Lu Fengxian lay lazily on Cao Yu and yawned.

Cao Yu showed a pair of charming dimples, smiled slyly, and said, "You guess?"

"You want to murder your husband?".

Lu Fengxian was stunned and thought of the worst outcome.

"Congratulations, you got it right. "

Cao Yu bowed down and rewarded Lu Fengxian with a kiss.

Cao Yu couldn't help laughing, looked at Lu Fengxian, who was full of suspicion, and said, "You left the three of us sisters here, regardless of it."

We were bored, and when we checked the history of the Cao family, we found that you and my father were rivals.

Your approach to our sister turned out to be premeditated. You're looking for a chance to assassinate my dad. "


Lu Fengxian was shocked into a cold sweat, his brain was running rapidly, and he was thinking about a way to get out.

"You guys are really bored, now is a legal society, and killing people is to pay for their lives.

If I assassinate your father, won't I have to pay for my life? "

Lu Fengxian was forced to calm down, anti-guest, with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Apologize to me, or I'll be angry. "


Cao Jing sat in Lu Fengxian's ear, stroked his head lovingly, frowned slightly, and said, "Husband, you really won't assassinate my father." "

"Fool, why did I assassinate my father-in-law?".

"He has done a lot of bad things, and you want to avenge the miners who were persecuted by him. Also, you and my dad were enemies in our previous lives.

When you meet

in the 21st century, enemies meet each other, it is inevitable that you will not fight to the death. "

Lu Fengxian poked the little finger of his left hand out of the silkworm treasure robe, hooked Cao Jing's little hand, and said, "Xiaojing, in the past month or so, I have experienced a lot of things.

Actually, I've figured it out a long time ago. Whether in the ancient times when there was a shortage of wars or in the present when the material civilization was highly developed, it was impossible to achieve equality between people.

The survival of the strong is the eternal theme of human society.

The result of competition between people, ethnic groups, nations, and countries is inevitably that some people, some ethnic groups, some

nationalities, and some countries live at the top of the pyramid jungle society, trampling others, ethnic groups, nations, and countries under their feet.

Without Cao Mengde's reckless military force and reckless disregard for human life, there would also be Zhang Mengde and Li Mengde who would have rebelled and harmed the world, or they would have taken advantage of other people's wives and daughters and swept the wealth of the world.

Don't talk about it, don't worry, I won't go against my father-in-law. "

Cao Jingwan smiled and said, "Are you telling the truth? You really won't go against my father?"

"Really, lied to you that you're a puppy. "



Jing showed a pleased smile on her face, looked at Cao Yu, and said, "Sister, what Feng Xian said is very reasonable, I believe that Feng Xian, he will not harm his father." "


Yu looked at Cao Lin and asked for Cao Lin's opinion.

Cao Lin looked at Lu Fengxian's eyes, pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay." I believe in you, but you have to swear that you will never hurt my dad, never go against my dad, and love us forever. "

Lu Fengxian frowned slightly, and said, "The first and third, I can do it." Second, I have reservations. No one is perfect, my father-in-law is not a god, there will always be times when he says the wrong thing and does the wrong thing.

I'm the same, I also have a cold and fever, talk nonsense, do stupid things, never go against my father-in-law, don't talk (zui), this sentence is a bit absolute and does not conform to dialectics. "

"Okay, okay, don't be verbose!".

Cao Yu rolled his eyes and loosened the silkworm treasure clothes.

Without the shackles of the silkworm treasure clothes, Lu Fengxian quickly regained the initiative, he used both soft and hard, and took Cao Yu, Cao Lin, and Cao Jing "care" well, and took them to sleep.


In a

haze, Lu Fengxian was woken up by Cao Lin, "Husband, hurry up, today is Monday, and I will get school at half past seven." "


"You're sleepy, aren't you? If we don't go to school, we don't have a diploma, and we can't find decent jobs without a diploma.

Stop grinding and get dressed. "

Lu Fengxian was sleepy-eyed, was dragged by Cao Lin, put on a set of sportswear, and went to the bathroom to wash his face and rinse his mouth.


Yu and Cao Jing came out of the kitchen, holding three plastic bags containing four breakfasts.


Lu Fengxian, Cao Yu, Cao Lin, and

Cao Jing went out, stopped a taxi, and rushed to a martial arts school at 7:20.

The four of them found their respective seats, seized the time to gobble up, ate chicken bones on the ground, and threw paper towels on the ground.

Zhang Yang, a classmate sitting next to Lu Fengxian, reminded Lu Fengxian, "Fengxian, don't throw garbage on the ground, the teacher will beat the board and punish the station." "

"Thank you!".

Lu Fengxian hurriedly kicked the garbage around him, Cao Yu, Cao Lin, and Cao Jing's desks with his feet under the seat.

As soon as Lu Fengxian returned to his seat, Cheng Yaowu, the head teacher with a horse's face, and Chen Gongtai, an assistant teacher, entered the classroom.

Cheng Yaowu smelled a smell of chicken wings and hot and sour screw powder, frowned, raised his hand and slapped his nose.

Whoever litters will be given 40 strokes and will be punished for five days. "


Chen Gongtai saluted Cheng Yaowu, walked to each seat, and called up fifteen students, including Zhang Xiaolong, Zhuang Rongrong, Li Ziqi, and Fan Xinya, who had garbage around the desk.

"Wait for the ruler!".

Cheng Yaowu blushed and shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, fifteen black-clothed men each held a bamboo ring ruler, took square steps, pushed the door in, and rushed to Zhang Xiaolong, Zhuang Rongrong, Li Ziqi, Fan Xinya and other fifteen students, grabbed their left hands, turned over their palms, raised the ring ruler and hit it.





classroom suddenly resounded with the sound of bang


At the end of the "execution", Cheng Yaowu ordered fifteen men in black to hold on to the fifteen punished students and not allow them to sit down.

"Students, you have all seen that this is the consequence of breaking the law and throwing garbage.

I hope you will take this as a warning and remind yourself every day to be a good student who abides by the law.

Today, we will talk about the ...... of the Public Security Administration Punishment Regulations



Zhang Xiaolong, who was sitting on Lu Fengxian's left hand, saw that Lu Fengxian, Sun Zhongmou, Liu Xuande and other classmates who also threw away garbage were not punished, and he was indignant in his heart, and his face was red with anger.

Several of them also threw out the garbage, why didn't you punish them?".

Cheng Yaowu walked off the podium, passed by the tables of Lu Fengxian, Sun Zhongmou, and Liu Xuande, and returned to the podium.

He sneered, looked at Zhang Xiaolong, and said, "There is no problem with my punishment decision. Around their desks, I don't see any garbage, and you look around your desks ......


Zhang Xiaolong was resentful, his face was swollen and red, and there were tears of grievance in his eyes. He interrupted Cheng Yaowu's words and said hatefully, "Their garbage is under the seats!

Cheng Yaowu pondered, consciously reasoned with his mistakes, and said in his heart: "Yes, it is also littering, we only punish fifteen students who are caught, and ignore those students who hide the garbage. "


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