It was already ten o'clock when he woke up. Liao Cong couldn't remember how long it had been since he had slept in like he did today. He just didn't feel very relaxed and comfortable, but instead felt a little dizzy.

Just the act of sitting up made him break out in a sweat. His body felt worse today than yesterday. His hands and feet were numb and he couldn't exert any strength.

Opening the door, he almost bumped into someone. Liao Cong took a step back nervously. This action made him feel a pain in his calf. He looked at the person and his expression softened:"Pingting, why are you here?"

Wei Pingting looked anxious:"I heard that Xiaoxiao said you were sick. Are you still feeling uncomfortable? I'll take you to the hospital."

"woke up? Bai Xiaoyan looked at the door and said,"You wash up first, and I'll heat up food for you.""

Liao Cong agreed and took Wei Pingting back to the room. She was tired after standing for so long. Her body was so ugly. Liao Cong simply lay on the bed:"It's just that I'm hot. It's just a good time to be lazy for a few days."

Wei Pingting touched Liao Cong's hand and forehead with concern:"Have you taken your medicine?"

"It’s so bitter to eat! Liao

Cong's coquettish tone finally made Wei Pingting smile, and she said:"What do you want to eat?" I'll go and buy!"

As soon as he touched Wei Pingting, who was wearing two spiritual weapons, Liao Cong immediately felt a sense of clarity on the altar, and couldn't help but hold the girl's hand:"No, Sister Xiaoyan didn't go to heat up the meal, this time is outside. It's too hot. Please stay with me for a while."

"good."Wei Pingting sat on the edge of the bed with crooked eyes, but the next question revealed her little thoughts when she ran over:"I heard Xiaoxiao say that you are thinking about Chen Lingzhi.……"

Commonly known as lovesickness.

Liao Cong was stunned:"Don't listen to her deception."

Wei Pingting sighed and said unhappily:"Zhou Yushuang will be back tomorrow."

"Um? real?"

"you do not know?"Wei Pingting looked at Liao Cong in surprise, thinking that maybe Zhou Yushuang wanted to give him a surprise, so she secretly smiled and held Liao Cong's face with her hands:"Then do you think what she wants?"

Liao Cong chuckled:"You are really, why can't I just think what you think?"

Wei Pingting was very satisfied with Liao Cong's answer:"I'm not leaving today. I'm going to keep you company. Hurry up. You still owe money to a lot of plans you made before, and they haven't been completed yet!"

Liao Cong held the girl's hand. He knew that these plans had been in the girl's mind for a long time, but they were always shelved due to various circumstances. He didn't know if his sick body could accompany her to complete these plans.

Breakfast was eaten together with lunch. Looking at Liao Cong who was obviously more sick than yesterday, Liao Huan was worried but also resolutely put an end to all his requests to work or help with work. The only good thing was that he finally didn't He was forbidden to read novels.

Under Long Wu's secret exchanges and instructions, Liao Cong took the opportunity to rent new books after dinner to go to the jujube cake shop, and took advantage of Lin Xiaoxiao and Wei Pingting who were following them to buy watermelons. He moved out a bag of peaches, which he had prepared in advance and hid in his trousers pocket. They were all broken peaches, and there were more or less traces of bird pecks on them. Because of this, the peach fragrance spread faster and more intensely. Richer

"Hey, are you buying this kind of peach again?"Lin Xiaoxiao saw Liao Cong struggling to carry a bag of peaches, and happily took it. He opened the bag and took a look. It was big, rosy, plump, and fragrant. Lin Xiaoxiao instantly drooled:"My dad. I have been looking for this kind of peach for a long time, but I didn’t find anyone who sells it. He even went to your hometown town and didn’t see it. He asked him to plant the two peach stones in our yard. I didn’t expect you to buy such a peach again. pile."

It's really a lot. For convenience, Liao Cong made a bag of more than 20 peaches. The peaches are so big that the bag is almost bursting. Liao Cong's sickly physique can hardly carry it.

