The scandal of "twin sisters serving a high-ranking

official and maintaining a lover relationship with dozens of high-ranking officials" is unprecedented, and the authorities are worried that once the scandal of Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei spreads, it will cause hundreds of millions of women to follow suit, and sharply reduce the already fragile social atmosphere.

In order to eliminate the negative impact of the scandal to the greatest extent, the relevant departments spoke out through the media, questioning the background of Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei sisters, and found Sun Bofu through the GA Bureau, hoping that "Explorer Multidimensional Technology" can "discover" special functions in Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei sisters, so as to divert the attention of hundreds of millions of "melon-eating people".

After some testing, Lu Zijing concluded that the sisters Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei are a pair of ordinary money worshippers with no special functions, and the reason why they can start from scratch and become "Bai Fumei" with billions of assets is that they "dare" to dedicate themselves, use beauty and real power officials to reach a "power transaction", and realize real power.

In media reports, Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei sisters, with power as the background, are good at dancing, doing business with local state-owned enterprises, and in a relatively short period of time, they have built a corporate territory involving coal mines, real estate, information technology and other fields, accumulating huge wealth, and their deeds have attracted attention from all walks of life.

Lu Zijing consulted Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei's files, Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei sisters started from scratch and experienced three stages of leaps

In the second stage, after the business field has become a courtesan, it gradually intervenes in the officialdom ecosystem, relying on the network resources of officialdom, contracting state-owned outsourcing business, and reselling "mining rights" and other scarce resources

In the third stage, Jin Shanxue,

vice governor and chief of the Supervision Commission, relied on Jin Shanxue's power of life and death, roamed in the political and business worlds, realized the cashing out of power, and the business became bigger and bigger.


Hu Yixin and Hu

Yilei were born in a dilapidated shantytown in Taigu County, Bingzhou Province, and Hu Yixin's father, Hu Ruixiang, was one of the first railway workers to settle in Taigu County.


Ruixiang's ancestral home is Lianxian County, Youzhou, so in the social field, Hu Yixin called himself "Lianxian people".

Hu's enterprise started 18 years ago in Beijing Hu's Science and Trade Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in technology development and transfer, technical training and services, information consulting, etc.

Hu's Science and Trade was cancelled after one year of registration.

Since then, the Hu family has established four companies with the name of "Hu Family".

After the cancellation of Beijing Hu's Science and Trade Co., Ltd

., Hu Ruixiang invested 50 million yuan to establish a joint venture with another shareholder to register and establish Bingzhou Hu's Science and Trade Co., Ltd. in Jinzhong

In the second year, Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei invested 2 million yuan and 1 million yuan respectively, and jointly ventured with others of 7 million yuan to register and establish Bingzhou Hu's Culture Communication Co., Ltd. in Daxia High-tech Zone, with Hu Yixin as the general manager.

Five years later, Bingzhou Hushi Information Technology Co., Ltd., with Hu Yilei as the legal person, was registered and established in Daxia High-tech Zone, and Hu Yilei served as the general manager.

At this stage, Hu Yixin began to be active in some circles of state-level officials in the state, but her business was not large, and was still limited to "small businesses" such as network engineering and information communication.

The asset fission of Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei sisters occurred in the third stage.

Fifteen years ago, Jin Shanxue was transferred from the capital to Bingzhou to serve as the chief of the state supervision, and at a gathering of official circles, Hu Yixin got acquainted with Jin Shanxue, and since then he has embarked on the road of wealth "hanging".

Lin Sen, an official of the GA Bureau who had dealt with Hu Yixin, told Lu Zijing, "If before meeting Jin Shanxue, the Hu sisters were still doing 'circle business', then after knowing Jin Shanxue, Hu Yixin was doing 'shadow business'." "

At a dinner in the

circle of high-level officials in Bingzhou, Lin Sen met Hu Yixin dressed as a star for the first time.

