetable market to the east of our house!""

"Let go and let your family see that it's not good"

"That’s weird!"

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