Li Lijun is a perfectionist. After looking at it for a while, she pointed to a group of people on the left side of the portrait holding Huang Qingcang, dressed as ethnic minorities, and said:"Are these people Xiongnu? Why are they only painted in such a corner?"

Liao Cong chuckled:"There is something else, you can try to guess."

Ma Yuemei took a few photos of the painting with her mobile phone, glanced at the time, and screamed:"Class is about to start, hurry up and leave. Liao

Cong glanced at his watch and panicked:"Oh my god, I'm just here to draw. Come on, it's only a few minutes away!"

Li Lijun looked sideways at Liao Cong, are you sure you're just here to draw?

As soon as they entered the teaching building, the bell rang, and the two groups immediately screamed and sped up. Shen Dong carefully held the painting and took Li Lijun to Class 4. Liao Cong and others ran to Class 10 in a panic.

"Phew, fortunately, the teacher is not here."

Just as Liao Cong was about to call for a report, he saw that there was no custodian in the classroom.

Before he could breathe, he heard Han Meihui say:"Brother, Teacher Gao asked you to go to the office to find her."

Liao Cong pointed to himself in surprise:"Huh? me?"

"Not only you, but also Shi Xuexia and Zhu Zhuxiu, they have already passed by first, you go quickly"


Liao Cong hurried to the office. After being allowed in, he immediately saw several classmates sitting at a desk, surrounding the computer and the teacher. Gao Junhong glanced at Liao Cong and continued to point to the computer and talk to Zhu Zhuxiu about her results. Fluctuation.

Liao Cong stood next to Shi Xuexia and whispered,"Why did you let us come here?"

Shi Xuexia said:"None of us came to the teachers for consultation, and I noticed that the ones who came were all from the top few."

Liao Cong immediately understood that this is a forced stove.

"You have just transferred here in the new semester, and there are not many grades to analyze. However, since you have said that you want to choose liberal arts, the teacher will naturally respect your idea. If you go back and talk to your family again, it will be no problem to reach a consensus.

Zhu Zhuxiu nodded:"Thank you, teacher!""

"Next, Rainbow, come and sit. Gao Junhong glanced at it, called Zhou Caihong to come forward, and asked while operating the computer:"Judging from your grades, you have a greater advantage in liberal arts. Do you have a choice?" Zhou Caihong sat up straight and said,"

I'm still hesitant. My family says it's easier for science students to get high scores, and the teacher said last time that they have more advantages in choosing a major in college and getting a job later.""

Gao Junhong nodded:"You need to refer to the opinions of your family. I noticed that your liberal arts scores are first in the whole grade, but in fact your science scores are also good. You are among the top ten in our class. You see , it’s just that the main subject score was a little lower. Look, English and Chinese are both okay, but math is a little bit worse. I need to work more on this subject in the future."

"Well, I know, teacher"

"OK, next, Xuexia……"Gao Junhong looked up at the only two people left, and looked at Liao Cong, who suddenly looked ecstatic, with confusion, pulling Shi Xuexia to analyze her results.

Liao Cong was not only ecstatic, but as if he had picked up a million. He never expected that this week's [Follow] task would be completed just like that. God helps me!

He obviously didn't do anything, he just listened. This is really... He was ready to give up the mission, but he accidentally got stuck in a system bug!

Long live Teacher Gao!!!

After being proud, Liao Cong had to re-examine the three tasks of this week. Since the tasks that he regarded as unparalleled were all completed, should he work harder on the other two tasks?

Strange to say, what about the conflict between the Vocational and Higher Education Department and the General Higher Education Department? Why does it seem like everything is calm? Could it be because the school teachers were too strict in bed checks?

Hmm... How should I ask out senior Du Xiran?

After coming out of the office, Liao Cong was still thinking about this problem. When the bell rang, he accidentally stepped onto the floor of the senior high school students, stood at the door of the liberal arts class 1 of the senior high school students and looked inside.

"Hey, what are you doing sneaking around? Liu Haitao hooked Liao Cong's neck and joked:"Isn't Boss Liao here to sell jujube cake?" Liao

Congshen said with frowning eyes:"Teacher Liu, what you said is outrageous... How am I a big boss!""

"Come on, come on, come on, let us liven up the atmosphere."Liu Haitao pulled Liao Cong to the podium, clapped his hands to attract the attention of the students in the class who were immersed in the topic:"Look, everyone, I caught a talented guy from the first grade of high school, and I asked him to give it to everyone during the break. How about singing a song to relax?"

The boys in the back row are always the most active in the class, cheering loudly.

Liao Cong said coyly:"What song are you singing?"

"How about singing the song you sang last time with the girls downstairs? Liu Haitao winked and said:"First of all, who did you sing to last time?" Liao Cong's eyes flickered:"

Uh, not so good, that's a love song.""That song is special to him. The last time he sang it to Zhou Caihong, it was because he kept what he said.

"Then sing something you’ve never heard before. Liu Haitao patted Liao Cong on the shoulder and said,"Just what Director Zhao often said, positive energy. Everyone, please be quiet and listen to him sing!""

Liao Cong scratched his head and agreed, coughing, looking for Du Xiran's position, and smiled slightly.

"I want to fly into the sky and stand side by side with the sun.

The world is waiting for me to change.

I’m never afraid of others seeing my dreams,

I can make them come true here……"

The high-pitched singing voice instantly attracted everyone's attention. Liberal arts students have a special preference for words, and the passion in the lyrics immediately made people gasp in admiration!

"I believe that I am who I am, I believe in tomorrow,

I believe that youth has no horizon……"

The singing continued, and students from several classes in the senior year of high school crowded to the door of the liberal arts class of the senior year. Everyone listened to this inspiring and inspirational song with bright eyes. This song is so awesome. My whole body was filled with excitement after listening to it. Why didn’t I hear it earlier? ?

Liao Cong stopped singing after only half of the song. He always felt that his senior's eyes were gradually going crazy, and he seemed to have made a big fuss. He wouldn't be punished by the school, right? And have they never heard of this song? Isn't this an old song?

Liu Haitao was also a little surprised. The effect of this song must be too good. Look at the students in his class who were so bitter and resentful just now, but now they are like a chicken blood. They are amazing!

No wonder they say songs can infect people’s emotions, and it’s true!

"Teacher Liu, I...I'm leaving first!"

"Come visit our class again when you have time!"

"Eh, eh?"

Liao Cong agreed, smiled apologetically and squeezed away from the crowd.

Liu Haitao smacked on the podium:"I believe that youth has no horizon. Tsk, what a wonderful wording! Hey, I forgot to ask this guy what the name of this song is!"

The class bell rang, and Liu Haitao knocked on the podium to signal the students to stop discussing and continue studying.

Du Xiran considered himself an introverted and boring person, otherwise he would not have written the Chinese composition"The Most Profound Memory of Me" for this exam. She didn't know what to write, so she could only make it up. In her opinion, Liao Cong's life experience was destined to be more colorful than hers. He could play the flute and sing such beautiful songs. It was really admirable!

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