There were thunderous applause, cheers, cheers, and hooligan whistles, and the atmosphere reached an exciting level after the first song.

After Liao Cong greeted him, he turned around and left in a hurry. Xu Wanqing didn't hold him back for a moment and couldn't help but stamp her feet. She said the blessing that Liao Cong was supposed to send to the senior high school students.

The second song is"My Future Is Not a Dream" by Zhang Yusheng, which is the song that Lin Xiaofeng will sing. As soon as this guy came on the stage, he waved in the direction of class one very arrogantly, and many of his supporters cheered at the top of their lungs..

As the best and most stable student among the boys in this class, Lin Xiaofeng is no less important in the hearts of teachers than Liao Cong. He is also brave enough to serve in the student union and is also the number one man of the hour. The confidence on this man's face makes him extremely Personal charm, those who have the opportunity to show their singing voice are not necessarily the best singers, but those who dare to sing in front of thousands of people also need a certain thickness of skin.

Lin Xiaofeng shamelessly invited Dong Simeng to accompany him. Dong Simeng didn't know about the bad relationship between him and Liao Cong, so he agreed because it was just for fun anyway.

Then, Lin Xiaofeng spent half of the song singing to Dong Simeng. Under the stage, the gangsters from the No. 7 Middle School gang blew whistles that made the teachers stop drinking.

Liao Cong searched around but couldn't find Wei Pingting. The glimpse just now seemed like an illusion, but Liao Cong was sure it wasn't. Su Tang and others were just listening to Liao Cong's singing, and they didn't pay attention to the person coming and disappearing behind them. Wei Pingting

"Just make a phone call and you'll find out."

Lin Xiaoxiao was stopped by Liao Cong as soon as he took out his mobile phone. If Wei Pingting wanted him to see her, she would not hide now.

Zhao Dezhu regards Liao Cong as the mainstay of the party, and he naturally has the most appearances. Most frequently, after Hao Xuyang and Fan Xiaoxuan finished singing the third song"The Sunshine Always Comes After the Storm", it was Liao Cong's turn again.

"Santang, let’s go!"

Singer Xu Wanqing has already taken his place. Liao Cong and Su Tang came on stage with guitars, standing on the left and right of Xu Wanqing."The First Dream" is an inspirational song suitable for girls. It is in line with the theme of tonight and has high popularity. Liao Cong Cong calmed down, saw that Su Tang was a little nervous, snapped his fingers to attract Su Tang's attention, smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

Su Tang smiled lightly, tried his best to control himself not to look at the audience, and put his fingers on the music On the string, the first note popped up.

Liao Cong quickly followed.

"If pride is not coldly photographed by the sea of ​​reality……"

As soon as the melody came out, Xu Wanqing's aura was in full swing. When she sang the first line, the clear and ear-catching singing voice immediately spread throughout the playground, once again touching the hearts of the students, making the students below, especially the girls among them, couldn't help but follow along. chorus.

Xu Wanqing smiled and handed the microphone forward. The students became even more enthusiastic. A female student who was facing the stage even ran up to her and sang a few words with the microphone in her arms. When she got nervous, her voice broke. I had to run back again. This was such an unexpected surprise. The students laughed like crazy.

Xu Wanqing held back her laughter and continued singing.

Student Union President Zhang Jianfang ran to the stage from behind and handed a pink balloon to Xu Wanqing.

Xu Wanqing was obviously a little stunned and caught it blankly.

This seemed to turn on the interaction switch among the students. Several girls ran over from the stage and sent the balloons they were waving to Liao Cong. They all thought it was fun. Han Meihui, Lin Xiaoxiao, Zhao Ke, Cheng Yao...

Girls lined up one after another to deliver balloons, but the boys in the audience were so envious that Liao Cong was almost drowned in balloons.

Zhao Shuang also wanted to make a hug gesture, which scared Liao Cong and backed away repeatedly. This girl was just too troublesome and didn't notice so many teachers watching below.

Gao Feifei ran up, snatched the balloon next to Liao Cong and gave it to Su Tang. She hugged Su Tang and kissed her on the face. Su Tang was so stunned that she blushed so hard that she couldn't even play guitar. Played.

Xu Wanqing hugged Su Tang's shoulders with a smile and put the microphone between the two of them. Su Tang hesitated again and again, but Liao Cong came over and sang the first line. Then she shyly opened her lips and finished the second half of the song.

Xiao Haiyang, Gao Feixiang, and Hao Xuyang, who played well with Liao Cong, all ran over with scornful expressions and lined up to deliver balloons to Su Tang and Xu Wanqing. Liao Cong made a false kick on the stage to drive them away. It can arouse the emotions of the students in the audience more than just singing. The laughter is getting higher and higher. Zhao Dezhu and Liu Haitao are laughing with satisfaction. As expected, creating atmosphere is what Liao Cong is best at.

As soon as the song ended, Su Tang ran away with a red face and said nothing, making the boy who was about to give her balloons look at her figure in frustration and sigh.

Liao Cong and Xu Wanqing still stayed on the stage. Hao Xuyang and Fan Xiaoxuan also walked up. The four people gathered around a box. Hao Xuyang lifted it and shook it a few times. There was a rattle inside the box.

"Tonight's party is specially prepared for seniors in high school, so in the coming time, we will give a special benefit to seniors in high school."Xu Wanqing said with a gentle smile:"This box contains ping pong balls with numbers written on them. After a while, the head teachers of each class in the third grade of high school came up and took out one of the ping pong balls. The number corresponds to the student number of each class, and the student number corresponds to the number. Seniors can choose to request songs or go on stage to sing a song."

Fan Xiaoxuan said loudly in an enthusiastic voice:"Okay, the rules are clear. Let's take the lead in inviting Teacher Yan Congyan, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade 3 Science! welcome!"

Yan Cong is an unshaven middle-aged teacher with a medium build and a pair of thick glasses. He is unsmiling and slightly unkempt. After walking on the stage, he first looked closely at the box.

"Teacher Yan, you must get me!"A boy from Class 1 of the Grade 3 Science Department shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention and knowing smiles.

Yan Cong pushed up his glasses frame, stretched out his hand and pulled out a table tennis ball, looked at it for a long time before saying,"Uh, this is the 19th ball. Or sixty-one? Liao

Cong said in surprise:"Teacher Yan, do you have more than sixty students in your class?""

"No. Only then did Yan Cong realize that he had asked a silly question. He scratched his head in embarrassment, and there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Yan Cong pushed the frame again and said,"Number 19, that should be Xiao Qianqian.""

"It's me! It's me! A tall and thin girl ran over with her hands raised and said in surprise:"Teacher Yan, I didn't expect you to remember my student ID number!""


Liao Cong gave Yan Cong a thumbs up. Being able to do this at least proves that Teacher Yan has put a lot of thought into educating students.

Xu Wanqing handed the microphone to Xiao Qianqian in a timely manner:"Hello, Senior Sister Xiao, do you want to request a song or not? Want to sing? Xiao

Qianqian has a lively personality. She looked at Liao Cong and said,"I want to sing a duet with Liao Cong, is that okay?""

"What do you want to sing?"

"Guangliang's"Fairy Tales"》!"

Liao Cong smiled:"It just so happens that I know how to do this."

Xiao Qianqian suddenly smiled very satisfied.

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