Lu Feng opened his eyes first, picked up Liu Yiwen, laid her flat on the leather sofa, sorted out her clothes, picked up his sportswear, and covered her.

Then, he opened the window and let the fresh air waft into the house, diluting the filth in the house.


Three hours ago, when Lu Fengxian and Liu Yiwen hugged each other affectionately and sympathized with each other, the preparatory work for the launch of the energy drink and the press conference of celebrity endorsement was nearing the end.

Fu Yuan sent the last batch of copywriting, graphics and video works to Liu Yiwen, and Liu Yiwen was able to use two minds, while... , while giving orders to Fu Yuan, deploying major matters such as momentum, division of labor, and capital scheduling.

If it weren't for his personal experience, it would be difficult for Lu Fengxian to imagine that a strong woman who is well-informed, broad-minded, well-managed, decisive, and meticulous in her work is also in the love field.


"What kind of woman is she?

Why did she go to the Marriott Hotel to meet Shen Wenjun?

What kind of price does it cost for a white Fumei to support a business?

In addition to Shen Wenjun, will there be other officials who bully her?


Lu Fengxian thought wildly, and had a lot of questions in his heart that he wanted to ask Liu Yiwen.

"The world is full of living beings, and people from different walks of life have different ways of living.

Living in the countryside, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, giving birth to children, birth, old age, sickness and death, and ending in dullness.

They also live in rural areas, and in order to improve their lives, some people leave their hometowns, away from their wives and children, and work in other villages, leaving their wives to take care of the housework and take care of the old and young in their hometowns.

Some of the women who stayed in the countryside worked hard and struggled to support them

Some are unwilling, or abandon their children, remarry in a foreign country, or throw themselves into the arms of other men to fill the shortcomings of their husbands' absence.

In the city, the economy is active, and life is varied. There is a happy home of husband and wife love, a virtuous wife and filial piety, and a nominal husband and wife who have bad things, indifferent feelings, and different dreams in the same bed;

There are cynical, prodigal men and women in the game world;

There are depraved groups who rely on power or wealth, and are arrogant and lascivious;

Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, good and evil are intertwined, and so on ......".

Lu Fengxian thought of himself again, "In the pyramid jungle society, where do I live?"

Between good and evil,

good and evil, how do I choose?

To be an ordinary person who abides by the law, follows the rules, and lives a plain life, or to be a king of the world who controls his fate, calls for wind and rain, and does whatever he wants?......



A sound of Buddha music interrupted Lu Fengxian's thoughts, he was worried that the ringtone of his mobile phone would wake Liu Yiwen up, so he hurriedly connected to the video.

"Lu Qinxian, you did a good thing, hurry up and come over to me!"

At the other end of the video, Xie Siqi's eyes widened, gritted her teeth, and glared at Lu Fengxian viciously.

Lu Fengxian lowered the microphone and said softly: "My aunt, what's wrong? Who made you angry?"

"Who else but you? Stop talking nonsense, get over here!".

"Okay, don't be angry, I'll go over right away. "

Lu Fengxian glanced at Liu Yiwen gently, hung up the video, hurried to Xie Jiaqi and Zhao Jie's room, and knocked lightly.

Xie Jiaqi opened the room, pulled Lu Fengxian into the room aggressively, and locked the door.

"Baby, what's going on?".

Lu Feng hugged Xie Jiaqi first and squeezed out a flattering smile.

Xie Jiaqi held the mobile phone screen in front of Lu Fengxian's eyes, and said hatefully: "See for yourself!"

Lu Feng took a closer look and immediately understood the reason why Xie Jiaqi was angry.

"Married for six years, guarding herself like jade, Qiantang beauty met a foreign fitness coach by chance, and resolutely went out of the wall" The article turned out that a lady surnamed Xie married Zhang Moulong, who had an annual salary of one million, and was married for six years, and was actually an original girl.


"Lu Fengxian, in order to go on the market for energy drinks, you actually ......."


Xie Jiaqi was embarrassed and angry, burst into tears, raised her hand and slapped Lu Fengxian.

"Baby, don't get angry, listen to me. "

Lu Feng first grabbed Xie Jiaqi's hand and sat down on Simmons with her.

"I don't listen, I don't listen!".




After appeasing Xie Jiaqi, Lu Feng first opened the browser and news app, and saw more scandals of married men in country C working overtime in order to make a living or chasing money, overdrawing their bodies, being "powerless" and "powerless" in front of their wives, and finally wearing a green hat.


scandal of a number of Western fitness coaches and martial arts coaches dating more than 1,000 beautiful girlfriends in country C has also been dug up by the media again.

"A Western martial arts coach dated 1,200 girlfriends from country C and uploaded indecent videos to overseas websites for profit".

"Many Qiantang celebrities were deceived by Western coaches".

"A number of rich girls beat each other on the street in order to compete for the fitness coach of country A".

"The rich girl in Qiantang is keen on the secret of fitness, and if her husband can't give it, the fitness coach can give it".

"The secret of fitness coaches becoming more and more popular, some women admit that the loss inside the wall is made up for outside the wall".

"The CEO of a

famous company was killed by his wife and a foreign personal trainer, and his assets were transferred".


The scandal of Qiantang and the sharp increase of non-biological women in China has also entered the forefront of the hot search list:

"The detection rate of non-biological children in Qiantang True Love DNA testing institutions exceeds 50%".

"DNA testing anecdotes, a pair of twins detected two fathers".

"The number of non-biological children has skyrocketed, and the fitness coach group has been questioned".


The unbearable side of people who work overtime for a long time and pay high salaries occupies a lot of traffic:

"The tragedy of the techno-ape group, he works overtime at work, and his wife works overtime at someone else's house".

"The million-year-paid executive has long failed to fulfill his obligations as a man and was sued by his wife in court".

"High salaries and wives can't be both, and the hidden divorce rate in Qiantang is far beyond imagination".

"The husband is busy with work, goes out early and returns late, hides the beauty of Bai Fumei, and adopts the homeless".

"The health of married men in Qiantang is worrying, and income is inversely proportional to health".

"The divorce rate in country C is rising, and high-paid workers are the first to bear the brunt".

"The higher divorce rate in country C and the decline in the reproductive capacity of men in country C are the main reasons".


"Wonderful, well done. "

Lu Fengxian was filled with righteous indignation and applauded the high efficiency of Liu Yiwen and the backbone of the "New Art Culture" business.

Xie Jiaqi's face was flushed, and he pinched Lu Fengxian's armpit fiercely, and said hatefully: "Sure enough, it's a good thing you did, and you're not a good thing." "

Lu Fengxian hugged Xie Jiaqi lightly and said: "Natural selection, survival of the fittest." Living in a jungle society where the jungle is the strong, except for a few geniuses and lucky people, the vast majority of people seem to have a choice in their lives, but in fact, they simply have no ability to get rid of the arrangement of fate.

The state I am in is not what I want. "

"Sophistry. You are changing the lives of many people right now. How many couples, couples, and families will be torn apart by these overwhelming scandals on the Internet?".

Lu Fengxian stroked Xie Jiaqi's hair, sighed, and said, "If it is not broken, it will not stand, and it will be born after death." Perhaps, through this round of heart-rending baptism, the atmosphere of country C will change significantly. "


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