She hated the god-like Lu Fengxian to death, but she didn't dare to resist. At this moment, she truly realized that money and prosperity are things outside her body, and it is a wise choice to save her life.

She sneaked up to the window and behind the door to observe the movement outside. Behind the private house stand several other houses of various heights.

She shouted for help, which may attract others to rescue or call the police, but it may also alarm the elusive Lu Fengxian.


"Sasha, what are you thinking?"

Lu Fengxian returned to Xing Yusha

from the four-dimensional space, and the frightened Xing Yusha hurriedly wrapped her arms around Lu Fengxian's neck and sealed his mouth to hide the panic in her heart.

Eating people with a soft mouth and short hands for taking people, in the face of Xing Yusha's "bribery" and anti-guest, Lu Fengxian was in ......a dilemma


Xing Zhengbing's flamboyant move of marrying 70 million daughters quickly topped the hot search list of mainstream search engines once it was exposed by the media and spread on the Internet, attracting heated discussions and condemnation from all walks of life.

The media, representing the forces of justice, published editorials one after another, lashing out and condemning Xing Zhengbing's extravagance and arrogance. The relevant departments of the Youzhou and federal authorities held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures, and a storm of encirclement and suppression of coal bosses quietly formed.

Since then, Xing Zhengbing, who had been smooth sailing in the coal mining industry, had good luck coming to an end, being constrained everywhere, restricting bank loans, deteriorating his business, and losing money in a large area of investment projects.

A year later, the relevant departments collected evidence that Xing Zhengbing bribed public officials, bought state-owned coal mines at "cabbage prices", illegally operated them, and evaded taxes, and arrested him and imprisoned him.

Fifteen years later, Xing Zhengbing's billions of accumulated wealth were lost, and he was still in debt of 30 billion yuan, turning from a billionaire to a "10 billion loser".


In the

bedroom on the fifth floor of the private house at No. 19 Yalongwan Road, Anshan, Xing Yusha asked about Lu Fengxian's identity, and Lu Fengxian told the truth.

Xing Yusha suddenly felt like a dream, and was amazed, "Fengxian, you crossed back to Ansan from the plane and ruined my wedding, I don't know if I should hate you or thank you?"

Lu Fengxian's face was apologetic, and he said, "Don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame your father." If it weren't for him being too flamboyant and putting on a more luxurious posture than the emperor marrying a princess, I wouldn't have bullied you.

Also, you and

Li Tao have no feelings at all, and the union between you is completely using each other, and it is a marriage of interests between rich people. In such a marriage of wealth, I will meet a couple and break up a couple. "

Xing Yusha glared at Lu Fengxian and said, "You ruined my wedding, it didn't turn out that you liked me. You... You're a badass. "

Xing Yusha pretended, pinched Lu Fengxian's face, and said with a wry smile: "How do you plan to settle me? Take me to country A or stay with me?"

Lu Fengxian asked rhetorically: "What about you? Do you want to go to country A with me, or stay with your parents?"

Xing Yusha raised her eyebrows and said, "I don't have the face to stay in country C, you can take me away." "

"You've thought about it, don't you regret it?"

"Well, I figured it out. "

Lu Feng first took Xing Yusha into his arms and read her true thoughts. After experiencing the wedding scandal, Xing Yusha felt shameless in facing her relatives and friends, wanted to leave their sight, and was willing to follow Lu Fengxian.


When thinking about how to take Xing Yusha out of the country or back on the plane that flew from the Columbic District to Qiantang, Lu Feng was worried.

"If Xing Yusha wants to go to country A, she must apply for a passport in accordance with legal procedures, and it is too difficult to take her out of the country directly. "

"Take Xing Yusha, Cao Yu, Cao Lin, Cao Jing, and Qin Monroe

back to the plane that flew to Qiantang, Cao Yu, Cao Lin, Cao Jing, and Qin Monroe can leave the airport smoothly, Xing Yusha doesn't have a passport and air ticket, what should I do?"

Lu Fengxian

planned two plans, one is to let Xing Yusha go home, let her handle investment immigration, go directly to country A, and wait for Lu Fengxian in country A;

The second is to take her back to the four-dimensional space, find the moment fifteen years after the four-dimensional space, and then take the plane to Qiantang and meet at Qiantang International Airport.

Lu Feng first threw out two plans and asked Xing Yusha's opinion.

"Fengxian, after fifteen years of return, will I look fifteen years older?"

"Of course not. Just like me, I'm only ten years old now, but my body and appearance are the same as when I was twenty-five. "

"Ten-year-old, wow——


Xing Yusha looked at Lu Fengxian, who was only ten years old, and exaggerated a "vomiting" grimace.

"Fifteen years later, you will be forty years old, but your figure and appearance will still be twenty-five. "

"Hmm. Then I'll choose the second option. "

"Do you have a

property in your neighborhood? or a room that you have a key but no one is currently living in. "

"Yes, I have seven commercial houses in the city. "

Xing Yusha opened the wallet in her hand, found two keys, and said, "Xianyun Yayuan on Phoenix Road, Fulong Villa on Feihong Road, it seems that these two keys are these two." "

"Your family and the police may still be looking for you, from here to the two places you mentioned, we can't go blatantly, do you have a friend who can drive us to pick us up, hardcore?".

Xing Yusha said: "Xiaofang may be able to help us." "

Lu Fengxian asked, "Which Xiaofang?"

"You should have seen the bridesmaid who accompanied me to the bathroom. "

"Is it reliable?".

"It should be fine, I'll explain it to her. "


Lu Feng first returned the mobile phone to Xing Yusha

, and Xing Yusha dialed Lu Xiaofang's mobile phone to inquire about the situation after the wedding broke up.

Lu Xiaofang told her that the police called up all the surveillance footage of the wedding scene and found no suspicious person;

The police sent a large number of police to the scene to investigate, but an hour later, they suddenly all evacuated for unknown reasons

Xing Zhengbing sent a large number of bodyguards to inquire around, asking the surrounding residents, but to no avail;


incident happened suddenly, Xing Yusha "walked away" in front of relatives, friends and guests, and Li Tao's family felt that they had lost face and had already left Ansan ......

Xing Yusha asked Lu Xiaofang to borrow a seven-seater business car to pick her up downstairs at the private house at No. 19 Yalongwan Road, Anshan.

"Xiaofang, you must keep it secret, and you can't tell anyone, including my dad and my mom. If they had found out, I might have died. "

"Okay, I understand. I'll borrow the car now, you wait for my call. "

"Hmm. I'll contact you, I'll turn on the phone every ten minutes and call you. Also, my cheongsam was torn by him, don't forget to bring me a summer dress. "

Xing Yusha glanced at Lu Fengxian and hung up the phone.


After implementing the transfer vehicle, Lu Feng first dialed Cao Yu's phone and discussed the route to escape from the Carlton Hotel.


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