All colleagues must keep it strictly confidential and do not disclose any words to anyone outside of this meeting, including their own families. "

Pang Shiyuan

picked up two bowls of blood wine, handed one to Zhu Xiaoming, and said: "Shiyuan and the acting lord of the army division and twenty-seven colleagues will guarantee the lives of the whole family and swear by wine to seek a great cause. If you violate it, you will be destroyed!"

After Pang Shiyuan finished speaking, together with Zhu Xiaoming, he raised his head and drank the blood wine in the bowl.

In the following meeting, Zhu Xiaoming presided over the discussion of the management methods for the use of information and passed relevant resolutions.


In the No. 3 conference room on the first floor of the teaching building of Tiandu School of Administration, Huang Yisheng, who is nearly sixty years old, is wearing a gray suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, standing on the podium, like a scholar.

During the trip to Tiandu School of Administration, Zhu Xiaoming gave Huang Yisheng the task of "

planting trees to educate people, drawing salaries from the bottom of the kettle", developing the backbone of teachers and students of Tiandu School of Administration into loyal students of Huang Yisheng, and cooperating with Shuhan Footwear Group to complete the great cause of "unifying the world" when the water came to fruition.

Huang Yisheng looked at the more than 100 executives, teachers and students of the School of Administration in the audience, and talked eloquently about the "sacred mission of government officials".

“...... In the long history of mankind, every person's life is only a short moment.

In a short and precious life, everyone has different choices, some yearn for power, some pursue material interests, and some pursue the enjoyment of the five senses;

Some people go along with the flow and spend their lives in vain according to the rhythm of others

Some people advocate the laws of nature and seek self-fulfillment in the competition of the jungle

Some people care about the world and hope to exert their light and heat for the world in a limited life;


I believe that all the teachers and students here hope to make a difference, dedicate your wisdom and talents to the administrative positions that benefit the people, and use your outlook on life, values and government affairs to guide colleagues and the people to light, happiness and prosperity.

Is that so?".

"Yes—" The teachers and students in the audience responded in unison.

Huang Yisheng opens a projection file and freezes the image on a circular structure diagram.

"The whole world is full of wonders, all living beings, thousands of people and thousands of faces, people with different circumstances, different personalities, and different values are in competition, contradictions, and co-prosperity, which is the normal ecology of human society.

The mission of every teacher and student of the School of Administration is to regulate the order of society and all walks of life, and to ensure the rational and orderly development of society and economy. "

He pointed to the "public gate" at the upper end of the circle with a laser pointer and said: "As professionals in the field of administration, we have a great responsibility.

There are many unsatisfactory aspects of the current administrative environment, working environment, and living environment.

Affected by the infiltration of external forces, the temptation of material interests, and the game of interest groups, the power of the public sector is complicated, and it is difficult for many government officials who really want to do practical things to fulfill their ambitions.

This requires the professionals of our School of Administration to stand up bravely, eliminate resistance and interference, and fulfill our sacred mission.

I propose that our seminar should focus on how to build a fair, honest, pragmatic and efficient government affairs system, form a codification-style document, and come up with concrete and feasible strategies and implementation plans......



After Huang Yisheng's speech, his protégé, Xu Zheng, dean of Tiandu School of Administration, took the microphone from the stage.

Xu Zhenglu analyzed a series of problems in the domestic government affairs system, such as corruption, lazy government, cliques, pursuit of fame and fortune, disregard for ethics and morality, and trampling on law and discipline, and proposed solutions.

“...... The problems existing in the government affairs system have been around for a long time, and it is necessary to take a multi-pronged approach, on the one hand, from multiple perspectives such as assessment, supervision, law and discipline, and media supervision

On the other hand, we need to form a special force within the government affairs system, implement the government affairs concept of 'helping the world and protecting the common people' advocated by Mr. Yisheng, promote various government affairs with a selfless and fearless spirit, and use words and deeds to imperceptibly influence colleagues around us, internal and external linkage, make every effort to repair various problems existing in the government affairs system, purify the government affairs environment, and make the government affairs system become the mainstay of social and economic development.

