
Lü Fengxian's idea of "respecting anyone's worldview and outlook on life" won the approval of the vast majority of His Holiness and missionary lecturers, and many Venerables, lecturers and disciples who were loyal to Amosposeidon opened their hearts and were no longer entangled in Lü Fengxian's seizure of Amosposeidon's papal throne.

"It is a great blessing in life to be able to listen to the Pope's sermons. "


Holiness Abry Boris, who was in charge of supervising and evaluating the preaching teachers, was so impressed by Lu Fengxian's speech that he posted his words of praise on the rolling subtitles.

Mary Sarcruz, Helen Klinsmann, Hannah Abigail, Chanelle Joyce, Charlotte James, Kelly Oliver, and Sarah Gris also posted their voices on video in the form of code words.

Compared with Amos Poseidon's philosophical vision, Lu Fengxian's interpretation of life and soul has obviously widened the gap between the two and has begun to show the demeanor of a master.


In order to deepen the impression and consolidate the effect of the preaching, the meeting referred to the mode of preaching the scriptures of mainstream denominations, and arranged an interactive session, in which the disciples asked questions to the Pope, and Lu Fengxian answered them on the spot.

An African-American male disciple asked about the riots that had just occurred.

"Dear Pope, how do you comment on the fact that a police detective in country A knelt down to kill an African-American driver, triggering a nationwide protest?

You said you would respect any choice of life, so do you respect the three views of the detective who knelt down to kill the African-American driver?".

Lu Fengxian shook his head and said with a smile: "Respect is not the same as recognition, connivance, and accommodation

The second is to respect the pluralism of the three views;

The third is to respect the freedoms and rights enjoyed by every living being, including the right to help others, the right to be praised, or the freedom to harm others and receive retribution. "

Lu Fengxian gave an example: "If I encounter a person who does all kinds of evil on the street, he has the freedom to attack me, but I also have the freedom to fight back against him, or even kill him, so that he will be punished."

I respect

his freedom, but I also respect my freedom to fight back and teach him a lesson.

Respect is mutual, pluralistic, and respectful of both the other and everyone associated with the other. "

The African-American man nodded again and again, "Pope, I understand." The detectives of country A have the freedom to enforce the law roughly, and we also have the freedom to make a strong resistance to their freedom. "

"Yes, that's what respect is all about.


would like to add that I also respect any decision made by the victim and the victim who has been bullied by the detective and endured the humiliation and did not react.

They give up the freedom to resist, but they can avoid further harm, saving the energy, time, and even money and lives that are required to resist.

There are two sides to everything. There is no right or wrong between these two sides, only causality. "

"Thank you Pope for your advice!

The African-American man bowed deeply to Lu Fengxian with gratitude, expressing his respect for Lu Fengxian's wonderful explanation.


Gongsun Yang, a disciple from a fourth-tier city in country C, asked, "Dear Pope, I am from Yuanfu City, country C. In our hometown, many fellow villagers can't marry a daughter-in-law, but there are also a few fellow villagers who do business, make a lot of money by contracting projects, and there is no shortage of women around them, and they support the third, fourth, and fifth children. What do you think of this extremely abnormal and unfair contrast?".

Gongsun Yang's questioning hit Lu Fengxian's pain point, and Mary Sarvus, Helen Klinsmann, Hannah Abigail, Shanel Joyce, Charlotte James, Kelly Oliver, and Sarah Gris looked at Lu Fengxian, hoping that his answer would reassure them.

Lu Fengxian pondered for a moment and said, "People go to high places, and water flows to low places. It is a natural law that many women pursue a rich or talented man.

A considerable number of adult men are unable to marry a daughter-in-law, which is the inevitable result of people going to higher places and water flowing to lower places.

Modern civilized society can use laws and regulations, ethics and morality, public order and good customs to restrict men from occupying too many female resources, and restrain women from flowing to rich men, but this natural law cannot be changed. "


Gongsun Yang shook his head and said: "In our hometown, the economy is backward and there are few employment opportunities, in order to support the family, a large number of laborers go to developed areas to work, resulting in a continuous outflow of population and a series of social problems.

The result of the long-term exodus is a vicious circle, with the local economy becoming more depressed and the gap between the rich and the poor widening compared to the cities with a net inflow.


migrant migration has led to many couples living apart, and it is not uncommon for one or both spouses to cheat.

Due to the large loss of unmarried women, the number of adult men who cannot find a wife is increasing year by year.

In all parts of the country, it is said that there are more than 50 million adult men who are not able to marry a daughter-in-law after the age of 30.

Contrary to the 50 million singles who are hard to find, the number of women owned by wealthy married or unmarried men across the country is increasing.

Pope, should these tens of millions of singles accept their fate?".

Lu Fengxian motioned to Eliza Swendi to pull out a picture of the beasts of the African savannah, and said: "The Tao is natural, the creator does not stipulate how many sheep each wolf can eat, which sheep should be eaten by wolves, and which sheep should not be eaten by wolves.

In the same way, the all-encompassing universe does not stipulate that an unmarried man should marry a wife, nor does it stipulate that a man cannot marry more than two daughters-in-law.

Whether it is a tiger eating a wolf,

a wolf eating a sheep, or a man taking over a woman, it is the result of a game between species in nature.

For men, women are a resource, and for women, men

are also resources, and the emotional entanglement between men and women is essentially a competition for resources.

The essence of marriage ethics and the

constraints of civilized society on marriage is also the intervention of human civilization in the competition of resources between men and women. "


Fengxian's answer was philosophical, and Gongsun Yang roughly understood what Lu Fengxian wanted to express


At 12 o'clock in the morning, Lu Fengxian ended his speech and left the underground conference hall of the Dragon Palace with Ren Xiuya, Tian Shaofen, Xie Jiaqi, Jessica Elizabeth, and Evelyn Smith.

Lu Fengxian wrapped his arms around Ren Xiuya's shoulders and whispered, "Xiu Aya, Xilei is here." During the time we returned to China, Xilei was here to stay. I'm going to pick her up now, and I'll take care of the matter here. "

"I'll go with you. Ren Xiuya smiled weirdly, with a strong sense of vinegar in her words.


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