The burly Fang Shijie is from Mita Steel Group's Tianfu Steel Co., Ltd. and is the deputy manager of the attendance department of the company's human resources center.


members of the 5th group are from Tianfu City's construction, real estate, boiler factories, machinery factories, chemical plants, shipyards and other manufacturing enterprises.

Fang Shijie toasted Guan Yunchang, Lu Yongqi, Zhao Changwei and other coaches one by one, and then took advantage of the wine to ask Guan Yunchang for help.

"Big brother, the brothers in our 5 groups are from different factories and have known each other before. You'll have to help us!

This time, I'm going to take down all the mongrels who are covering the sky and doing nonsense in the factory. "

Guan Yunchang held Fang Shijie's left shoulder and said, "Shijie, as far as I know, the interpersonal relationship in the factory is simple, the top and bottom are very simple and united, how can there be something that covers the sky with one hand?"

Fang Shijie shook his head, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Big brother, you may not have been in the factory and don't know the situation in the factory. The brothers at the bottom of the factory are having a hard time!".

Fang Shijie took a bottle of liquor from the hands of team member Feng Shengcai, poured about two taels, and took a sip.

"Long story short. In our steel mill, there are only two kinds of people, foremen and migrant workers. From the general manager, vice president, chief engineer, section director, deputy director, to the foreman, they work easily, every day is not a meeting, drinking tea, or pointing fingers, but the income is five times, ten times, even dozens of times, hundreds of times.

We, the migrant workers who work hard, have a pitiful basic salary and post salary, and there is no guarantee.

In the past, like the foremen, we served iron rice bowls, and we were all regular workers.

A year ago, we were transferred to an outsourcing company by them on the opportunity of improvement.

We are now temporary workers in outsourcing companies, and as long as we don't listen to the foreman, they can ask us to leave at any time. "

Feng Shengcai had a bitter face and said: "Before outsourcing, if the foremen did something wrong, we can fight with reason, slap the table with them and scold their mothers, and find the competent department to sue them."

Now, hmph, even if we don't mess with them, they just need to look at us unpleasantly and find a random reason, and they can get the outsourcing company to replace us. "

Guan Yunchang's eyebrows tightened, and he asked rhetorically: "Didn't the worker brother become the master of the house a long time ago? How could it become like this, and he was casually ridden on his head by the foreman to and pee?"

Feng Shengcai said: "Isn't it? Every time the management model is improved, the treatment of the foremen is getting better and better, the power is getting bigger and bigger, and the courage is getting bigger and bigger."

And the treatment of our workers rises and falls, and the more they change, the more insecure they become. "

Fang Shijie said: "Deng Shanqi, chairman of Mita Group, and his family regard the group as a fat sheep, his younger brother Deng Shanlong monopolizes the group's procurement business, and his son Deng Kun has registered an import and export company in the Honggang Special Economic Zone to provide iron ore to the group.

Deng Kun imported low-quality iron ore from abroad and sold it to our steel mill at the best price, making huge profits.

The previous chairmen of the group were also dismissed because their whole family went into battle, harming the public and private interests, and was reported.

Deng Shanqi did not learn a lesson, and like his predecessors, he went his own way and acted recklessly. "

Guan Yun said: "Using low-quality iron ore to pass off as high-quality iron ore, they dare to make money that hurts nature and conscience, it's hateful!"

Is there no one to cure them?!


Fang Shijie said: "Of course there is! Every few years, a wave of foremen are reported to be dismissed from class. Change to a wave of foremen, and these mongrels, like the previous wave of foremen, continue to mess around.

We sued Deng Shanqi for six years before we brought him down!".

Feng Shengcai said: "In addition to harming the public and private interests, and treating the workers as non-people, these bastards also make the whole group a miasma.

The officials formed cliques and factions, ate and drank heavily, and their lives were corrupt and degenerate, and their morals were corrupt.

In such an environment, the workers were affected, the men were cheating and cheating, and the women were opportunistic.

The woman of the water-based poplar is like a fish in water, and she is promoted and raised;

A woman with good economic conditions will choose to quit her job and leave;

A woman with average conditions will go against the grain, go along with the mongrels, and become the playthings of the mongrels.

How chaotic the relationship between men and women in the steel mill is, outsiders can't imagine. "

Guan Yun stretched his "Guan Gong face", looked at Fang Shijie, and said hatefully: "Shijie, you say, how do you want to deal with those bastards?"

Fang Shijie said: "Those mongrels bully the soft and fear the hard, we can take advantage of them to spend the night at their lover's house, go to the K room of the hotel, or control them when they are dating in a bar or teahouse, video and take pictures."

Get their handles, and they will definitely give in and be at our mercy. "

Guan Yun said, "Oh, is this okay? They won't resist or denounce us?"

Fang Shijie smiled strangely and said, "I don't dare! Those bastards are usually pampered, but they have one thing in common, they are all very afraid of death.

Although they know some thugs and even small bosses of the gray road, they have never met a tough opponent.

I believe that we at the Ranger Foundation will be able to make them obedient!".

Guan Yunchang nodded and said, "Well, whether they accept it or not, this time they must be subdued!"

He paused, pondered for a moment, and said, "Men are easy to deal with, but what about those women who are taken by the foreman?

Fang Shijie snorted coldly and said, "The women who were taken bad by the foremen asked for money and shamelessness, they don't care about their reputation, but they care about money.

We can catch a few typical examples, openly give their bosses as lovers, blatantly go to the boss's office to sleep, and the department holds a meeting to sit on the boss's lap, forcing each of them to take out 500,000 yuan and donate it to poverty alleviation agencies, and ask them to write a letter of guarantee, be honest, and no longer be anyone's lover. "

"Well, it makes sense! These women care about money, and when they are punished until they feel distressed, they will restrain themselves and play a role in making an example. "

Guan Yunchang agreed to Fang Shijie's

plan, promised to meet Fang Shijie's request at any time, and arranged manpower to cooperate with his actions.


Wang Qiyong, the leader of the 6th group,

is a reporter for the social news section of a Tianfu web portal, and the members of the 6th group are all from mainstream media such as newspapers, television stations, radio stations, magazines, web portals, social platforms, and short videos.

Wang Qiyong got straight to the point and talked about the punishment plan of the 6th team.

"A thousand miles of embankment collapsed in an anthill. Freezing three feet, not a day's cold. The problems that arise in Tianfu and even in society as a whole involve a wide range of issues, from top to bottom and all walks of life have deficiencies and responsibilities.

The mainstream media

shoulder the heavy responsibility of propagating and guiding the world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and the responsibility of the mainstream media is not small in the deterioration of the social atmosphere.

Some mainstream media are mercenary, allowing low-level content, voices, and images to spread around, and even launch some programs and content that mislead the public for the sake of ratings and traffic to cater to the audience's low-level taste.

If they are held accountable, they are accomplices in the deterioration of the social atmosphere and sinners of history, and they must be severely punished!"


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