On the walls on the left and right sides of the bronze statue of the six gods, there are 28 portraits of the reincarnation of the stars, Liu Xuande, Ma Jichang, Lu Zifang, Li Zhengfang, Fa Xiaozhi, Chen Yunnan and other 28 important figures of the Shuhan Shoe Group walked into the hall in turn, and after saluting the six gods, they escaped into the painting one after another.

On the open field outside the hall, Ma Mengqi, Wang Zijun, Wei Wenchang and more than a dozen male and female tourists in different costumes, in twos and threes, or in front of the incense burner to offer incense, or hold mobile phones, cameras, take pictures of the clouds and mist and mountain scenery around Huilongguan.

Approaching noon, six men in gray robes held compasses and talismans, walked to the door of the Heavenly King's Palace, turned to face the outside of the hall, and chanted words in their mouths.


Every day at noon, Fulongguan will hold a prayer ceremony to worship the heavens. During the festival, no one is allowed to enter the Hall of the Heavenly King, except for pilgrims who have paid the incense money.

Zhu Xiaoming and Pang Shiyuan covered the door of the Heavenly King Palace, pushed the door bolt, and then returned to the middle of the Heavenly King Palace, back to back, bent knees on the futon.

"Let's get started. "

Liu Xuande,

who was hiding in the portrait of Fang Xuanqiao, the reincarnation of the ginseng ape, threw down a bamboo slip and opened the prelude to the high-level secret meeting of the Shuhan Shoes Group.

Zhu Xiaoming saluted Liu Xuande, opened the quantum information conference system, and spoke with the help of the sound conversion system.

"The general trend of the world, together for a long time, must be divided, and for a long time, it must be united. Since country C and country A abandoned their previous suspicions and opened their doors to each other, country C quickly integrated into the globalized economic circle dominated by country A, with sustained and stable economic growth, and the ideological field also changed rapidly with close economic and cultural exchanges.

Decades later, country C has achieved a significant increase in its comprehensive national strength at the expense of the environment and ideological system.

On the surface, country C has achieved the goal of exchanging resources and environment for development, and has a strong military strength to protect its territory and threaten the hegemony of country A, but it remains to be discussed whether these financial and military resources can become bargaining chips against the hegemon.

Let's first look at the global discourse pattern, country A leads the rich country group to dominate the world order by virtue of its global hegemony and global leadership in military power, economy, and science and technology

Country X confronts the rich bloc led by country A with its huge stockpile of destructive missiles

Country C, on the other hand, skillfully maneuvered between countries, cooperated with other countries economically, and joined hands with Country X in terms of military strength and strategy to confront the rich bloc led by country A.

This three-legged situation is very similar to the open and secret struggle between Wei, Shu and Wu during the Three Kingdoms period.

The tragedy of history tends to repeat itself, and I fear that this strategy of country C will eventually lead to the unification of country A with the world. "

Liu Xuande frowned and said, "How can you see it?"

Zhu Xiaoming explained: "The progress made by country C in economy, science and technology, and military strength is obvious to all, and it is only a matter of time before country A and country X catch up, but after all, the fate of a country is not determined by economy, science and technology, and military strength, but by people or by people's will."

At present, the elites in the elite

class who control the fate of country C have three views that are completely different from those of country A and the rich country group, but the life span of people is limited, and in time, after the elite of these elites pass away, it is difficult to say whether the successor elite can inherit the legacy of their parents and continue to inherit the ideology of country C.

Once the ideology of country C is replaced by the ideology of the rich bloc, the

wealth, military strength, and people of the land of country C will naturally become the pockets of the rich bloc.

The rich country will win without a fight!".





Zhu Xiaoming's

speech caused a sigh, and Liu Xuande, Ma Jichang, Lu Zifang, Li Zhengfang, Fa Xiaozhi, and Chen Yunnan couldn't help but make a sound after listening to Zhu Xiaoming's explanation.

Ma Jichang asked: "The future of country C and the Chinese nation is indeed worrisome, how can we reverse this passive situation?"

Zhu Xiaoming and Pang Shiyuan retreated to the corner of the wall, turned on the virtual reality, and a sphere with a diameter of one meter and a half instantly appeared in the middle of the Heavenly King Palace.

Zhu Xiaoming pointed at country A on the other side of the ocean on the earth with a laser pointer, and said: "The art of war has clouds, soldiers will block, and water will flood."

In order to reverse the passive situation in which country C is dominated by the rich group of countries in country A, it is necessary to understand their strategic intentions, so as to prescribe the right medicine and find a way to solve it.

In the

life-and-death contest between countries and camps, military strength dominates, but the confrontation in the ideological field can also affect the overall situation. The division of the home country of country X by the instigation of country A and the rich group is a typical lesson. "


With Zhu Xiaoming's description, banknotes, planes, ships, missionaries, and businessmen from countries A, E, JP, and CA in virtual reality poured into the major cities of country C, and the minerals, commodities, students, merchants, tourists, and a large number of banknotes from country C were dispersed from the major cities of country C to the member countries of the rich country group by planes and ships.


Zhu Xiaoming took a big sip of tea, looked at Pang Shiyuan, and said, "Those who win the hearts of the people win the world." Brother Shi Yuan, if you were the decision-making elite of country A and wanted to turn country C into your back garden, what would you do?".

Pang Shiyuan stroked his goat's whiskers and said with a smile: "No need to assume, in fact, in my opinion, country A has achieved the strategic goal of 'surrendering without a fight'.

After country A opened the door of country C,

it took advantage of the opportunity of exchanges in various fields such as economy, finance, culture, science and technology, and art to import the world outlook, outlook on life, and values of country A and the rich country group into country C, and launched a head-to-head confrontation in the ideological field.

As a result of the confrontation, the worldview, outlook on life, and values of country A and the rich country group have influenced generations of people in country C, and greatly weakened the influence of the ancestral culture of country C.

At the same time, the high prosperity of economic activities at any time, the people's desire for money and wealth in country C has reached the extreme, which has accelerated the demise of the local cultural genes of country C.

In the field of culture, the philosophical works, literary works, artistic works, film and television works of the Wells Fargo Group

occupy the commanding heights of the campus field of Country C, destroying their cultural self-confidence and strengthening their worship of the cultural and artistic achievements of the Wells Fargo Group.

In the field of faith, missionaries from the rich nation entered country C in large numbers and introduced their scriptures and teachings into country C.

In the field of spy warfare, the commercial spies and cultural spies of the rich country group infiltrated country C in large numbers and cultivated tens of millions of backbones and fans.

In terms of lifestyle, the people of country

C, who have developed from a poor place, still have the memory of poverty in their bones, envy the lifestyle of the rich people of the rich group, absorb the dross, and ignore the essence of the rich country group's way of life.

In terms of competition for talents, the good teaching, academic atmosphere and excellent employment prospects of country A and the rich country group have attracted the top university graduates of country C. A large number of gifted students have been lost to country A and other member countries of the rich group.

In terms of the competition for wealth, the financial immigration policy of country A and the rich country group

has attracted the richest class of country C to transfer tens of trillions of dollars of wealth to country A and other member countries of the rich group.

In other aspects, I will not go into details, but all in all, country A and the rich group have succeeded in destroying the ideological system of country C and occupying the commanding heights of wealth and ideology by using the bait of promoting economic development and the improvement of comprehensive national strength.

Those who win hearts and minds win the world. Country A and the rich country group have already controlled the hearts and minds of the majority of the people in country C, especially the elites, and as long as the current situation is maintained, country C will naturally become the backyard of country A and the rich country group. "


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