I propose the establishment of a mutually helpful executive body, the Huang Government Philosophy Executive Committee, to implement Mr. Yisheng's government affairs proposition. "

Huang Yisheng waved his hand again and again, and said: "On the right path, I don't have any personal ideas in terms of governing the country of the Qi family.

When I was the dean of the School of Administration, the concepts and ideas I advocated were the spiritual food left to us by the sages and famous ministers of the past generations, and we need to learn from their wisdom and carry forward these spiritual wealth in our daily work and life. "


A middle-aged man sitting on the left side of Xu Zhenglu raised his hand gently. Huang Yisheng smiled slightly and motioned for the middle-aged man to speak.

"Dean Huang, we need a backbone to carry out these ideas. The sages and ministers of the past generations are too far away from us, and if we use their names to propagate the political ideas of modern society, not only will we not be grounded, but we will also attract misunderstanding and even criticism from some short-sighted people.

They will ask rhetorically, is it prosperous in ancient times or

prosperous now, is it the scientific and technological progress in ancient times or the development of science and technology now?

Who believes that it is used as an ancient backward ideology to guide the advanced era?

If you are willing to come forward, it will be logical to promote the claims of the sages of the past. "


The middle-aged man's surname is Chen Mingxiaoqi, vice president and academic director of Tiandu School of Administration. When Huang Yisheng was the president, Chen Xiaoqi was Huang Yisheng's secretary, and most of Huang Yisheng's political affairs were written by Chen Xiaoqi.

Xu Zhenglu and Chen Xiaoqi are both students of Huang Yisheng's lineage, and the

two sang and harmonized, touting Huang Yisheng, and proposed the establishment of the "Huang's Political Affairs Thought Executive Committee", the purpose of which is to establish Huang Yisheng's authority, and at the same time screen the loyalty of teachers and students in the audience, and find out those who are not determined to ride the wall.


Huang Yisheng bowed slightly, looking at the more than 100 teachers and students in the audience. His eyes met from near and far to the eyes of the audience looking at him.

In these eyes, there is admiration, appreciation, and convincing, as well as disdain and hatred.


"Hey, you kid has a kind of how dare you sneak into my territory!".

Huang Yisheng caught the hostile glances in the audience, noted the location of these hostile glances, and sent them to Chen Xiaoqi.

Five minutes later, more than a dozen men in light blue security suits walked into Room 3 and "invited" nine male students and two male and one female three teachers out.


Chen Xiaoqi stood up, faced the restless audience, and said, "Everyone, don't be impatient, the few students who left just now have expressed some inappropriate views on social platforms, and the relevant departments need to talk to them."

It is estimated that it will be just a routine inquiry, and it will be fine, and we will continue the meeting. "


After cleaning up the teachers and students with different intentions, Chen Xiaoqi used radical words to further test the loyalty of the teachers and students present.

“...... People live in the world, and there are countless choices, or covet comfort, or chase fame and fortune, or covet beauty, or protect oneself wisely, or sacrifice one's life for righteousness.

Heaven has a great responsibility, who else is me?

I believe that all the colleagues who follow Yisheng have a pure heart and are willing to fight for the realization of the supreme ideal of helping the world and protecting the common people for the rest of their lives.

I very much agree with the dean's proposal, and I also welcome all colleagues who are here today to join the Executive Committee, learn from each other, help each other, advance and retreat together, and use the strength of the team to inherit the political philosophy and propositions of the sages and teachers of the past generations, so that hundreds of millions of compatriots can enjoy a better life under our care. "


Chen Xiaoqi's impassioned speech won thunderous applause. Encouraged by him, the teachers and students in Conference Room 3 expressed their willingness to join the Executive Committee, and under the leadership of Huang Yisheng and the Executive Committee, they acted in unison to complete the mission of helping the world and protecting the common people.



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