At that time, Hu Yixin was relatively peaceful. After a year, she gradually became more flamboyant, she would eat with us, and in the middle of the meeting, she would suddenly get up and say goodbye, saying that there were heavyweights waiting for her. "


Hu's company's "shadow business" consists of three major areas – mining, real estate and information technology.

Anlu Mining Group is one of the seven major coal enterprise groups in Bingzhou, Hu Yixin once cooperated with Anlu TV Station under Anlu Group on a digital TV project, Anlu TV Station gave a budget of 60 million yuan, and Hu Yixin's asking price was much higher than the budget of 60 million, so no cooperation was reached.

A few days later, Hu Yixin bypassed Anlu TV and completed the cooperation with the telecommunications department of Anlu Group, with a contract amount of up to 90 million yuan.


The file on the investigation and handling of Hu Yixin's sisters records that a business owner who had business dealings with Hu Yixin confessed to the case-handling personnel, "There are two main reasons. We all know that Hu Yixin's backer is Jin Shanxue, and some people do business with Hu Yixin purely to please her and beg her to do things.

On the other hand, we don't dare to offend her, for fear of framing and retaliation against Jin Shanxue. "

According to the

business owner, a functional agency in Jincheng intended to cooperate with Hu Yixin on an informatization project, but the then chief financial officer did not agree, and as a result, when the financial minister was nominated for the promotion of deputy speaker of parliament at the end of the year, the supervision department suddenly received an anonymous report letter, and the financial chief was immediately suspended for investigation.

Although the investigation did not reveal any problems, the treasurer was left idle for a year, missing out on a rare opportunity for promotion.


The dossier provided by the GA Bureau shows that Hu Yixin's sisters do information technology business with major mining bureaus in Bingzhou Province, and although the scale of the project is often hundreds of millions of yuan, it is just Hu Yixin's "small business".

After getting acquainted with Jin Shanxue, the real estate project operated by Hu Yixin is a big business with a huge profit and an astonishing scale.

When the Supervision Yuan investigated and dealt with Hu Yixin, the focus was on her operation in real estate.

The most eye-catching real estate project operated by Hu Yixin is "Gemini", which is located in the core area of Hedong in Daxia High-tech Zone.


"Gemini" project has put Bingzhou Blue Ocean Coal Industry Group, Bingzhou Jincheng Anthracite Mining Group and Blue Ocean Science and Technology Innovation, a listed company under Blue Ocean Group, into a deep situation.


In order to operate the "Gemini" real estate project, Blue Ocean Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Bingzhou Hu's Information Technology Co., Ltd.

jointly invested 500 million yuan to establish Bingzhou Lanhai Jiaming Technology Co., Ltd., of which "Hu's Information Technology" only contributed 55 million yuan with land use rights and monetary funds.

The wonderful thing about this project is that Blue Ocean Science and Technology Innovation and Shanxi Coal Group each lent 500 million yuan to Hu Yixin's company to help the financially strapped Hu family complete the commercial development of the "Gemini" project.

After the completion of the three buildings,

Hu Yixin sold the three buildings as a whole to three large enterprises in Bingzhou at a high price of 950 million yuan: Blue Ocean Group, Shanxi Coal Group, and Bingzhou Investment Group.

Using 55 million land use rights and monetary funds to leverage nearly 2 billion real estate projects, this kind of trick of empty gloves and white wolves is not uncommon in the capital market of country C, but the ferocious means of Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei sisters "after trapping the white wolf, and then tearing off the white wolf with the belt and meat, and making a lot of money" has subverted many people's cognition.

When Hu Yixin sold the property rights of the three buildings, she kept the property management company of the buildings in her hands and collected the property management fee ...... for 50 years in advance


Borrowing chickens to lay eggs, empty gloves white wolves, Hu Yixin and Hu Yilei's sisters' superb means of collecting money, shameless, shocking and vulgar, are amazing.


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