Lin Jing took the arrest warrant and rushed to Yin Xuan's mother's mansion to secretly escort Yin Xuan to the general's mansion.


In the interrogation room of the

Dream Chasing Pavilion, Lin Jing took off the black hood covering Yin Xuan's head, helped Yin Xuan, who was trembling with fear, to the interrogation chair, and wanted to put shackles on Yin Xuan, but was stopped by Lu Fengxian.

"Mrs. Yin, you are frightened. In this interesting way, Ben Hou invited his wife to the General's Mansion as a guest, hoping to surprise his wife. "

Lin Jing and Yin Xuan looked at Lu Fengxian with stunned expressions, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"The general's way of summoning, the slave family is only frightened, not surprised. "

"Phase... Xianggong, you didn't mean to judge ......".


Lu Feng first grabbed Lin Jing's willow waist, helped her out of the interrogation room, and said, "The lady has worked hard! To deal with Mrs. Yin, Xianggong has many ways, so he doesn't worry that she won't confess. "

"If you don't work for the prime minister, the concubine also has a way to make her confess. Lin Jing tugged at Lu Fengxian's armor tightly, unwilling to leave the interrogation room.

"Lady, now thieves are rampant, and the people of Chang'an City are not prosperous. It's easy to chase people, but it's hard to keep people. Yin is thinking about how to leave the capital every day and go to Qingzhou Mansion to join Cao Apu. Wouldn't it be as she intended to expel her from Chang'an City?"

Lin Jingxing's eyes widened, and she asked, "Does Xianggong want to leave her to have children?"

Lu Fengxian was noncommittal and said: "People are not plants and trees, and Mrs. Yin is not an ordinary woman, so it is not easy to ask her to have children." "

"Could it be that the princess also likes women who have given birth? Since this is the case, the concubine will become the princess, and simply give the entire Dream Pavilion to Mrs. Yin. Lin Jing said angrily.

Lu Feng first pulled Lin Jing back to the interrogation room, leaned into her ear, and whispered.

Lin Jing's face was red and red, and she pinched Lu Fengxian's arm hard, tickling him.

"Jing'er, Xianggong made a bet with you that the bet was 10 taels of gold. If Mrs. Yin returns to the minister, the princess loses 10 taels of gold to the lady. If Mrs. Yin refuses to bow her head, the lady will also lose 10 taels of gold. "

Lu Fengxian made a temporary decision to use whether he could subdue Mrs. Yin as the bottom of the game to divert Lin Jing's jealousy.


"If Xianggong accepts Yin Xuan, he will pay me 10 taels of gold. Yin Xuan's heart is like a rock, and she is unwilling to succumb to Lu Fengxian, and I will lose 10 taels of gold. This gamble does not seem to be a loss. "

Lin Jing failed to see through Lu Fengxian's tricks, weighed the pros and cons, and thought that she would "make sure you don't lose money", so she readily agreed to bet with Lu Fengxian.


Lu Feng first took a paintbrush, ink treasure and a light-colored canvas, sat on the desk, walked the dragon and snake, and painted "Fairy Moon Viewing Picture" on the canvas.

"Is the general painting slaves?".

Yin Xuan sat on the interrogation chair, and was repeatedly scrutinized by Lu Fengxian, and couldn't help but be flustered, like sitting on pins and needles.

Lu Fengxian held the canvas and painted seriously, as if he was painting a portrait of a key offender.

Lu Feng first took Yin Xuan as the prototype, painted the fairy, and then painted the mountains, turquoise, auspicious clouds and the bright moon, and inscribed a love poem:

"Light Luo small fan white orchid, slender waist jade with dancing veil, suspected fairy Yao Tai falling, a smile to chase the city and dreams. "

"It's worthy of being a famous lady, beautiful!".

Lu Fengxian seemed to be very satisfied with his paintings, looking at the canvas, his eyebrows fluttering, and muttering to himself.


