Lao Ma personally came to express his apology and emphasized that he really had no knowledge. At the same time, he also helplessly expressed his feelings that his subordinates were losing their minds.

Bazi Sunchao's ambition was obvious. He thought about every step of his rise to the top, but he did not realize that Liuhuo Bar was the foundation of his eldest brother Ma Hongbo. It was impossible to completely leave it to others to manage like other industries, and Bazi had formulated The starting point of the plan is to take over the management rights of Liuhuo. In Lao Ma's eyes, this is no different from trying to sideline him.

No matter how much he trusted Bazi as a brother in the past and how much Bazi helped him, ever since he brought up the matter of Liuhuo management, the two of them were bound to be separated. He didn't know if Bazi really didn't expect the twists and turns or just the twists and turns. In order to replace him, at least Ma Hongbo no longer dares to use Bazi in the future. Without Lao Ma's support, Bazi's self-righteous management ability is nothing but rootless. It is impossible for Bazi to get ahead just by relying on his courage and loyalty. Those who fool around value these two things, but not everyone who has these two things can get ahead, not to mention that Bazi still has many shortcomings, such as being stingy, overbearing, and eating too much.

Bazi still can't imagine how miserable he will be after leaving Liuhuo. He still hates his eldest brother Lao Ma for not only not standing up for him, but also for not coming to see him when he was injured. He never thought that he had been given up by Ma Hongbo.

There was no need for Ma Hongbo to offend Liao Cong and Qian Dayou because of Bazi who was about to give up.

After expressing his apology to Liao Cong, Ma Hongbo rarely sat down and chatted for a few more words. Bazi's incident was not the first. Not only his subordinates, but also the brothers who used to conquer the world together now have their own ambitions, and what happened after Chang Wei's fall After a series of chain reactions, many brothers in Hongyi have thoughts that they shouldn't have, as if they can't see the determination to crack down hard. They always regard"If a person dies, his eggs will fall into the sky, he will not die for tens of millions of years" as a slogan, and they are busy thinking about evil ways. , Lao Ma was a little frightened and wanted to get out.

Liao Cong thought about Dong Qianlian's description of Ma Hongbo on the phone just now, and sat with him in silence.

Dong Qianlian used to be considered a member of the Wei family, and she was still close to the direct line. Her evaluation of Ma Hongbo was not just a random guess. She said that people in Hongyi were the least disciplined. This was also the unanimous evaluation of other forces. Of course, , The unruliness mentioned here refers to Hongyi's treatment of opponents who are not as powerful as them. Hongyi still showed enough respect and restraint towards the Shangwei family and the former Chang Wei family, and these were all relying on Ma Hong Bo's mind, once Lao Ma stops following him, Hong Yi will surely be in disarray and even more likely to go completely crazy.

The key to the lack of rules in Hongyi is reflected in the word"greed". They regard Desheng Street in the northwest corner of Lian City as their territory. Because of greed, Hongyi does not follow the rules and does whatever business makes money. , all the money-making businesses on Desheng Street must either take a stake in it or destroy others and do it themselves. This also allowed Lao Ma and Hongyi to gather enough manpower and material resources in a short period of time to truly occupy the market. This area of ​​Desheng Street.

Lian City was already so big, and Hongyi soon ushered in a period of stability after its rapid development. After that, whether he was competing for territory with Tang Chen or with the former Chang Wei, Ma Hongbo was unwilling to do so. The most important thing was The gains outweigh the losses, and the power is beyond their capabilities, and Tang Chen and Chang Wei are not willing to overly oppress a group of unruly interest allies. After all, these people are poor people who are rich at the same time, or people who are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. Several forces have been It can be regarded as water in the well but not in the river.

But now that Chang Wei has fallen from power, Ma Hongbo's sense of crisis has never been stronger. The so-called capital accumulation of people with their status is not clean. This time, the crackdown on the low-income market has killed many people. They were all caught, and they were all guys who usually went too far. It was a fluke that Ma Hongbo was able to escape. The backers behind him had to work hard to save him. Of course, it was Ma Hongbo who had been careful to clear up the mess and there was no big handle..

But this severe crackdown also made Ma Hongbo very vigilant. After thinking for many days, he finally made a decision. He wanted to get rid of Hongyi, the hot potato.

Of course, the whole process is not accomplished overnight, but is quietly and slowly separated from other people, especially those industries and people that are prone to problems. They must be separated cleanly, and then Ma Hongbo will guard [ As a legitimate businessman, he continues to live an upright and wealthy life, just like Wei Tianyang, who is already invincible in the face of officialdom.

Recently, Lao Ma has made a lot of moves, generously giving up his profits, just to survive. In addition to Liuhuo Bar, he only retains a cinema, a hotel, two Internet cafes and a dozen street shops for rent. Ma used the excuse that he wanted to follow Tang Chen to Shishi City for development and needed cash. All the illegal and gray businesses were handed over to a few brothers in Hongyi who were interested in taking over. There were also some things that others looked down upon and they were also dealt with by his subordinates. At least now he, Ma Hongbo, has come ashore with a clean slate.

Flowing Fire is the top priority in Ma Hongbo's plan. It is his last force and trump card. It is absolutely impossible to hand it over to others. People will be destroyed if they don't do it for themselves. Ma Hongbo's actions are entirely so that he can enjoy the current level for a long time. The luxurious life brought about by status should at least not become a thorn in the eyes of others.

Of course, Ma Hongbo would not tell others clearly about these inner thoughts. He complained to Liao Cong, Lin Zicheng, and Qian Dayou just to make friends with the three of them, and experienced people like Qian Dayou and Lin Zicheng did not really give them any advice. Whatever advice Ma Hongbo gives, they are all for mature men. It’s okay to brag and make friends. Who would want to let others point fingers at them?

So Liao Cong also felt the sharpness and smoothness of these three words at close range.

This also has some advantages. As a bystander, Liao Cong truly feels that the people around him are flesh and blood and have their own thoughts and intentions. They are definitely not an illusory world centered on himself. This recognition at least dilutes the unreality in his heart. , he is glad that he is still one of the ordinary people.

And this feeling continued to expand a lot after seeing Liao Huan and Su Tang working hard. His experience was already bizarre, and he could easily accept some more bizarre settings, even though he himself didn't want to accept it.

The summer night came very late. After dinner, the sky was still slightly bright, and the afterglow of the sunset gradually disappeared into the horizon. Zhou Yushuang changed her clothes and stood at the door of the store with Liao Cong, waiting for the driver to pick her up.

Wei Ning was entrusted by Zhou Jiancheng and still came to pick Zhou Yushuang back to Wei's house every night. If he had anything to do, he would tell Tang San. Unknowingly, it had been like this for half a month, and Zhou Yushuang was about to return to Hangzhou.

The time to leave is getting closer and closer, and the reluctance will become stronger and stronger. Zhou Yushuang seems to have endless things to say to Liao Cong, and sometimes he can't help but get emotional and have red circles as he talks.

Liao Cong had a feeling today [How much does Zhou Yushuang like herself because of the magnified charm value? Liao Cong felt that it was wrong to think so, but he couldn't suppress the thought, so he became even more silent.

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