Liu Haitao sighed: "I used to think that you kid was quite model, with my demeanor back then, but now I know how unlucky it is to be your teacher!".

"On the spur of the moment, I can't help the teacher. "

"I've asked, and it's not all your responsibility. Liu Haitao sighed: "I just said can we stop for a few days? It's only been a few days since school started, and you fought twice, what do you let the school think of you, how do you think of me, Liao Cong, you kid doesn't rely on studying well, and you don't obey discipline with a little effort, right?"

"Teacher, why don't you tell me how poor the management of our school is? Who is Zhou Caihong? When she was a freshman in high school, she was in the top ten in her grade, and now she is in the top five in her second year of high school, and she is a girl in another year, not

like me who can toss and cause trouble, An Ansheng is studying steadily, so what? In the first half of the year, the bastard of the vocational high school broke into the class and bullied her, and in the second half of the year, the same dormitory bullied her, and the same class excluded her

"Are you still energetic?" Liu Haitao kept glancing at Liao Cong, signaling that there was someone behind him.

Liao Cong had already heard the sound of leather shoes, and pretended not to know: "What's the matter? I said something wrong? The school shouts the slogan of breaking the heavy book and hanging the eggs, but you should do something practical, what do you rely on to take the heavy book? It is not those students who are among the best, you can't protect Zhou Caihong, who is excellent in character and learning, and you still delusionally think that students will take the exam? It will be a third-rate school all your life!"

Liu Haitao pushed him: "You are enough!".

Qian Junlai's voice came, and it didn't sound fluctuating: "Xiao Liu, the student has an opinion on our work, you let him say it, I'll see what he can say." "

Liao Cong was a little stunned, but he didn't expect it to be this big guy, and said stiffly: "You let me say that I won't say it yet!"

The school leaders personally handled it, and the matter of the fight and brawl went up, and the people involved were named to the office one by one, including Zhou Caihong, who had not calmed down, Wang Yuexin, who was frightened, and Su Boyu, who was beaten so much that his mother couldn't recognize him.

There are so many eyewitnesses, the whole thing is quickly sorted out, who did what, who made the first move, who is more responsible, the ruling is over in one class of evening self-study, Su Boyu has a major demerit because of his mistakes, and he is placed on probation, Wang Yuexin has a demerit, Liao Cong has a demerit, and a serious warning, as for Zhou Caihong, he is completely a victim and there is no punishment.

Even Liu Haitao and Jiang Yunxia were punished, and as for Liao Cong and the others, who came out first, it is not clear.

Su Boyu and Wang Yuexin regretted and hated, but they didn't dare to blow up the stab again, and entered the class listlessly.

At the door of the class, Zhou Caihong said to Liao Cong in a thick nasal voice: "I'm sorry." "

"It's okay, there's no bloodshed. Liao Cong didn't take it to heart, looking at the girl who was crying, he was just about to say something but was gently kicked by Liu Haitao, and before he pulled him into the classroom, he turned around and saw Jiang Yunxia carefully comforting Zhou Caihong.

Ignoring the curiosity of his classmates, Liu Haitao stood on the podium as if nothing had happened, and after writing down the positions of several class cadres fluently, he turned around and said: "Okay, according to the plan, we are going to elect class cadres today, and interested students please come forward and write their names under the class committee members who want to run." "

This is a major event that many people have been thinking about for a long time, Liu Yusong stood up and was the first to write his name under the squad leader.

More students stood up and wrote their names under their favorite positions.

Seeing Liao Cong fill in his name in the column of the Sports Committee, Hu Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, this time it was a certainty, except for himself, only Liu Yusong ran for squad president, although the two were in the same dormitory, but he didn't put Liu Yusong in his eyes at all.

Liu Haitao asked again if there was anything he hadn't written, and several classmates gave up after several hesitations, only Jiang Shilin got up and wrote his name under the study committee, but this move caused the boys in the back row to laugh, without him, no one felt that he was suitable for this position.


Haitao asked again, and said with a smile: "Then let's ask the students who are running to come to the stage to talk about their advantages, and what they will do after the election is successful, it is also a role in canvassing, everyone according to their understanding, make a fair vote, time is limited, let's try to be short, two minutes per person, okay, then start with the squad leader, Liu Yusong, Hu Qianqian, please two of you come forward." "

Liu Yusong was the first to write down his name, naturally the first to speak, he seemed a little nervous, the pimples on his face were red, and he probably didn't expect that there would be a speech canvassing link, a mouth was a little unsure of what to say, racked his brains and thought a few words, mainly talking about serving the class wholeheartedly after becoming the class leader.

Compared with his dry speech, Hu Qianqian's performance was much more free, talking about his experience as a class president in the first year of high school, talking about his experience and contacts in the student union, and talking about his determination to be a qualified class leader, whether or not he has carefully prepared the speech, at least the flowery speech and sunny image are more competitive than Liu Yusong's visible nervousness.

Liu Haitao proposed to vote by a show of hands, and soon the position of squad leader fell to Hu Qianqian, who was so happy that Hu Qianjin hugged his fists again and again, and said loudly that he would do his duty and pay for the class.

Next, according to the

gourd to draw the scoop, each candidate has a chance to speak and appear, it doesn't matter if the words are not beautiful, good popularity is enough, the difference with the first year of high school is that the position of deputy squad leader was cancelled, and there was an additional position of the secretary of the Youth League, which was won by Xu Xiangnan.

Lin Xiaoxiao almost unanimously passed to become a member of the Literature and Art Committee, the Propaganda Committee was won by Cui Jingjing, Jiang Jinkui listened to Hu Qianqian's persuasion, did not compete with Liao Cong for the Sports Committee, and won the Disciplinary Committee, Cai Xiaoxing of their dormitory was elected as a labor committee, Guo Feifei stood out as a member of the study committee, and the new position life committee was elected by Wu Junli, a girl in the class.

When it was the turn of the sports committee election, Liao Cong and Zhang Chongchong went to the stage to speak and canvass for votes, and the bell rang for the end of the evening self-study, and soon a bunch of students from other classes were lying outside the door, all of whom were attracted by bursts of applause.

Zhang Chongchong made it clear that he was not showing signs of Liao Cong, and stood on the stage first, and when he came up, he pointed at Liao Cong and said: "I think I have more advantages than gas bombs, hahaha......


Liu Haitao raised his eyebrows, but Liao Cong didn't even look at him.

Zhang Chongchong continued: "You elected me as the sports committee, I will definitely grab the best equipment for physical education class in the future, and I will definitely do a good job as a qualified class cadre, such as never returning home or something, and set a good example for everyone." "

After Zhang Chongchong finished speaking, he glanced at Liao Cong defiantly and walked to the side in a daze.

"Liao Cong, it's your turn. With Liu Haitao's voice, I saw Liao Cong standing in the middle of the podium step by step.

Liao Cong

looked around at the classmates in front of him, he had never touched many girls, and he couldn't even call all the names of his classmates, seeing that everyone's eyes fell on him, Liao Cong slowly spoke: " I have my own selfish motives in running for the sports committee, I have a lot of faults, the school's honor roll and bulletin list have my name, saying this is not to show off anything, just to tell everyone what kind of person I am, just now I was fighting with others to a bloody death, and was warned by the school, demerits, it stands to reason that people like me are not even qualified to run for class cadres, but I don't think I did anything wrong, some things are not my style, I will always do what I think is right!".

Liu Haitao subconsciously let out a snort, and he didn't know whether to praise or blame.

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