Lu Feng put down the paintbrush and seal first, helped Yin Xuan up, hugged him lightly, and walked to the front of the case together.

Yin Xuan's eyes lit up, and she was stunned by the artistic conception depicted in "Fairy Moon Viewing Picture". In the painting, Yin Xuan's figure is elegant, embroidered clothes like snow, wide sleeves flying, her hair is towering, pulled into the shape of a conch, her eyes are bright and bright, and she is charming and seductive.

"Lu Fengxian is a martial artist, and he actually has such profound painting skills and literary talents. He is so concerned that he ......


Yin Xuan trembled, and understood Lu Fengxian's mind through "Fairy Moon Viewing Map".

She bowed deeply and said, "The slave family is an ominous body, ashamed of itself, and it is not worth the general's concern." "

Lu Fengxian held the tip of Yin Xuan's elbow and said: "I heard that the lady has a word first, who can kill the Dong thief and avenge the He family, the lady will promise herself." "

Yin Xuan was taken aback and said, "Why did the general say this? He didn't talk about revenge to outsiders, so how did the general know about it?".

"If no one knows, it will not be known unless it has not been spoken. The lady must have told outsiders about avenging her husband's family and making a personal promise, otherwise, how would Feng Xian know?".

Lu Fengxian deliberately mentioned that Yin Xuan hated Dong Zhuo and asked outsiders (Cao Cao) for help, firstly, in order to seize Yin Xuan's handle and force him to comply, and secondly, to separate the relationship between her and Cao Cao.


Yin Xuan frowned, not knowing how to deal with the current impasse. She made a lifelong engagement with Cao Cao, promising to defect to Cao Cao after revenge. Now, there are branches, killing Lu Fengxian halfway, threatening her with a covenant of revenge, which makes her in a dilemma.

Meng De promised revenge on the He family, but it was Lu Bu who killed Dong and the thief. Alas, is this fate, or fate?".

Lu Fengxian

saw that Yin Xuan's will had loosened, and he no longer rejected Lu Fengxian's intimate actions, and he was secretly happy in his heart. He spread out a canvas again, hugged Yin Xuan with his left hand, shook his wrist lightly with his right hand, and flew dragons and phoenixes on the canvas, painting Qinglu, cave room, flower candles, bride, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, and accompanied by the text commentary and character dialogue of "Night Moon Thief Woman":

When Cao Mengde was young, he tasted with Yuan Shao as a ranger, watching people get married, because he sneaked into the master's garden, he called Huyun at night: "There are thieves!" Everyone in the Qinglu came out to watch, Cao Nai entered, drew a knife to rob the bride and Shao to return out, lost his way, fell into the thorns, Shao could not move, and shouted at the clouds: "The thief is here!" Shao was forced to throw himself, so he was spared. "

"Night Moon Stealing Women" presents the social outlook of the chickens and dogs in the early years of Luoyang City, and the deterioration of folk customs, and vividly paints the ugliness of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

Yin Xuan was suspicious and said: "General Yuan and Cao Sikong are young, how did the general know about it?"

"The robbery of the bride by Yuan Benchu and Cao Mengde has long been spread throughout the famous clans of Luoyang and Chang'an, and it is not a secret. "

Yin Xuan frowned and said, "Cao Sikong is open-minded and bold, sincere and frank, not like a traitorous villain." "

"Let no man look like a man, and no scoop of the sea. Whether a person treats others sincerely, we must not only listen to their words and watch their deeds, but also empathize and weigh the pros and cons from the other party's position in order to see through a person's nature. "

Lu Fengxian intensified his efforts to capture Yin Xuan, and Yin Xuan gritted his teeth and made a final struggle.

"It's not a secret, the slave family and Cao Sikong have an appointment in advance, and the slave family is willing to share the glory and disgrace with Meng De, and grow old together. The general's kindness is deserved by the slave family, and I am afraid that he will fail the general. "


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