In Lin Xiao Urged by laughter, Liao Cong and the other three returned to the store. On a hot day, Liao Cong was the only one sweating profusely. However, the rented books and the"bought" peaches were both carried back by two girls, which made him look very shameless. Use.

Before Liao Cong could say anything, Lin Xiaoxiao had already washed the peaches head by head. Most people will like the taste once they eat it. If they hadn't just finished eating, the peach was so big that Han Meihui and Lin Yinyin would definitely eat another one. After taking the peaches, Liao Chongxian felt warm and comfortable, and his weakness was much lessened. He put the remaining peaches in the refrigerator and took them out easily.

All afternoon, Liao Chongxian stayed in bed reading, Shi Xuexia and Han Jinghui They also continued to study by doing test questions, except that Wei Pingting and Lin Xiaoxiao were added to the study group.

In addition to notes on key points and a book of real test questions, the study materials left by Chen Lingzhi also included a set of final test papers for students in the first year of high school and the second year of high school. There are fewer questions than the normal test paper, but the questions are very complex and cleverly combine some knowledge points of the first year of high school. Chen Lingzhi sent it specially to Liao Cong this time. It was originally given by Liao Cong to Shi Xuexia and Han Jinghui. , Wei Pingting had nothing to do, so she worked on a set of papers together.

The girls quietly worked on the questions. Han Meihui and Qin Mingming, who were poor students, excused themselves as the store was busy and went to the first floor. Lin Xiaoxiao stayed on Instead of leaving, they just lay on the bed and read novels with Liao Cong.

The three girls finished the papers within the specified time and compared the answers to grade each other. When the results came out, Liao Cong and Lin Xiaoxiao also came over.

"Yeah, your score is so high?"Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Wei Pingting in disbelief. Half of the questions on the paper were about the three main subjects, and the remaining subjects accounted for half. Each question had a maximum score of two points, and the total score was 300 points. Wei Pingting got two marks. One hundred and sixty-five points, Shi Xuexia scored 223 points, and Han Jinghui only scored more than 190 points. In fact, not only Lin Xiaoxiao was surprised that Wei Pingting's score was better than Shi Xuexia's, Liao Cong was also surprised, but he knew How much energy did Wei Pingting spend on practicing dance and flute?

Maybe some people are born with extraordinary talents.

Obtaining this score obviously makes Wei Pingting a little proud, but she is not too proud. The same goes for Shi Xuexia I was not discouraged, I just sighed in my heart and started to discuss the solution to the wrong problem with Wei Pingting. She mainly got points in physics and biology. Since she had chosen liberal arts, these two subjects could actually be ignored. In the back of her mind, Shi Xuexia basically didn't review these subjects these days.

Liao Cong noticed that Shi Xuexia really didn't bear too much pressure. On the contrary, Han Jinghui was very depressed. She looked like she was about to cry when she looked at her scores. , this girl's mental endurance has always been worse than others.

Liao Cong gave a few words of enlightenment, and saw the little girl getting in front of two good students and listening to their discussion, seeming to be trying to learn from them the knowledge that she did not have a firm grasp of.

Liao Cong blinked his eyes happily, knowing his shame and then being brave. Sister Han is very resilient.

However, the room where she recuperated has almost become a regular study room. Wei Pingting and Shi Xuexia also mentioned Zhou Yushuang, and they seemed to want to see Zhou Yushuang. How many points can you get for doing this set of papers? Liao Cong thought that when Zhou Yushuang arrives tomorrow, the study room will really live up to its name.

In the whole room, there is only Lin Xiaoxiao who is wearing headphones and listening to mp3 and has no reaction. This girl is quite a bit broken. It seems that when it comes to learning, he hides faster than anyone else. Now he is swaying his calves and enjoying the sunbath and reading romance novels. At this moment, he is probably the happiest person in the room.

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